The war is pissing me off!

Well, I had just heard the US Senate and House of Reps. are trying to block Bushes plan of keeping more troops in Iraq. I'm very happy the Democrats are trying to do this. They control most of Congress so they have a good chance. This war is geting out of hand. there is no way in my mind that we will ever achieve peace in the middle east. They will always fight so I back the Democrats plan to pull more troops out. Does anyone agree with the Dems decision?

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69% Normal
Based on 61 votes (42 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • superguy99

    i agree with the person who said the stuff last, war is eternal, there is always war somewhere, and to add to my last point, when war is over and the US is involved, the nation we are at war with usually immigrates to the US, making the nation overpopulated

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  • Alaxett

    "Si vis pacem, para bellum!"

    ...Google that one up. War will never going away, no matter how loud you cry for it.

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  • superguy99

    its normal, but i want to join the war to kill terrorists, i want to hav peace, but ther is almost no difference between peace and war, even with this economy, u cant blame the war for this, peace is overrated anyway, but its normal to think the war is terrible, the only bad thing is people getting killed, i just relized that nobdy thought if all the soldiers came back, this country would be crowded

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  • FlyingSheilds

    Hey it's normal to hate violence. It's the opposite you've got to worry about.

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  • i agree with the donkeys

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  • I dont why America doesnt just nuke the shit out of the middle east

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    • yep i totally agree with u they should invent this high tec stuff and blow the fuck out of dat place

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    • Judgeofbros

      are you stupid?

      Certain Middle Eastern countries are allies with countries with nukes, in short, we nuke them and we'll get nuked back.

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      • stevieo

        and there's a good way to start a 3d war

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  • Nodo_TheRanter

    Cut-and-run pinko commie.

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  • face7189

    If you keep up with this stuff, you would know this is the 17th resolution by the dems. sice jan. It's all a dog and pony show to make people think they are doing something. If the wanted to do something, they could cut off funding for the war without a vote since they run the commitees. However they wont do that because of the impression it sends. Politics is mostly grandstanding, getting your face on the front page saying you're concerned about something, yet not having the balls to take a firm stand because of future elections. Generally when politicians, democrats in paticular do something, it is imposing regulations on the public or taking away various rights and liberties. Don't trust headlines!!
    As far as the war, war sucks. However, it is an unfortunate reality of a dangerous world. If you look at statistics, it's actually safer to be a soilder in Iraq, then to roam the streets of D.C. or philadelphia or some other major U.S. cities. The murder rate for some of those is higher than the death rate of U.S. milatary. Any death is a travesty, but we should be very proud of what they are doing over there.

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  • shunti

    Yes. I agree 100%%. All those good men and woman fighting for their country in Iraq risking their lives. Were losing most of the good decent people who want 2 make something of themselves over a dumb ass war. They need 2 send all these pieces of shit out here who call themselves thugs and gangbagger's 2 fight. I mean really you have a lot of them walking around just taking up room in society. The War needs 2 end, George Bush needs 2 come out of office or he is going 2 kill us all, and the troops need 2 come home so all those young men and woman can stop jeprodizing or losing their life over nothing.

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