Things we all do but won't admit

Here's a list of 30 things I do/have done that I'm sure many of us do. Feel free to add to the list if you think of something.

1. Talking to yourself

2. Remembering past arguments and imagining saying all of the brilliant comebacks that you thought of later so that this time YOU win

3. Rocking out to songs in the car

4. Admiring things you've left in the toilet

5. Feeling something annoying in your nose and picking it out when no one's looking

6. Looking away from a bathroom mirror, then fearing that when you look back at it someone will be standing behind you

7. Fearing that someone will be standing behind the shower curtain when you move it

8. Trying to watch one fan blade on a ceiling fan

9. Looked everywhere for something that was in your hand the whole time

10. Knowing that the reason your remote isn't working well is due to low battery power, and still thinking that pressing the button harder will do the trick

11. Thinking that when the computer freezes, perhaps clicking EVERYWHERE will work

12. Leaning just slightly too far back in the chair and having a sudden feeling of unspeakable dread

13. Wondering how you sound to people who don't speak your language or have your accent

14. Pressing a button on a toy and quickly walk away when it makes a loud, seemingly never-ending sound

15. Walking up or down the stairs and thinking there's one more step than there actually is

16. Singing a song you barely know, and when the small bit you do know comes up, you own that shit

17. Realizing no one is home...time to get naked

18. Staring too long at a fence and then it suddenly zooms in

19. Press random buttons while playing a video game, hoping for the best

20. Realizing that everything you studied is not on the test

21. Checking the fridge again, even though you know nothing's changed since you checked it 5 mins ago

22. Walked on furniture to avoid lava when you were a kid

23. Setting a clock back thinking it'll help you get to places on time

24. Trying to move things with you mind, thinking that -- although extremely unlikely -- perhaps this time it'll work

25. Stopping the microwave at 0:01 seconds just to avoid the beeping sound

26. Realizing that EVERYBODY, even your idol, defecates

27. Laughing at serious situations

28. Pulling the strings on your hoodie so that they're the same length

29. Put glue on your hand when you were a kid, let it dry, then peeled it off

30. Sitting down and hating the fact that your thighs just got 37945 times larger

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Comments ( 14 )
  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Singing total eclipse of the heart, naked infront of the mirror whilst doing the man tuck and clutching toblerone.


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  • Anime7

    Aside from all that, lets see.

    Have imaginary conversations in your head with people you know.

    Put music as background noise.

    Lie about things or omit information(everyone does that one)

    Fantasize about really attractive people

    When you're a kid you would trace mountains with your two fingers and pretend that it was a giant walking over these things.

    Constantly say "now" when you put something in a toaster hoping that it would be done when you say so.

    Push the traffic light button rapidly hoping it'll make the light change quicker.

    Mention scandalous things about people simply to have a conversation topic, as opposed to dealing with the awkwardness.

    Freeze up when saying "hi" to someone you have no choice but to pass by on your way to something.

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    • jeebley

      Haha... Also, repeating a word again and again until it becomes strange and unrecognisable "matches......"
      ...That's not a real word

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  • KillerQueen

    Most of them. Except when I'm reliving the argument in which I leave the other person stunned into shocked silence due to the sheer brilliance and 'rightness' of my point, I actually replay it out loud while I'm driving. I just hope people think I'm singing!

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  • noid

    I liked this post. Thanks

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  • charli.m

    16 out of 30.

    Instead of phone wasn't working the other day so I smacked it so hard my palm hurt :/ I hit or kick most inanimate objects that piss me off.

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  • Canttel

    I do all of these things exept one or two

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  • green_boogers

    I do 1,3,5,8,17,25,28. Nice post. Hope you contribute more.

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  • Riddler

    I don't speak correctly in my own culture but most people don't make fun of me for it. A kid did make fun of me for the way I spoke in my 8th grade class but everyone hated her for it. I do wonder how the world think people in my country sound though.

    I never did 4.

    I never did 17.

    number 20(I never study).

    I never did 22 for the reason I believed there was lava.

    I never did 23.

    I never did 25 and never minded the beeping sound. I did stop it early a few times but it was do to my inpatients and I was really hungry.

    I don't know how you don't already understand 26. I never thought about it but I never stopped to realize it. Since that is an obvious fact everyone knows.

    28 sounds OCD but I have done it.

    I never did 29 on purpose but I do always get sticky when using glue and have to peel it off.

    30 how would you think sitting down made your legs instantly grow? If anything its just redistributing the fat already in your legs but you are not becoming any fatter. That sounds irrational.

    I did everything else.

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  • Get a whiff of B.O. and feel terrified that it is possibly you. And then when you are all by yourself, you double check to make sure it wasn't.

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  • lc1988

    Lol! #2 definitely made me smile. I do that constantly.

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  • Short4Words

    I thought I was the only one who found it strange how large my thighs got. This is good enough to be on reddit or something.

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  • Jeaneathean

    Brilliant post!

    (Won't share what I do of the above. Other than to say it's over 50%.)

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  • anti-hero

    I do 21 out of 30.

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