There is no gun problem in the united states

Numbers don’t lie. I’m writing this because there is a huge population of people who wish for all guns to be banned indiscriminately, not just for more limitations.

We have ~33,000 gun deaths annually, give or take. 66% are suicides, so there are 11,000 gun deaths annually. We can guess that the vast majority of these gun deaths are then gang on gang murder or police justifiably shooting citizens.

How many regular people then, are killed by guns per year? Probably a couple thousand or so, only. How many regular people are killed by legally owned guns, then? Probably somewhere around, let’s say 200. It’s reasonable to estimate that half of these killings would happen anyway, giving a number of about a hundred deaths. If you’re planning to kill your wife or something, I’m assuming you’re going to do it anyway regardless of whatever. Considering a population of 330 million and a lifespan of 80 years, you have an estimated 0.002% chance of falling into that category, of being a victim of murder that would have been prevented by gun control. That is an astronomically low risk, about the same of being struck by lightning, even if you disagree with and change up some of the numbers.

For would be school or mass shooters, just keep them under constant surveillance. Can’t be that hard in a modern era. That’s more of a mental health and ineffective law enforcement crisis than a gun issue, too.

Now that we know about the almost non-existent harm legal guns cause, let’s look at the good that they bring. “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost every major study on defensive gun use has found that Americans use their firearms defensively between 500,000 and 3 million times each year. There’s good reason to believe that most defensive gun uses are never reported to law enforcement, much less picked up by local or national media outlets.” Almost all of these events would be just brandishing your weapon, which stops more escalation of crime or violence.

No smart fucking remarks please. I’d like to see if anyone can even dispute this.

Agree. 10
Disagree. 6
Nothing, see poll. 0
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Comments ( 43 )
  • ChrissySnow

    Just this morning, my brother-in-law had to use his pistol to keep from getting attacked in his sleep. He woke up to find a man in his place coming at him as he was still getting his wits. My brother held him at gun point until the police arrived. In this town, he's sure to be out already as the court system lets criminals get away with everything

    I'm for the second amendment but I never thought I'd ever need to have a gun of my own. Crime is getting really bad here. Democrats run all of my state. The crazy thing is that these Democrats are running for office here are running on being even softer on crime and cutting our police budget and laws enforced. They are hiding it by just talking about abortion. Abortion is already protected by our state constitution.

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  • ospry

    I couldn't care less about guns or gun ownership, I just wish people could fucking learn to NOT kill each other by any means

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    • LloydAsher

      Yeah that's not gonna change. Once caveman learned he could just bludgeon his opponent to steal resources we were never gonna shake that habit.

      The reason why people cant stop killing eachother is the same reason why I dont like big dogs or dogs that were bred to be fighting dogs. They are their own being and at the drop of a hat they can go on at start going crazy. Like the Las Vegas shooter. Who would of thought a 50 year old could go crazy and slaughter 50 people?

      If you cant predict craziness and you cant guarentee that they wont exist. All you can really do is be armed to hopefully counteract the aggression.

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  • raisinbran

    There's a 'not enough guns' problem... everyone should be carrying them. It's irresponsible not to. It's too bad we lost our gun culture.

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  • bigbudchonger

    I'm pro second ammendment, but there is a small gun problem in the USA. The real problem, however, is that people will use that small problem to justify taking away guns.

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  • GaelicPotato

    > Claims there is no gun issue
    > Country is famous for school shootings

    Lol OK.

    Yeah, you guys don't need guns. None of you. You do not need an automatic rifle, you do not need a handgun, you do not need a pistol.

    Anyone saying you do is dillusional and manufactures mental excuses to hold on to their cool toys.

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    • Gambler

      *Notice that you can send your kids to school with over a 99.998% certainty that they’ll be alright.
      *We do have school shootings but the problem could be easily amended in other ways, that don’t include stripping the US of it’s constitution.
      *Notice the CDC statistic that directly disproves your point.
      *There are several hundred million guns in civilian hands already, lots of which are illegally owned by criminals. You can only control guns from those who want to turn theirs in. Bad people keep theirs.

      I assume you’re from the UK, which doesn’t allow freedom of speech, or freedom of thought?

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      • GaelicPotato

        Not from the UK, and I very much have freedom of speech.

        The constitution is outdated.

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        • Gambler

          There’s no reason to believe that any of it is outdated. Just random bullshit from you, and you’ve conveniently avoided every single one of my points. What a bitch.

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          • GaelicPotato

            It was made 2-300 years ago.

            Ofc it's outdated.

            That, and they had no idea about the kind of guns we have now. God forbid we'd adapt something over 200 years old, right?

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            • MonteMetcalfe

              The majority of our founders were educated men. Many were inventors and patent holders themselve. I'm sure they were aware that Leonardo Da Vinci drew up plans for a machine gun a few hundred years prior to the Constitution. To say they couldn't imagine the type of guns civilians in the US are allowed today is absurd. You need to do some research on the firearms available at that time. There were many attempts at creating repeating firearms. Some more successful than others. Like any generation they did not lack vision or imagination.

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            • Gambler

              We have adapted. We’ve outlawed post ‘86 automatic weapons, do not allow felons to own guns et cetera to an excellent middle point of usefulness. Any truly military grade weapons, other than rifles are illegal. Suspicious individuals are closely monitored.

              Back then they knew that weapons would progress just as well as we know today that they’ll progress further. They had the Girandoni air rifle by then which holds 30 shots.

              Still, thanks for maneuvering around all of the evidence I’ve written out.

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        • MonteMetcalfe

          Our freedoms are guaranteed by our ability to own firearms.
          Your freedoms are guaranteed by the promises of politicians.

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          • GaelicPotato

            There is not a single legit reason where a civilian needs a tool solely made for causing death.

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        • LloydAsher

          Isnt the whole monarchy thing outdated?

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    • ospry

      Lol, any European accusing America of clinging to "outdated" ideals is certifiably retarded

      You have a point though. If America ever wants to enter the modern world like the UK, then we'll need to swap out guns for Islamic pedophile rings and acid attacks

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      • GaelicPotato

        Calling my points retarded in the same sentence as everything else you just said is the definition of irony.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Don’t disarm populations, but don’t give them assault weapons either.


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  • 1WeirdGuy

    According to the FBI theres only 10,000 gun murders a year. This is out of a population of 330,000,000 and if you count illegals probably closer to 360,000,000. Then the majority of your gun murders is isolated into black neighborhoods. Stay out of that side of town your chances of getting shot are only double your chances of getting hit by lightening.

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  • KholatKhult

    You guys are defensively using a firearm almost 3 million times a year ? Holy fucking shit

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    • Clunk42

      Kholat, I think you've said before, but what are your opinions on firearms ownership? From what I've heard/remember, the communists are pro-arming-the-citizenry, but that might not be the true case at all.

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      • KholatKhult

        I am absolutely pro gun ownership, as are Communists. Though I will admit, in my own emotional weakness, the school shootings have put a serious impact on me. They’re devastating. Children lost to gun violence really, really, hits me. I still stand for the right to arms for the people, as I believe it necessary in absolute, but I feel great pain for spin off effects. I also very enthusiastically encourage women to arm themselves

        Probably the most commonly spread gun-relating Marx quote would be ;
        “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.”

        Quoting from Lenin on the idea of ‘Disarmament’ ;
        “An oppressed class which does not strive to learn to use arms, to acquire arms, only will be treated like slaves — The proletarians need this knowledge not to shoot your brothers, the workers of other countries, as is being done in the present war, and as the traitors to socialism are telling you to do. They need it to fight the bourgeoisie of their own country, to put an end to exploitation, poverty and war, and not by pious wishes, but by defeating and disarming the bourgeoisie.“
        Lenin very vocally despised what he called ‘Social democrats’ idea of asking the government for stricter gun control. He considered such a thing to be ‘bourgeois pacifism’. In other words ; rich hippies want us unable to fight back

        The Com approach to gun ownership is one of necessity in order to carry out revolution through a peoples militia, which runs pretty in common with the United States’ //original intention// for the right to bear arms. Rich, liberal, “left” politicians sitting in their gated, police protected, communities calling for gun control of the masses is direct bourgeois deception.

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        • Clunk42

          That is one of the few things I agree with Marx about.

          I have heard a phrase that fittingly describes what makes a positive law (one that prohibits for the good of society) just or unjust, I cannot remember from where, but I believe it was either from Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, or one of the Popes. It goes something like this:

          "A just man would follow a just law were it not to exist."

          Meaning that, in order for a prohibition to be just, it must be prohibiting something that no just man would do to begin with, like murder, for example. Now, just men throughout all of time have owned for themselves the best weaponry that they could afford, for the sake of protecting themselves and others. Thus, banning firearms ownership is not just.

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    • Gambler

      Where are you from?

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      • KholatKhult


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  • Wow3986

    So you want people to get shot?

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  • Yaidin

    I still think it's ridiculous how easy it is to get a gun in the USA, if you're a sane person. The only real benefit is that if the USA gets invaded, you'll have millions of civilians armed.

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    • LloydAsher

      I mean you have to jump through some hoops to get a gun. Believe it or not non Americans but you cant walk into a store and pick up an ar15 and just pay for it.

      Theres backround checks. At the end of the day you cant help the crazies that have hidden their craziness until they want to explode.

      These are the same crazies that have no problem mowing down people with cars.

      Guns are tools which by and large dont kill regular people. Because the vast majority of them are regular people who just have them.

      We got bears and wolves and coyotes here. You can be miles from the nearest civilization. Got to think about the people who don't live next to eachother in cities.

      I had to shoot a coyote because it was prowling my parents house and we have small dogs.

      Plus its reassuring to people that their safety is in their hands. Public trust of policing hasnt been the highest lately.

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    • ospry

      I love how everyone who says it's "ridiculously easy" to acquire a gun in the United States has obviously never purchased a gun here

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