The truth about us

The truth finally comes out, I told the truth that I smoked in the house and I'm glad I did, more truth is "people like us", who are Christians, love our country and go out having hectic lifestyles.

In all likelihood we're patriots and I'm not ashamed that I'm a patriot, we're what you love calling an asshole, but people like me don't mess around, when we say how normal we are, we're talking about everyone else, that we're not individuals, that we're even the same, do you think I care about making a difference or care about your individuality? No, all I care about is being acceptable among society, to gain everyone's respect, and to be good myself, and grok, important in a circumspect way like a normal person with no discernment and without any distinctions.

What do I care about most? My own behaviour which I made up, but with 97% of it not my own, I haven't done anything weird, normal is just mimicking everybody else, average, usual, regular, mundane, typical, not weird, different, or special, at least 94%, that's my definition of normal. If you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem.

And another thing, as a 25-year-old in a 30-something body I didn't give a shit what you think, the reality is I'm here, I'm queer, and I'm not different. You have to pull yourself from your damn problem, it's people like us who succeed in so much more in a week than you've ever done in a lifetime, if you have a problem with the truth, I can tell you I have nothing to hide, we're not stupid and I hope it hurts your feelings! I do what people hate, I'm not a bastard, I haven't done anything to offend you, and if you don't like it, I hope you piss off on your bloody horse!

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Comments ( 2 )
  • SwickDinging

    Hans, if you're living with other people who have asked you not to smoke inside, then you really shouldn't smoke inside. It's a reasonable request.

    Is there a garden you can smoke in? Maybe you could source a nice chair and make it your little smoking area.

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    • normal-rebellious

      In all due respect I will have every opportunity to have freedom of conscience, I will smoke indoors in my own house.

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