This girl on tiktok is really annoying me. is it normal?

Shes 26 female she weighs 210 pounds at 5'2 and she's saying she's not overweight and people in her comments are agreeing but she looks like size XXXL and she is..

she's 2-3xl but she's saying that sizes lie and she's medium even though she clearly looks obese and I wrote it's fine to love your body but it's not healthy to deny you're obese and say you're a medium when you're clearly not. 3xl is obese.. i was obese when i was size XL.. you weigh 210 pounds at 5'2 that's not healthy and she said that I'm blind that she is average weight and she's medium and that the sizes don't define her and she doesn't identify as obese..

She literally wrote she doesn't identify as what the actual and then rude people are replying to me saying "I'm 250 pounds 5'2 and I'm healthy get a life" girl what is even... bruh... I'm an actual medium 128 pounds 5'3... These people are tripping so hard

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50% Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Tommythecaty

    Saying you don’t “identify” as obese so therefore are not is an incredibly dangerous road humanity is going down.

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  • kelili

    There is an option where you can block a user. Use it.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Sounds like her and her followers are all in a bubble and they'll chimp out the second they encounter an opinion that's foreign to them. It's best to step back from the crazy people and move on.

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  • splashgame3

    Sadly, people that agree with her are going to follow and keep up with her posts. If anyone disagrees they’ll do what they did to you. Just ignore the fat fucks because they’re wrong

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  • profanity

    200+ pounds you say..... Where are my harpoons?

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  • raisinbran

    Get off tiktok, it's Chinese spyware compiling disgusting videos of worthless turds with narcissistic personality disorders.

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  • Somenormie

    Reminds me of a debate that I had with some fat acceptance lady.

    She got bodied so hard that she ended up blocking me she was too salty to handle every argument counter I had.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    You aren’t going to change her mind, she’s deep in her delusion, best to just unfollow her.

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  • notmyrealname123

    not normal me personally i would laugh it off, audibly call her an idiot, and move on

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  • Kermitthehog

    You can't be fat AND healthy being obese alone is a health problem. Being fat drastically raises raises your chance of heart attack and stroke and makes it harder for you to fight off disease.

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