There’s an a-hole in my class (discussion)

I go to a special needs school and there's a student I have to sit next to every day in occupational that mocks another student. The student he's mocking screams words in Cambodian at random. He repeats everything she says mockingly. He never gets in trouble and lies his way through when I tell on him and the teacher confronts him. He’s also a Nazi but hides it from teachers, I know this because of multiple things, he loves the 40s, he loves Germany, he got upset when he saw me wearing a Star of David (I’m Jewish) necklace, he loves iron crosses, and he wants a white pride month, he said that he wanted to dress as a “soldier” for Halloween but he couldn’t because it wasn’t school appropriate, when he raises his hand he sticks his arm out instead of up, he likes to draw swazis in the air with his fingers, the weird thing is that he’s Hispanic. I hate this kid so much.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • KholatKhult

    He chose the evil ‘tism path
    Bet he’s addicted to anime porno, they all are

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    • Crocotta1

      I could see that

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    It's so bizarre to see people idolize Nazis. I'm of German descent, and the atrocities of WWII rattled so deep even German-Americans felt the shame. Germany has such a beautiful culture and it is tarnished forever by that horrific event. But I can't complain too much, because what my family lost (pride in our ancestral lines) is much less than what happened to the victims of the Holocaust.

    When I mention I'm of German descent:

    Random person: "What's your opinion on the HOLOCAUST?!?!"

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  • notmyrealname123

    i think he just REALLLLLY wants attention

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    • Somenormie

      I second that.

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  • kikilizzo

    He likely doesnt understand the severity of his actions. I find it terrible that the teachers do nothing about it though, as a special needs school should be extra keen to make sure all their students feel safe and are able to focus on their studies without distraction. I'm guessing he's autistic? and that his special interest in ww2 has gotten out of hand. You need to talk to your main teacher about how this affects your ability to feel comfortable in class so that he or she can have a talk with this guy and his parents.
    If he does understand what he's doing and is doing it on purpose then hopefully he can be somehow separated from the class for a while until he's agreed to better his behaviour. I know when a relative of mine went to school and there was a problem kid in the class the teacher had him sit in a room of his own so that he couldnt disturb the class.

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    • Crocotta1

      We were called into a meeting recently because I got into a fight with him, we worked it out there.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i hate hispanic special needs nazis

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    • Crocotta1


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  • ospry

    In a school meant to accommodate people with special needs, how sure can you be that he's doing it to be an asshole and there aren't some cognitive complications influencing his behavior? I don't want to give him a free pass for being a dick, your beginning the post by specifying it's a special needs school just makes me kinda wonder

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    • Crocotta1

      We both are autistic, we are on the higher functioning side but I think he’s slightly higher than I am.

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  • normal-rebellious

    It's 100% normal to be copying Hitler, it's not weird, when I was a kid in school I didn't know anything, I didn't know what that normal thing was implying, I didn't know I had to be unoriginal and normal and conform, and I didn't know when to question the teacher for encouraging things that even as an adult would get me in trouble, quirky as the teacher was I was pseudo-quirky because this originality wasn't my own thing. Do you know how bad I feel about trouble? I feel like most of the trouble is with Europeans against cultish people like Jews, like with any cult, somebody's going to get upset with you for what you think. You can't help that, the Nazi thinks Hitler was merely trying to quell your faith, it's being of Israeli origin Hitler wanted, despite not following religion, kids are gullible enough to think Jews are merely a religion, they take things literally.

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  • Tinybird

    Ngl I think he sounds hilarious

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    • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

      He's going to end up getting jumped acting like that, especially being hispanic.

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