These things are part of or against my inherent moral sense

Who are you going to trust when society has some imperfections against your morals?

It's not about whether we should promote good conduct, it's a question of securing rights, duties, resources and freedoms, majority rule and turning against the system.

Drug-based meds and harmful drugs and supplements like ayahuasca are against my morals, as going to the theatre is against my morals.

Also card-playing, dice, gambling, horse-racing, ball games, tavern games, darts, bowling, and shuffleboards are against my morals, so now you see what an open person I am with the problem of good and evil.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • As a person, a conscious being living in the world around them, you're obviously going to have your own viewpoints. You're allowed to not take a drug you don't think is right, but you're not allowed to say another person can't either. You're allowed to not gamble, but society as a whole typically decides if it's legal

    You see what you don't have control over, though, is how countries are run. You can't just decide gambling should be illegal and expect it to change. In America you'd have to get the senate to agree to it first and I suspect gambling is one good source of income for federal use.

    So basically your options are to figure out how to have power in your country, find somewhere to live where your morals aren't burdened, or accept that you living your life is enough for you to be satisfied

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    • normal-rebellious

      Hot diggity dog, that's good enough for me! My living my life is enough for me to be satisfied.

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      • Then don't let local gambling or pharmacies get you down man! 👍

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  • Ummitsstillme

    As thoughts and words having become saying things and more or less people say or speak and often convey things and not

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  • LornaMae

    Aw, going to the theatre is against your morals...? :(

    How about going to the theater instead? :D

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    • normal-rebellious

      Theater is a sin, I shouldn't watch it or drama or entertainment.

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  • Tinybird

    Society's morals are directly against my own. Such as that I can't be with someone I'm attracted to in real life, and also that animals are killed for meat and others

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