These idiotic fears

Why are people afraid of the real me? Do you see reality? Keeping it real isn't based on fact, I'm true literally, based on fact, I never said I said something you didn't say, I don't think anything evil will happen to me, they only want me? Really? Or is it that they only want weirdos? Yes, it's exactly the case. They only want weirdos. Put that in your bad books, if all my life from my teens people don't accept me, it's because they think I'm weird.
It's extremely easy to be a fool, I'm not going to fight the system, everyone knows that people are asleep at night, reality is evil, don't tell me it's good, it's pleasant, it's not strange, it's afraid of me, it sees evil, my making coffee to you isn't just making coffee, and to you it isn't just an alright or ordinary cup of coffee, it's an evil cup of coffee, it's got demons in it. Wake up, people have problems, I didn't ask for this, I asked evil to never be seen again, goodbye, I'm killing it. I'm struggling a change it back to its neutral, Australian giving a shit state. All your beliefs are going to cause wars, just by silently thinking them. Do you think I'm proud of this? Pride isn't easy, there's nothing without effort. The country's going to love me, if I was in the country my friends can eat with me, wine and dine with me, forget about the pseudo-real paranoia of pessimism, I'm not buying it, arseholes are evil, you exaggerate, you're making me appear more evil than I am, to reveal this to you, you exaggerate! Reality's not that scary.

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Comments ( 30 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i never thought of you as evil but the harder you try to convince me youre not a weirdo the weirder you sound hans

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    • normal-rebellious

      There's nothing to convince, that I'm not a weirdo isn't exactly the point, the point exactly is that the normal people only want the weirdos, and the point is they don't want you. That means all the wrong and corruption is only on weirdos, even if you were weird 10 years ago, not you who's been normal in a common way from those 10 years.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Coffee is mentioned no doubt.

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    • normal-rebellious

      What kind of a post is this? I admit I love a coffee.

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  • Agirlnamedjoey

    Is this thread just a back and forth word salad food fight?

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    • normal-rebellious

      Word salad? It's written in black and white, it's very clear, I think the fears of half of the world's population are idiotic. What's with the label word salad? What I say in word or letter makes perfect sense. I see that it's simple, I don't understand how you don't get this. I think by thinking of me as evil, that there's a meaning attached to it, that my listening to the radio or sitting in a chair isn't just listening to the radio or sitting in a chair, is idiotic fears. And to wrap it up it's none of those things, it's not symbolic, or evil, or having an ulterior motive, it's just simple things I'm doing, my listening to the radio is merely listening to it, without weird or significant motives attached to it, it doesn't have a reason, but people think it does. And my writing is just writing, nothing I create is designed to hurt anyone, therefore it's clear what I wrote, without a fight, it's just about idiotic fears.

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  • normal-rebellious

    This is what I think, I think I should wring the doctor's neck for making me high, this is the evil stuff, drugs are bad, the copper made my hand red pushing me down, red! He's done damage like a frigging criminal! I think at the time of writing above post there was no crack, I wasn't high, I was in my sane, unmedicated state. It's really unnecessarily complicated. I took all these brain-enhancing herbs making me remember, think and know so much. Remembering is the same thing as thinking, I remember the good old days of a black man bullying me saying "do you remember pushing me towards a bus?" and him telling me I hurt his brain, I remember how stupid people must think I am when I'm distinctive and it wasn't praiseworthy, who decided that for being different I must be bad, sick, and need medicine? I think you're fat, pimply and female and need a kick in the arse!

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    I don't know, you sound like the type that would go into the women's bathrooms.

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    • normal-rebellious

      I actually am that type, but I try to stay out of women's bathrooms.

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      • Iambillythemenacetosociety

        Well, then that's why people are weirded out by you.

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        • normal-rebellious

          It's not that simple, spending fourteen years not knowing some things there's a lot of folly going around, I try to explain Dr Zest is telling the gospel but then again here we go at the "weirding out", not really, what they're doing is falling for some internet joke I was fooled into when I was having fun but everyone else wasn't, thinking picking a fight, and doing crunches, which is uncomfortable (and has no effect on my abs) eliminates "stress", what a joke! I was enjoying the stress and stressed myself even more with my definition of "a hectic lifestyle" by being outgoing going to the shops in the city on time, rushing in and out (from buses mind you), drinking a "decaf soy latte" like "a normal person", I know this isn't the wisest way to live, I thought I had the information.

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          • Iambillythemenacetosociety

            It's very simple.

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            • normal-rebellious

              How can it be? That's ridiculous, your simplistic statement makes me laugh, and furthermore what I went through wasn't simple at all, it's very complicated, I should delve, lightly, into this hectic lifestyle, people aren't simply weirding out at me, it's not as simple as that, they used to deem me a clown in society, in a way that they acted like I was just an ignoramus, or just an arsehole, I'm not just an ignoramus, I know for absolute certain that it's not just the women's toilets they weirded out at, and it's not just weirding out at me, it's classing me as immoral, wrong, evil and crappy. I sure as hell felt like crap, I'm twice happy after taking 5-HTP, it increases my brain by 90%, and seriously makes me think.

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