Thinks my boyfriend is addicted to protestutes. hookers, etc....
My 37-year old never been married boyfriend of 8 months (we've known each other for 20 years) is addicted to porn, strip clubs, massage parlors and anything mentally sexual. I know he did it when he was single, but there is no need now that he is with me and we are living together. I don't mind the porn, but it really bothers me that he is so obsessed with strippers and hookers. And he's a big fan of the NiteFlirt. He loves talking to dirty Asian women and teenage sluts! Since I told him it bothers me, he stopped calling the NiteFlirt.
Is it cheating to go to strip clubs? Is it cheating to want to have stripper club shooter shots and table dances? FYI, my boyfriend has mastered the shooter technique. He tells his buddies his secret technique on how to get more boob action.
I know he loves me and we've talked about getting married.... But not only is the porn / stripper industry a problem, he doesn't want to have sex. We have sex once a week if I'm lucky. The sex is great when we do have it but I'm getting very frustrated and borderline insecure with his obsession and the lack of physical contact I need!
How can someone be so visually and mentally stimulated with porn, strip clubs, etc. and NOT want to have sex more often than once a week with the person he loves? The sex is great when we do it!