The world is flat!!

I think the world is flat, we're just so small that we notice the curves.

We're so stupid as humans that we only see things in relation to US as if we are the most important thing ever. How do we know that the Earth isn't a molecule or particle of something enormous that is actually flat to a larger scaled being or reality that we don't know exists?

Paper is flat, right? If you tore off a itty bitty tiny piece of paper and shrunk yourself down to the same scale of person-Earth, that tiny scrap of paper is NOT flat anymore, it's a mountainous, cavernous, treacherous landscape, and probably seems 'round' to you being that small.

So, it's clear to me that while it may appear round to US, it's not absolutely round because we don't know what scale we are living on entirely. We don't know much beyond our small space here. We could be living on a piece of paper that some enormous giant being tore off a sheet of paper for all we know.

I'd like to propose that we have a THEORY that the Earth is round however we are not sure of the true scale of anything beyond our own small understanding so we are unsure of the true roundness without knowing the entire scale of the universe and whatever is beyond it.

I agree, it's round to us but could be flat too. 2
Who cares, it's not like we fall off of it anyway. 9
I disagree with everything you said. 94
Somewhat agree, somewhat disagree. 17
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Comments ( 85 )
  • I have a theory that you've been eating shrooms and watching Horton Hears A Who. :P

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  • DannyKanes

    This is the most dumbest thing I've read

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  • howaminotmyself

    Round and flat are just words. They give us a way to describe something from our perspective. It's how we communicate our reality to someone else.

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  • nAt2017

    Haha... trolls on drugs...

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  • anti-hero

    I have seen pictures fro m space, it looks round to me. Let's go ask Neil deGrasse Tyson.

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    • It looks round to you but if you were a hundred times bigger than this rinky-dink solar system, it would look flat.

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      • Captain_Kegstand

        If you looked at it from that scale it would still not look flat, more like just a tiny spec of dust.

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      • KeddersPrincess

        One must remember that the earth once looked flat to us, but as we got more evidence, people began to see the earth as round. Do not forget the study done in the 15th century. The one we all learned about in the 2nd grade.

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        • "We measure things by what we are. To the maggots in the cheese, the cheese is the universe. To the worms in the corpse, the corpse is the cosmos. How then can we be so cock-sure about our world? Just because of our telescopes, our microscopes, and the splitting of the atom? Nope!

          "Science is but an organized system of ignorance. There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy! What do we know of the Beyond? Do we know what's behind the Beyond?

          "I'm afraid some of us hardly know what is beyond the Behind.

          "Creatures of twilight and delusion, we drift toward our unknown ends. And that is why I feel the best thing is not to be born.

          "But who is as lucky as that? To whom does it happen? Not to one out of millions and millions of people!" -- Theodore Gottlieb AKA Brother Theodore

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      • anti-hero

        If I were only 100 times bigger I don't think it would. Seeing as the sun is 1,000,000 times bigger than the earth and the solar system is a hell of a lot bigger than that. Maybe if I were 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to the Trillionth power it might then... still look fucking round due to my strange ability to to see in 3D. The only way it would look kind flat is if I were very far away, like the way stars look a little flat from here. If anything being bigger (very much so like I said before) would make me closer to those stars and I could see those curves better too.

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        • I said 100 times bigger than our solar system.

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          • anti-hero

            You are right about that I misread as "100 times bigger, then this rinky..." My bad. But I still think it is about distance and not size. If you were that big and that close, let's say holding the solar system in your hand, if you move your head you are still going to see the curves.

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  • BlackDays

    Giraffes are the shortest animals in the world. Plankton is big enough to swallow you whole. Pam Anderson's tits are real. And ron Jeremy is hot

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    • Captain_Kegstand

      My mind is forever blown! *kapow* (that's the sound it made when I read your post)

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      • BlackDays

        Its all true!

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        • Captain_Kegstand


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    • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

      well... ron looked better when he was younger. but the images i found are NSFW...

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      • BlackDays

        I've seen him a bit younger, not sure how much younger. All I remember was him and some bitch were in a junkyard or something. And I'm not hip with the lingo (what does NSFW mean) haha

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        • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

          NSFW = "not safe for work"

          For text it usually means lots of swear words or sexual words.
          for images it means sexual images or nudity.

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    • anti-hero

      Ron Jeremy is hot, hahahahahahahaha

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      • BlackDays

        Uh, ya. I love fat hairy man tits. Oh yes I do. I want to throw up right now just pretending. He is so grosssss

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        • anti-hero

          I agree.

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  • bigtoy

    So how do you explain the fact that if you set off in one direction in a plane and continued in that same direction then you would arrived back at where you started?

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    • Yes, it's round to US, but to something bigger than us, it's part of a flat thing. Atoms and particles make up your flat desk surface, but if you shrunk down, you'd see those particles as round. It'a ll a matter of who's looking at it from what perspective.

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      • bigtoy

        Now I understand where you are coming from - that the earth is an atom that makes up part of some massive flat surface, right?

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  • Ssibley

    You are insane. Subscribe to dish tv and watch the NASA channel. They have real time pictures from satellites

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    • Yeah, IF you believe that's real. They just want more money to pay for their dumb expeditions so they fabricate interesting pictures and 'discoveries'.

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      • funnycommercials123

        How do you know that?

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        • How do you NOT know that for sure?

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          • 800imawesome

            Because we have proof. And you're mentally retarted.

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          • funnycommercials123

            But I'm just asking, how do you know that they just want more money to pay for dumb explorations? Where did you get that information? I mean I could be wrong and you could be right but I'm just asking.

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      • Compazine

        What's wrong with you?

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Yet another retarded creationist.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    So where does the Foucault Pendulum fit in then eh?

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    • It doesn't prove ANYTHING about the true scale of us. As I explained, we call things 'flat' all the time that are not truly flat, but it's flat to US. Paper, a DVD, a slab of granite, whatever...they're flat things. But if you were some tiny, teensy being, those things aren't flat.Who's to say that we're not microscopic to another larger being or not even a being, just a huge universe that we have zero concept of, so on SOME scale, all this round and dimensional crap we see is seen as flat to something else. In another perspective, the Earth can be flat or part of a flat 'thing'.

      We measure things comparing them to US or what we can comprehend, but our measurements mean nothing to anything besides a human. What's a mile? What's a mile to an ant? It doesn't mean shit. Humans are too self absorbed to understand what I'm saying I guess.

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      • K16124

        Now you're not asking a question. NOW, you are shoving false information down our throats to try and prove your own stupid theories that have no way of being true.
        If the world was seen from far, far away, it would look like a small speck of dust. Whoever was looking at us from that scale could look down on us from a microscope, and see that no matter the scale, the planets are round. It appears to be flat, but it isn't.

        Look at the results of the poll. No one completely agreed with you. 20 are completely against you.

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        • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress


          The OP clearly does not want to hear opposing views.

          I mean why bother asking if it's normal if they only want to hear people agree with them, eh?

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          • That's not true, I am very interested in seeing firstly if anyone agreed with me, secondly WHY the people who DO disagree, disagree, and to clear up misunderstandings people got from my post. When I reply it's usually because the poster didn't fully understand what I was saying and I just want to clarify things.

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            • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

              and in your case the Foucault Pendulum still defies your theories.

              if the world was flat then it wouldn't behave as it does.

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        • False information? Um, what's false? Do you have some sort of proof that no one else knows about the true scale of the universe and beyond? Oh, you don't? Oh, OK, just checking. I said nothing false.

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          • 800imawesome

            What's false is that you claim that if you're far smaller than something, it seems round to you.

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  • Treehugger29

    Youre not wrong for thinking this, but the Earth really is round, It just looks flat from a distance, just like the paper stuff you talked about. As posted earlier, weve been in outer space, the Earth is round. End of story.

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  • TheWordWizard

    What Era are you from? We already covered this! Do you not know anything about the Galaxy? Also molecules are not flat. They looks flat when we smash them so we can view it under a microscope.

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  • theaverageatheist

    I do hope that you dont beleve in what the flat Earth sociaty thinks, if you do I'm afraid that you're going to have to study elementary school geography all over again...

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  • theaverageatheist

    errrrr......... I think I understand what you're on about, first of all the earth is sphear but with a slight bulge aroud the equator. Pythagoras, Magellano, Earth's satellites, and any astronaut can confirm that for you.
    it is true that the more we zoom-out our prespective changes,
    but that can be said more for the universe it self, not the earth: scientists where saing that the universe has a fibourus structure but now that they can see even further out they say it's more like a sponge.
    I have heard, that the Earth even with all it's mountains,valleis and ocean treches; if scaled down is still more smooth that the most perfect sphere ever created by man.

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  • snafu

    if your brains ware made of explosives, you would not have enough to blow out a candle

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    • Why would I be hanging around burning candles if my brain was made of explosives? That's just dumb.

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  • brianh1903

    We knew the earth was round before going into space, but going into space confirmed it. Highly stupid question.

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  • GuessWho


    Coming from someone who travels a lot, trust me, the earth really is a spherical shape.

    Also, GPS is a technology belonging to the United States government, yet I can use it in Africa. Surely if the earth was flat, they'd have the satellites sit over US airspace rather than orbiting the globe.

    If you refuse to believe all the evidence, you could always join The Flat Earth Society

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    • I am not trolling, it's a theory I have and believe in. If I was trolling, you wouldn't be able to tell. I'm good like that.

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      • This...would be a hypothesis...not a theory. Not the first time it's ever been hypothesized either.

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        •'s definitely a theory. Thanks for trying though. You still obviously do not understand what I'm saying. Round to US, in our small eyes and minds, yes. But how round is it from other perspectives? And who's perspective matters most? I personally do not put much stock in the human perspective in matters of the universe.

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  • Meatotomy

    My god, you're right! The earth is flat. Oh lord, I have seen the truth. This makes sense, and I dun think that that there thing that there is make sense to me.

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  • every respondent is showing thier complete inability to understand that WE are not the be all and end all as far as what's acceptable as flat. As I've said, we ourselves without a second thought call things 'flat' which in reality are NOT flat in the least. So who is to say that there's no larger scale, or larger being, who sees us as yet another one of their acceptably 'flat' items, as we see so may 'flat things' that we now on molecular levels are NOT flat, but it's all in the perspective of the observer and/or the scale. Do people argue as to the flatness of a piece of paper?? NO!! Of course not. paper is accepted as flat. So why is it so hard to believe that larger scale universe and beyond don't see us as 'paper'. I figured you'd be so self absorbed as humans who think they and their observations are the most correct, while not realizing we live in a galaxy, universe and beyond that we have NO comprehension of what lies further.

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    • suckonthis9

      Here's the problem with your 'flat' theory. Massenergy in the Universe creates a curvature in space due to gravitational effect. So no matter what scale, large or small, nothing in the Universe is actually flat, although some things might appear that way.
      Even if there were a larger Universal structure (multiverse), it would still have to conform to the laws of Physics, thus also would not be flat. There is, in reality, no such thing as a 'straight' line.

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      • Well said...

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      • Did you read a WORD I said?

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        • suckonthis9

          Yes, I read what you said, and what you said violates the Laws of Physics.
          I understand what you are trying to get at, but it is important to understand what we already know about our Universe. We do know some of the large-scale Universe (Level 1 = our local Universe) structure through astronomical observation (Hubble Space Telescope and various Large Radio Telescopes), as far as the Event Horizon in spacetime will allow. So we do know quite a bit more than just "our small space". It is true that the Earth is a very, very small amount of massenergy in just the context of the Level 1 Universe. The Earth is not a particle or molecule, but is composed of particles and molecules.
          In order to contemplate what you are proposing (a very large-scale structure), you would need to advance to a Level 3 Universe). I would strongly advise that you should seek to understand the Level 1 and Level 2 Universes first.
          Unfortunately, your "THEORY" has already been disproven by a gentleman named Albert Einstein. What I had stated above, is true and in accordance with the General Theory of Relativity. You might wish to familiarize yourself with these concepts, which have since been proven. We say that massenergy within spacetime creates a proportional 'curvature' in space.

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  • lop_of_h

    lets just fly you around the earth constantly passing the same things again and again until you realise it's a freaking ball and thus round

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    •'s all about scale. Think of things we readily accept as flat, because that's how WE see it. Is it so hard to believe that we're part of something so much bigger that we're not looked at and accepted as a flat 'thing'?? It can be both round AND flat depending on who is looking at it at what scale.

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      • lop_of_h

        mkay my point was that if you fly around the earth again and again you realize you never have to stop to turn around, you would just keep going around the world. implying that the earth is not flat it is a ball, thus round

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        • And you made no point, congrats. I've said like 30 times, yes, the Earth is spherical, duh. It's all about perspective though. Can we move on now?

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  • but its round when its huge and its round when its tiny when does this marble look flat?

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  • jondoerandom

    Dude, can I haz some of the stuff you're smoking? You're like nicolaus copernicus.. but, unlike copernicus..demented.

    please share more ground breaking discoveries from your lab!

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  • lc1988

    It's only the US that thinks the world is round? Pretty sure Christopher Columbus wasn't from here but whatev.

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    • Christopher Columbus didn't set out to prove the world was round. That was proven long before his Aristotle.
      Columbus believed that crossing the Atlantic could be a shorter route to India.

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    • Boo!

      I was going to mention christopher columbus as well.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I hear what you're saying, but being the fact that the earth is a sphere and we've seen images from outerspace we know for a fact that the earth is round. It is true that we are only a speck in a huge Universe, that we cannot argue with, but the earth is round. We are a round speck, otherwise, the earth probably wouldn't even orbit the same. Maybe Africa would be the only one getting sunlight in that case.

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    • Round, yes, but from another perspective, it's flat. Paper-flat. But we know from a smaller perspective, paper is NOT flat. So it depends on who's looking at it from where. From other perspectives, it is part of something that appears flat.

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  • Gideonbeliever

    I'm hoping you mean that Earth is smooth and not flat. I have heard that if you made a snooker ball that was the same size as our planet it would have taller peaks than our mountains. (Do not quote me on this as I cannot remember where i heard it or whether this is true.) But essentially the earth's crust is comparatively smooth (and would be smoother than a snooker ball if shrunk down). However if you think the earth is flat you are an ignorant fool!

    Also I don't think that not appreciating this reflects badly upon a person as you suggest. It is a pretty useless thing to be thinking about and that there are much more interesting things in the universe to be concerning yourself with!

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  • Avant-Garde

    There's a comic series called Disc World, but it's purely fiction.

    You could go on Google Earth and it will show the shape of the earth.

    ^^^ This is the true shape of the earth. It's kinda disturbing to know that our planet is shaped like this, but nevertheless it proves that the world isn't flat.

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  • RockerRoseanne

    I completely agree, sadly not many people think this way anymore.

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  • thinkingaboutit

    This is a joke but there are actually people who don't trust NASA and the other agencies forwarding pictures of space. Most of us will never know what the earth looks like from space. It comes down to whether we can trust information that is generally considered trustable.

    If you ever get the chance to fly 50,000ft up, your flat earth theory will crumble.

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    • Are you SURE? It might all be a scam.

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      • thinkingaboutit

        again, you can see the earths curvature from 50,000ft. it's remarkable.

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  • NoraBaker

    Of course it is! And it's turtles all the way down.

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    • Don't even get me started on turtles.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    I see what you are trying to get at with the "scale" argument. But even if we changed the scale, by any factor, it does not affect the shape of anything, just the perception of size. Looking at the earth at a millionth, billionth, or even a trillionth scale, it is still an "Oblate Spheroid". The same as a spec of dust, even though it is almost imperceptibly tiny, we do not see it as flat.

    If our planet, or even our solar system is just a spec of dust in the perception of some other massive being, it will still retain the same shape, just on a radically different scale.

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    • I know it doesn't actually affect the shape, I just mean it's flat in some perspective that we're not able to see. So, I prefer to go against the grain and argue that OUR perception isn't the absolute rule.

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  • YawningBober

    This is hilarious.

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  • Darkoil

    I wouldn't walk around telling people you believe this crap.

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    • I don't walk, I am wheelchair-bound, thanks for the hurtful remark. I know what you may be thinking, Holy Shit, It's Steven Hawking posting on IIN. Am I? Hey, YOU'LL never know.

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  • anonimity

    The three-dimensional shape of the Earth is an Oblate Spheroid, meaning that it is kind-of spherical, like a basketball, but it is not a perfect sphere. The Earth bulges along the 'middle' or what is generally called the Equator. This bulge is due to the Earths rotation and forces of gravity.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    This is the funniest thing I've read today.

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