There are too many comments everywhere

On YouTube, there are thousands of comments saying the same thing, even though the Like button is there to agree with what someone has already said. I wish that I was the original poster/had the permissions to go through the comments and delete every duplicate one. Sometimes I feel like blocking people just to clear up the comment section, so I don't have to see boring or repetitive comments, as they bury the interesting ones. Even comments with the most Likes get buried sometimes, as it favours Most Recent instead.

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Comments ( 41 )
  • SwickDinging

    I only read the comments if I'm especially invested. Usually I ignore them.

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    • Wryladradofft

      I habitually read comments and always regret it

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  • thepuppet


    anyways i never really *minded* unoriginal comments but it's kind of sad because most of them are people just farming likes (which ends up working somehow)

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    • LloydAsher

      I get that kind of sentiment. I dont spam like this at all. I just thought the mix of irony and publicity made this troll kinda neutral on the scale of trolling.

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      • megadriver

        Hahahaha, op hid all your comments. I saw you posting them, you were on fire!

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        • Somenormie

          Hahahahaha lol.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      Is there any real benefit to farming YouTube likes? I understand why people farm Karma on Reddit to sell the trustworthy-seeming account to scammers but on YouTube I don’t see the reward.

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      • LloydAsher

        Feels good I guess. My highest rated comment was a free real estate joke that got 3.4k likes. Idk spamming likes would feel cheaper or anything.

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      • Wryladradofft

        People like seeing numbers go up

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  • NickyNeopolitan

    I personally hate that too. What I do is go to the comments and look for a comment that relates to what I think so I can like it and reply 'that's what I was going to say' or 'this is the comment I was looking for' lmaooo I dont get why ppl post the same comment even though there are already 5+ top comments that say the EXACT same thing

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  • Boojum

    The weather in Wales today is miserable: blowing a gale, rain lashing down and an overcast so heavy that noon looked more like 8 am.

    Oh, and I also find it weird how people feel the need to post comments that are banal, repetitive and irrelevant. And people posting gibberish as part of a piling-on exercise that's only intended to drive up the number of comments is just silly.

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    • Wryladradofft

      The Welsh word for Welsh is Cymraeg, which sounds extremely similar to "cum rag"

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      • Boojum

        This is all true, and I'm really disappointed with myself for never noticing that before.

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      • LloydAsher

        That sounds like a lv 30 troll boss you find when you are lv 5 and have just an steel sword and a basic flame spell.

        After 30 minutes and finding a rock to hide behind you defeat it and find leveled loot -_-

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        • Wryladradofft

          I've been replaying Final Fantasy XII recently. One of the earliest areas in that game has a random dinosaur. It's not a boss or anything, and unless you aggro it all it does is walk in a circle and eat wolves, but when I was a kid I kept trying to fight it at lvl 1 and kept getting one-hit killed because I was a stupid child who didn't want to accept that I was playing a JRPG in which all that matters is numbers. That's how I first learned of the futility of effort

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          • LloydAsher

            I never learned of this. I play RPGs and I pick fights with creatures way over my level. Because in RPGs it's not all about numbers it's also about skill, and by skill I mean take advantage of the sneak skill and the stupidity of the AI.

            Yay I achieved 100 more exp for killing a monster that was way over my level over 30 minutes, when I could of just grinded that 100 exp within 10 minutes killing rats or something.

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            • Wryladradofft

              Unless it's something like Elder Scrolls where exploits are so easy to find on accident, I've never been the kind of person to actively look for exploits.

              There is an exploit in FFXII for killing the dinosaur. It involves using a nearby wolf as a meat shield/carousel and abusing items, and learning of this exploit is actually what inspired me to pick the game up again.

              "Finally, this fucking dinosaur will feel my unwavering low-level wrath!" I proclaimed triumphantly, feeling my passion and fury reignite for the first time in 11 years. I set aside an afternoon to grind for the necessary items, and with all provisions set I was ready.

              It was eleven days ago now. Possibly even twelve, but I remember it like a vivid dream from last month. I entered the area. Irl, I turned my heater on to simulate the heat of the in-game desert. I savored the atmosphere of the moment, gorged myself on every slow step taken towards my adversary, as I knew this moment would mark the closing of a key chapter in history.

              The dinosaur faded into view as I approached, walking in circles and eating helpless wolves the same as it did all those years ago. I felt like I was crumbling under the weight of the moment, but I pressed on in defiance of all weakness. I stood, face-to-face with my foe as if we were evenly matched.

              There, staring into the abyssal pixels of this dinosaur's glare, I noticed that I was hesitant. Almost like a kind of pre-nut clarity, I came to my senses before even reaching the edge. I suddenly found myself asking... "why?"

              "What did I believe was at stake on this dinosaur?" - and I was despairing to admit - I did not know. The thought, now, was edging me to tears rather than climax and I panicked under fear that my rage was pointless. I walked, I fought, I lived as a gamer. But in that moment I cried as a man.

              I looked back up on the screen, back upon that wretched dinosaur, and in its insentient stare I saw the vague, dim glimmer... of friendship. It had haunted my thoughts for years, left scars on my dreams, but in so it could be said that it was the only one who was always with me. Always pushing me forward.

              "I'll see you in the next life, old friend" I said. I unequipped my weapon and punched my companion to simulate a brofist and let him kill me one final time.

              And that's how I first learned forgiveness

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    • Somenormie

      I agree, wise man Boojum.

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  • Inkmaster

    The fact that this has the most comments out of the current most popular posts on this site is so ironic.

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    • LloydAsher

      Spam has its uses. I found the irony funny that's why I did it. Putting 91 comments that spaced out 3 sentences.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I love the comments on YouTube, it makes me feel like I'm watching the video with loads of other people instead of just on my own in a vacuum. I'm really disappointed when, after watching a video, I scroll down to see the comments and to add my own, but they've been disabled. Sometimes I won't even watch a video if the comments have been disabled.

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  • YE

    Sooo you're going to 'Hide' this one too?

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    • Somenormie

      Maybe they would lol.

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  • Somenormie

    What's next 200 comments?????

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    • LloydAsher

      Dont tempt me. I will only do it if there was an ironic reason for it or, it was specifically made for spam content.

      For real though someone make a spam post so we can make a 1k comment post! Get that scroll bar ready!

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      • Somenormie

        But I also feel like it might take long to get to 1k comments.

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        • LloydAsher

          I'll play some music or put on a podcast in the background and just keep on typing. But it has to be done in shifts so the comments arent jumbled with other users comments.

          Also I'm disappointed no one liked the boobies Easter egg comment in that 91 comment blitz.

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      • Somenormie

        I'm ready for that Mr. Asher .

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  • chuy

    Happens every where, even here on IIN.

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    • Somenormie

      I imagine this might be on all time.

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      • chuy


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  • ellnell

    WHY does it say this post has over 100 comments then when I open it, it only has 6. What is this sorcery ! tROLL

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    • Clunk42

      LloydAsher typed up over 90 comments, but the OP hid them all.

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      • LloydAsher

        Never knew that was a feature. So y'all just see a handful or what? Also doesnt that mean he individually went to every single of the 91 comments and hid them?

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        • Clunk42

          I only see 12. There is a "Hide" button at the bottom of comments on any post you make. I think OP might have done that. It might possible for OP to have blocked you, though I'm not sure how blocking people works.

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          • LloydAsher

            Whatever... he said he wanted to be in position where he could delete comments well he had 91 of them to fill that desire

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    • Boojum

      LloydAsher has been #cancelled by the OP.

      He should hire a lawyer to sue the OP and the site for infringing his right of free speech.

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      • LloydAsher

        I got no problem with banning spammy shit like I did. Banning speech you dont personally like is something I got a problem with.

        The best disinfectant is sunshine.

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    • Somenormie

      It seems very very odd.

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  • Somenormie

    We just comment what we think.

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