There is an organization called: what is your opinion?

There is an organized group that protests every year,as did the Hemet Law protests. All these women want is to be able to work in their yards, loaf around their pool or basking in the sun on a public beach or riding on the back of there husband or BF motorcycle. Same rules that apply to men: in stores, malls, eateries or any other workplace requiring proper clothing: NO SHIRT, NO SHOES, NO SERVICE and/or autorities will be called for arrest. Men and women dealing with equal rights. Please submit an honest answer. Nudist Camps all over the globe have no problems with Topless women. Women in the Egyption days would expose one breast and cover the other when dressing formal, at home or in the fields almost all the women are topless and the rest covered up adequatly. You can find this site and the day of the annual marches and in what towns by inserting: in your browser. Thank you for commenting! (I am not affiliated with this club and my opinions,I will withhold)

Yes, I agree on women going topless as men do 406
No, I disagree 72
Yes, if in places where mens shirts are not required. 122
No, it will create problems in our adolecent childen. 53
Yes, I agree. Nudist Camps have no problems. 20
Undecided, it is not immoral nor a sexual organ. 45
Yes, they breast feed in public with no reprocussions. 22
Help us keep this site organized and clean. Thanks!
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Comments ( 92 )
  • spoiledamericanasshole

    I believe women should be allowed to do what they want, since this is supposed to be a free country. Just because it's legal doesn't mean they'll do it all the time anyway. But let's be honest here, it really isn't the same thing as a man taking off his shirt. The sight of male nipples doesn't make anyone's vagina wet to my knowledge

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    • Thanks spoiledamericanasshole. Look at the ratings above. In just one day 70 votes out of 88 total votes say "YES". I agree, women should have that choice. It was given to them in the 1968 Civil Rights Act. What happened? The women were almost back where they started. They have this right, it is in the CRA Documents on file as an ammended Law.

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    • Thank you for your comment!

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      • milkymum

        i love getting my breasts out or going toppless on the beach but get a bit anoyed that guys just talk to my breasts or cos i still got milk coming out!

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      • One thing not mentioned anywhere in here so I'll mention it. The Civil Rights Act of 1968 passed into law all men and women would have rights under these new laws, what happened? You don't thing someone took that page out of the documents do you? Hmmmmmmm! I wonder why women DO NOT HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS AS MEN.

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    • TheSummoned

      Some guys stare at girls' asses. Staring at their nipples isn't really any different - it's done for their own sexual fantasies' sake and it can be just as creepy.

      The only difference really is social stigma.

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  • crunchtime623

    I love boobies!!!!!

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    • crunchtime623, women like their boobs as much as men do, that is part of the beauty of the female anatomy. Men also like pretty legs, sexy feet and toes, pretty hair, nice complexion and so on. All these things together make men turn their heads and look. If, say you had a Foot Fetish, do you get erections continuously at the mall or store or beach when a woman is wearing "Strappies" or "Flip~Flops"? No, how about pretty long silky hair. Would you have to jump in the water and go out till your neck high in water when you saw this pretty hair? You know, it is stimulating. Okay, you know what I am getting at. Women are senuous, do not abuse or mis-use their representation. (I like boobs to!)....

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  • Darkoil

    I don't want to step out of my door and see a load of busted ass titties everywhere.

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    • Hmmmmmmmmm??? So what you just said was women do not have the same rights as men? Kind of like the voting thing, being in the service, not allowed to smoke in public or a police officer or a postal person.

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      • Darkoil

        No I think I said that I don't want to see saggy titties when I'm out and about, I hate feminists though, why don't you all stop crying about the fact you don't have a penis and fuck off.

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        • Do not look at them, turn your head. I would guess you wouldn't be staring at an ugly girl/woman either. Go by that thought when you see what you don't like. I have seen a lot of bill boards I didn't care for, but no one come out and tore them down. I ignore them. Try it, it works!....

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          • Darkoil

            Lol yeah your right, sorry i was in a pissed off mood yesterday because of deadlines and shit. Its not really to do with men and women though as i hate having to see fat guys with their tops off as well but at least by law thats only 50% of the ugly population that i have to see topless if you know what i mean lol.

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            • Good Morning Darkoil, sorry about your bad day sir. That holiday messed a lot of businesses up. Yes, now your on track again, but as you know neither one of us has control over that, even though some of them are regergative looking (men and women). You know though, they say that everyone has a mate out there somewhere that will swoop them off their feet, well I agree with you there, I wish the ugly ones would hurry up and get married and stay home with each other if the Topless Laws are passed. Got to run, wish you a better day tody sir.....

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  • VsegdaTemnata

    I know some women would go topless in a non-flaunting way and just be relaxed about it, but there are plenty of teen girls that would walk around just to show off their chests and give boners to other dudes. This would also cause a lot of awkward moments for families. Imagine being a girl and going someplace with your dad and then just being surrounded by tons of exposed boobies. Awkward. As. Hell.

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    • EnterUsernameHere

      I don't think this would make common morals just completely disappear. I think women would keep standards as men do. And even if this were to be legalized, I feel most women wouldn't go topless anyway.

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      • Great answer! I feel you are correct!

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    • milkymum

      thats not as bad as your dad seeing his daugthers breasts tho!!

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      • Hi milkymum! A majority of Dad's do see their daughters budding breasts every day and think nothing of it. It is not a sin to be topless.
        Kinda like an extended firework display, it looks really exciting until you keep watching it for several long minutes then it is not appealing as it was at first and you leave. Men are not obsessed with breast as much as they may insinuate. What is wrong with their wifes breasts, got tired of seeing them all the time so the don't pay attention to them any longer. The "Newness" wore off and they lost interest in staring at them. Am I close to the right answer? I think I hit the Bulls Eye.

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        • milkymum

          well my dad and my 4 bros saw my breasts quiet alot but guys always talk about thema nd most guys talk to mine and not to me, if your not obbesssed with breasts then you arfe one of the few and guys tend to talk to mine more cos i still breastfeed my kids and there intreaGED about it

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          • CumAndGetIt

            I clicked on your profile pic and you are an attractive woman. Click on my site name and see my pic.....

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          • Hi again milkymum. This is true and I believe every bit of it. Most men, even myself, like human breast milk. At least your male friend is normal (up to now). Getting back to the subject, men and women both do this naturally without giving it a thought, when a male or female's anatomy is showing, both sex will look at the organs or breast, even if it is the same sex. It is only natural. Either sex that cannot control their sex drive for the other sex they are attracted to, need counciling. It is not serious now and it could curb a long time problem for that person in custody of the courts later. Being obsessed with SEX is not a good idea at all!

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  • TerryVie

    Hm. difficult topic.

    While mens upper bodies can be quite hot and quite distasteful, they are not considered "secondary sex characteristics". Evolution says we have breasts in this shape primarily to turn guys on.

    And well, i wouldn't fully agree with guys running around with their zip open and their goods hanging from their trousers for the world to see.

    Then again, it _WOULD_ be nice to just relax in the park without a top. But then again, it would be nice to relax nude.

    So as a compromise, my choice would be that women should be allowed to be topless in areas in which it is ALSO socially accepted for men to be topless. And those areas SHOULD be restricted(that is, men shouldn't be allowed to be topless on, say, the main shopping street.)

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    • One thing I did not address TerryVie. We are discussing womens rights to mens rights. Nothing about sexual anatomy was intended. Sex glands are not to ever be exposed except to the one you are with. All mammals sex glands have hair on them, at least they use to! If every women breast fed their offspring, check it out, the breast cancer rate would go down, way down. Okay, enough said....

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    • Excellent answer TerryVie. I agree with your comment. This, I will agree with.Good answer, thanks!

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  • tertater

    As a guy yes, but as a rational guy then no. What would kids and teenagers do?

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    • Hi tertater. At the two nudist camps I visited, the teens walked around as if everyone were dressed to go to church. I saw some small chidren sitting talking with their mother while she was breast feeding topless. It appeard they were very comfortable with it. It is humanity, we are born with sexual things in male and female, but her breast feeding had nothing to do with her having a sex act with the baby. Tertater, I do not work with nor am I affiliated with "Go" but I do feel their protest is legitament. Women should be able to have the right to be topless if the male can be topless. Hey, it would really help the president getting people back to work. Look at all the new outdoor services that would open up like Lawn Service, Irrigation, on the spot wash & wax car services, mobile pet grooming and so on. Sure would be a lot of nice looking real estate in the neighborhoods also and a lot of people back to work just because the women were given their right to be topless also act. Just a pleasant thought!

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    • Most of them are healthy because they had the breast purpose offered to them at birth as any other mammal. You have got to know, that women have the same rights (and jobs now) as their counter part,men. Read all these comments and statements and reconcider your answer..Thanks for your comment!

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    • Saggists_DntWorry1204

      Exactly my thoughts.

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  • Shackleford96

    I'll say yes, but there is no denial that my opinion is biased on this one :P

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    • Thanks for your reply Shackleford96.....

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      • Shackleford96

        You're welcome :)

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  • DiscoDuck

    Nothing more than trying to get attention.

    Do women need attention? Gasp!!!!

    Just look around the Internet.

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    • You are right. Those women and girls on the internet are PAID to please the thoughts and desires of perverts. What do you think, yes or no?

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      • DiscoDuck

        Not all...

        What about the women and girls of Facebook, YouTube etc. who seek attention. Are they PAID??

        What do you think, yes or no?

        I say if this whole titty thing is not for attention then do you think these women would let their 12year old daughters go out topless to their girl friends house or play outside topless like boys do....after all EQUAL RIGHTS. What do you think, yes or no?

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        • milkymum

          yes i would cos the whole thing is that cos it is all hiden and seen a s a no no guys want to see breasts more, if they grew up seeing them from an early age they wouldnt be like a lot of guys are now!!

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        • YES. They will do just fine as long as their friend isn't "weird". It is so easy to split Lust from Love. If you love them, and use to seeing nipples, you will love them more. If it is an infatuation or lust, if it is a friend, you will love them in the same way as if not topless or nude. Being topless or nude, you are not advertising or offering sex. It is a normal part of life and if you are not normal, then I can see the reality of your thoughts. WARPED.

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          • DiscoDuck

            You have an IDEALISTIC frame of mind that is just not REALISTIC.

            Everyone knows what you are reality it just does not happen that way.

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            • Hi DiscoDuck. You may be correct. Put it in writing so all of the viewers can read on how to do it REALISTICALLY. I'm all ears. Thanks for your feedback!...

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  • FirzenNaruto

    Actually, I would prefer not seeing people prancing around half-naked. Regardless of the gender.

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    • FirzenNaruto, the men have been doing this for decades. Why can't women have their rights as man does. They were granted equality years ago but, it did not cover everything the men do. Men get off work and cut the grass or go lay by the pool topless, women can't. They lost this right and are only trying to have it re-instated in the laws that it was suppose to be in originally.

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  • missy18

    I'd just hate the initial stigma that would go with it at first, I mean you'd have guys commenting ALL the time on other girls' breasts and that is hell'annoying as it is. It would be a while before all the hype died down.. :/

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    • You know missy18, I stumbled onto a topless beach in Florida a couple of summers ago and nothing was out of the ordinary until I started seeing topless women every where. My wife and I looked around at the other beach goes and it was as if they were at a mall or grocery store, no one was gawking at all and all were going about their business. We stayed about two hours and it really was like any other beach and if they do pass these protests into laws, I really don't see a problem from what my wife and I already saw. Thanks for you comment!

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      • missy18

        oh well then that's great! You wonder if people are secretly trying not to look though.. and if it'd be the same in all places and amongst all ages.

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        • Good Morning missy18, Yes, that is what my wife and I observed and decided to inquire more about it. It starts at the age of puberty and goes up to the silver years and then men or women notice each other. Golden years neither sex cares much about the other. Funny, but true. We did notice that the adolescent girls usually walked with their head down and no eye contact where the male sex of the same age proximity would look for people looking at him, this was at the nudist camps. The girls around age 17 to 20 walked with their head up and making eye contact because they know they are a woman now or very close to it. Pre-adolecsent male and females payed no attention at all about the Nude thing and it didn't phase them at all. I hope this helps answer some of your thoughts!....Thanks again for your comment!

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  • PumpkinKate

    I certainly feel it should be allowed in certain areas, but...

    all these women enthusiastically shouting YES! probably don't have what barely even constitutes an A cup.

    Such a law would make me feel left out and uncomfortable. I would never go topless because of my own self image, the response from men during the first couple years of such a law would be a headache, and while I can stuff my bra I can't stuff my... boobs. Well, unless I got breast augmentation. But I don't have that kind of money.

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  • Lynxikat

    I... don't really think I have that much of an opinion. However, I prefer to keep my shirt on.

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    • CumAndGetIt

      Yes Lynxikat, just don't wear your bra on hot days. Hmmmmm, nice lace or fisnet t-shirt would keep you cool and set them boobs free too......

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  • NormalisBoring81

    I believe that the same rights should extend to all people equally, so I went with as long as it is not a place a man would have to wear a shirt. A stigma has been placed on breasts in America for a long time, ultimatly they are a part of the reproductive system of the female body, but they are viewed largly as objects of sexual desire for many people (just look at girls gone wild) I like to see a nice firm well shaped pair of "boobies" as much as the next person, but in the end they are really just fatty milk bags with the intention of feeding newborn children.

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  • iamdick100

    Going topless is not sex. Women should be free to go topless anywhere they want to.

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    • Good for you iamdick100. They should be able to go topless anywhere a male can go shirtless. This was approved when women were given the rights of men after the passing of the Civil Rights Bill of 1968. The cops in some towns don't care what the law says and arrest protesters who are trying to protect thier right. In our Constitution of the United States, it says: NO Person Is Exempt or Above The Law! It looks like the Sheriff should arrest the cops for violation of our Constitution or if it is higher than the Sherriff making these false arrests, then call in the U.S. Marshals. They ARE the enforcers of our Constitution. This is on the books: AUGUST 21st is Declared Go Topless Day. Check it out, What do you think? Me, I say YES: That is the womens Right

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      • This years Go Topless Day is AUGUST 26th 2012

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  • Julihno

    I think that if a woman has nice tits it would be egoism not to show thwm

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  • milkymum

    well to be honest us girls might as well go toppless cos most of you guys talk to our breasts anyway, so you might as well see what we got and then maybe you would tlak and look into our eyes!!

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  • snowman49

    no problems with it. Wife often takes top off when beach walking in UK. V. occ someone stares, though most people regardless of age/gender do not.
    Sometimes it can depend on the confidence of the female going topless.Wife, aged 52, 32B breasts, "perky".
    All women have breasts of varying sizes/shapes with areolas, nipples likewise. Bare breasts give not only obvious pleasure, but also comfort and nutrition.They should be celebrated!
    Gender equality re employment etc is often mooted by commentators, and should be encouragedin all aspects of socety and daily life.

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    • Excellent way you it snowman49. I agree with you. I don't see full nudity ever happening but topless, I do.<BR>Thanks for your time to comment!

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  • The_foz

    I'm pretty certain that it is perfectly legal for a women to bare her breasts in a lot of places, even throughout parts of the U.S. and Canada. The thing is that it's not typically socially accepted.

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    • Correct The_foz, and when it is socially accepted it will be like the Netherlands and parts of France. No big deal after all, women should have this right, as men do. It is not a sex gland or organ. If they were, I am almost certain the female breast would be covered with hair like the sexual areas are on men and women. In all the mammals, the female breasts are exposed, except the human race. Hmmmmmmmmm, you reckon that is why they call them mammary glands?

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  • Alison89

    I'm not hung up on nudity, but I believe there's a time and a place for it.

    At the same time that I think you should have a right to take off your top when you want, I think people should have the ability to not be exposed to it when they don't want to be exposed to it.

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    • CumAndGetIt

      Good Evening Alison89,
      Here it is the third day of the Poll and 89 out of 108 say YES to Topless under the same laws the Men have. Men Can Not/Do Not go Shirtless in a Mall, Store or Public Gathering such as a Dance or a Public Night Club and etc. Outdoor yard work, backyard pool or a hot day at the beach would be very likly to be the majority of such activity, and of course, washing their car and cutting their lawn. Any comments?

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      • Alison89

        In some places, it is the same law for women and men. If it came to a vote here, I would vote "yes."

        I do think there's a time and a place for it, though. I would agree with you under the conditions you stated.

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        • Thank you Alison89, I have been to the topless beaches and to two nudist clubs. I am for it but I am against sexual exploitation between either sex. Men & Women = Civil Rights. Someone disobeying the law, as it was wrote in 1968, put them in jail or prison. NO DEVIATION BETWEEN THE MALE/FEMALE CIVIL RIGHT ACT. Male or Female have the same rights and enforcment by the law when necessary. Thank you so much for your welcomed comments!

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    • Thank You for your comments!

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  • Hello InvadingPotatoLeader. Answer to your question is very simple. Your are a male with respect to the female anatomy, with admiration to the beauty of the female SEX without intrusion or, invasion of her privacy. Good answer InvadingPotatoLeader!

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  • InvadingPotatoLeader

    I would love it if girls and women would just walk topless everywhere, I wouldn't even mind if they didn't wear any clothes at all!
    Am I guy-feministic now?

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    • milkymum

      well guys talk to our breasts all the time so doesnt matter if we would have tops on or not

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  • YamaMayaNyaa

    Yes I believe women shouldn't be forced to cover up their nipples, because let's be honest here, they make bikinis that practically show you everything any ways so what is the difference if a nip slip happens?

    Yes men are going to look for a short while, because they don't get to see them on the regular, but over time it will be no different from seeing a man topless. This is what people don't get when they say "well boobs are SEXUAL". They are merely sexual because of the mystery associated with them. They must be covered so they're enticing and mysterious. In a naturist village there is no such problem, and if someone happens to look they aren't bothered anyhow. I think the root of the problem is all the shame attached to nudity which is an unfortunate side effect of forcing everyone to cover up.

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  • IMissMary

    Women have a long history of being Attention Whores, now they are just trying to legitimize their Attention Whore behaviors.

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  • YourNeighborhoodWhiteGuy

    I voted no for one reason: Women who are overweight or elderly...

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    • CumAndGetIt

      Hmmmmm? I have seen some very attractive tits on older women than one might expect and they were all rather firm as well and when excited their nipples re-acted as normal. These women aged from 53 to 68 years of age. Isn't this incouraging?

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      • YourNeighborhoodWhiteGuy

        No, now that image is stuck on my head. I think I need to go to therapy now.

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  • imadragon

    it's okay as long as they would be okay with

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  • TrentLovesCats

    go ahead. when you take away all the mystery and prestige that comes with seeing a woman's breasts, they're not all that great anyway.

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    • RaNdOmPoPcOrN


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  • phoebe8

    I think it's weird when anyone goes topless in public , men included.

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  • Legion

    I wouldent care if everyone was naked. In the same token, I do like the mystery and taboo associated cause its that much more exciting to see a woman remove her bra and show them to you. If everyone was naked, sex wouldent be as exciting.

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    • Legion

      well, it would be for a little while, then it would wear off. until then a lot of people would walk around aroused all the time!

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  • x3haha

    I disagree. Breasts are for the bedroom and breast feeding.

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    • BangTempah

      Are you even a women? This is a free-country, women can do what they want. They are human-beings too. Yes, Men were put on this planet first, but women didn't come much later.

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    • chewy

      Not only that but they aren't sexual organs at all but yet they are seen like they are.

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  • buntaboss25k


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  • Musty_Elbow

    I think it goes both ways. It is generally accepted that men can show off a little bit more on the top, and women can show off a little more on bottom. There are plenty of places, including the state I live in where women can legally walk around topless. It may even be more comfortable than a shirt, or bikini top. But regardless, men go topless allot more than women do. On the flip side, women will show off more on the bottom. Be it short shorts, or even thong bikini's. This type of attire is legal for men to wear. Just like being topless may be more comfortable than not, g string bikini shorts may be more comfortable than your average male swim trunks. I hope that makes sense. It may be considered discrimination, but as far as i see it, neither side has an advantage over the other.

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  • What'sup

    If they want to go topless like men can I see no problem, but it just makes scence that they could only do it were men could do it

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    • CumAndGetIt

      Exactly, NO EXCEPTIONS!

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  • travelinjack

    I`m not one to judge, but it seems like indecent exposure. We can`t ignore the fact that breast(although not a sexual organ) and sex go hand and hand. You`ll excite a lot of perves, and that`ll bring problems. Plus kids might think its gross. But whatever, go for it!

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    • iamdick100

      Exposed breasts are only indecent if you think that. Nudity in any form is not sex. Our two daughters have grown-up with nudity at home and in public. They do not see anything gross about it. Perverts will always be perverts regardless if women show their breasts or not.

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      • CumAndGetIt

        Correct! It wasn't God who put the top on Eve, it was that crazy guy who wrote Tarzan &amp; Jane!

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    • Yeah, We ought to put bans and laws on kissing in public and holding hands. Both of these are sexual entities. That is probably what is wrong with our kids now, they have seen some adults kissing and it sexually flustered their brains and made them fail in school too. Great theory!

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      • Hey. I saw a man hugging a cute girl at the airport and that really turned me on.

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