The ultimate decision
When it comes to video game consoles what do you prefer?
Other (comment) | 15 | |
Wii/Wii U (lol) | 4 | |
playstation | 8 | |
I don't play video games. | 14 | |
xbox | 6 |
Ask Your Question today
When it comes to video game consoles what do you prefer?
Other (comment) | 15 | |
Wii/Wii U (lol) | 4 | |
playstation | 8 | |
I don't play video games. | 14 | |
xbox | 6 |
Pc is a god gift. I have a playstation 3 and xbox (wii, n64, nes, snes) but will one day will get a gaming pc with a usb controller. My playstation crashes a lot because its old and I use it a lot.
N64 and Nintendo Game Cube. I like a couple of online games too (one being Criminal Case and the other being Bubble Witch Saga).
To be honestw ith you, videogame consoles are a waste of money. You can easily buy a great computer and connect a xbox 360 controller to it using usb. Download all of your games and play them on steam. Not only will you have a computer for work/school but you will also be able to game on it. They even sell HDMI cables for you to connect it to your television. I have my pc connected to my 40inch tv with my 360 controller. I love playing mortal kombat, fallout and many other games, then alt tabbing and watching youtube or movies on my big screen. They even sell wireless keyboards and mice. The age of consoles is coming to an end. The only reason I'd buy a console now would be for a little kid. Even then a gaming laptop would be better.
Steam is what dreams run on!
Maybe just because I haven't tried an actual console other than the Wii. It's good too, but I like the PC better
I do not play any video game at all, if I'm bored I install a silly game on my iPad and then uninstall it when I realise it's shit.
Super Nintendo, N64, Wii, Gameboy and the PS3 that was backwards compatable. Those are simply the best.