There's a time in a man's life when he stops learning

That's what you misunderstand, when you hit a certain age, say 37 or 40 that's when you don't need to learn anymore. Do you think that just because I'm young I have the childish task of having to learn? That's my childhood and it's time to leave that behind me, a lot of what you learn is complete rubbish. And if I'm rare I already have knowledge, truth lies in what you knew from the beginning of life before any teacher mind-fucks you. It's fun to only know so little, you have everything to lose, so when you go in midlife stop learning, it's a stage in life.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I hope I keep learning until the day I die! 🤓

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    • Hansberger

      I found out what I am, an unorthodox person, I don't do the nightmarish popular task of learning, if you were to be killed for learning would you stop learning to save your life?

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      • RoseIsabella

        Probably not, and besides to consciously stop learning to save one's life is a form of learning in, and of itself. Lots of people are quite learned, and yet do a good job of appearing stupid, and ignorant, so I suppose I could just learn to present myself as an ignorant person. Some people might even argue that I am in fact quite ignorant.

        As a Catholic would prefer to never deny Christ even if cost me my life, so the idea of losing my life for learning isn't so far fetched, but neither is it as horrific to me as it might seem to others. I'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees.

        Anyway, there is happily no threat to my life that is caused by my desire to learn, at least not at the moment.

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