Think that we have a unique ecosystem inside of each pc?
Like, almost if each program in your computer is like a living thing on a ecosystem which is unique for each person/user
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Like, almost if each program in your computer is like a living thing on a ecosystem which is unique for each person/user
I am quite convinced that the state of my computer resembles the state of my mind.
Theres alot of similarities between computers and our reality. I see why some people believe we are in a simulation. Im not convinced we are but its interesting. DNA is literally like computer code.
maybe in the part, that, the programs are really made of code, they are like us, they can evolve alone, just like us, but don't show that, like with personality traits, emotions and things like this
Theres actually this new AI called openai thats out that you can ask it anything and its not controlled by anyone. It learns itself and doesnt have pre recorded responses. Go to openai to check it out. Its creepy dude. It even has a sense of humor. Its very smart.