The vaccine side effects
I took mine Phfizer on Thursday and it hurt very much but then I only had arm pain for 1 day then my arm was fine. Then on maybe Saturday or Sunday I started to feel weak in my body, im really tired early in the evening like 10 PM and my legs feel heavy my body feels weak. I go for a walk its really not nice to walk because my legs are heavy and shaky and I have a mild headache all the time that get worse at night. Maybe its the heat though because last night for example we had 100% humidity according to the the thing that measures heat and humidity and thats bad I think but every night is at least 80-something degrees it never goes below that its pretty hard because I have a bunk bed and I have to go sleep in the sofa instead every night because its hotter to sleep up high.. Maybe its the humidity or its a side effect that I dont feel right inside my body I dont know, what do you think? No one I know has had side effects only arm pain