This is a post to all the anti-lgbt+ trolls on this site

Why? Why are you anti lgbt+? Why do you feel the need to hate on people? Why do you think hate instead of actually respectfully talking is a good idea? If you are just confused and have questions I'd gladly answer if I can.

P.S. I'm not giving people who are clearly attention seekers the time of day.

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Comments ( 98 )
  • megadriver

    I'm not a troll and not against lgbts... I am against parades however!

    Do you REALLY need to close down the whole town, so a bunch of gay guys can walk about with leather shorts and raging hard ons?! Is this the type of shit you want kids seeing on the street?! I'm straight, but I don't have a parade where I grind my boner against my girlfriend's ass in public to celebrate being straight do I?! Parades are bullshit in general! It's celebrating something that isn't worth celebrating. Like Russia's military parades... Almost as useless as gay parades...

    I get it, oppression and all of that. It was a bold statement back in the day, but now it's just a fucked up live S&M fest that closes down half of the town! I got places to be. Why should I sit in traffic for 2 hours?! So some idiot can wave his dick around, or another idiot neckbeard can dress up in women's clothes and say it's the way he was born... It's just madness.

    Be whatever you want to be, but do it in your own private time. Nobody needs to know about your sexual desires and weird fetishes.

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    • Fetiza000

      That actually sounds like a reasonable argument tbh.

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    • _thequeenofpans_

      The reason there's a parade is because lgbt people have been oppressed for centuries and now they have a chance to be themself and to be proud to be themselves.

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    • Again as you said it yourself it's about oppression. It's still a bold statement if anything. That the nations these happen in have the courage to put on a celebration of love and being yourself. In some places people are still being beheaded for this stuff. Even in the United States: a country supposedly lgbt+ loving: still has anti lgbt+ people. And they don't even keep it to themselves. Bullying, abuse, harassment, homelessness, suicides, ect is all still very high in the community. So if you want to take the parades and celebrations away think of that: you don't have time to drive an extra few minutes, or walk for that matter, for someone's happiness and hope.

      Also, as you have said "in the past" these things are also about remembering the past and what people have fought to have and are still fighting to have. And with the logic of taking away things to remember the past that's like taking away things like 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and Holiday celebrations.

      P.S. you could have worded your message better for me to take you seriously because at this point I just think of you as an angry dude who doesn't think before he presses enter.

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    • lordofopinions

      I totally agree 100%. Why all the pride parade crap? For the record I detest Trans people. I don't care if a person is gay, les, or bi. That's their business but transing is unnatural and weird af.

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      • I think you just need to be educated and do your research. Imagine if you had a dick or titties on you. Or if someone kept calling you the wrong pronouns. Or called you vile names. You probably wouldn't be happy about that would you? And saying it is "unnatural" is as ignorant as saying being "gay" is unnatural. Do you really think that people would just choose to be trans*? Choose to face harassment and threats?

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  • RoseIsabella

    It's site, not sight.

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    • dreamtrain

      I love how you correct people's grammar. Would be honoured If you'd correct mine.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Thank you!

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    • mc-nede

      Lol, in the majority of posts tonight, I've seen typo after typo, and without fail, I have seen you correct their grammar. It's hilarious

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      • I think it's great haha

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      • RoseIsabella

        I guess I was just in that sort of mood.

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    • I don't know why it put that oops.

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      • RoseIsabella

        No problemo, if it's a cell phone it could be due to that predictive text bullshit.

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        • Yeah probably

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  • anonY123

    We should be kind to everybody unless they harm others. LGBT people are just like everybody else and should be respected for their personal choices

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    • Thank you

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  • Appareson

    I don't hate them, I just think they are objectively wrong.

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    • Care to explain please?

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  • Hello_Me_Again

    I don't hate gays, I'm bi but I don't go around waving a flag and shutting a town down. Don't get mad at trolls, if you allow them to hurt you they win. Just ignore them or block them.

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    • I won't reply to blatant attention seekers for the reason I know they are just begging to get under my skin. Also I do ignore negative people when I can. But some people just can't you know. Idk just thought it might be a nice thing to maybe do something instead of taking it for once. I'm kinda tired of sitting silent.

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  • LostSoul96

    I personally can't understand those haters. The LGBTIQ-whatever-else people are neither an existential danger to you nor do they generally do any other harm. Just because I don't know how it's like to have cancer or a tumor I don't hate on people with visible tumors on their body. Just because some people don't want to eat any animal products I'm not hating on them because I have a different opinion. I'm a man and I wouldn't want to be a woman.
    And if I was I wouldn't want to be terrorized by people who don't understand my problems just because they have never experienced something close to it. We're not only speaking of nudging and insulting but of batteries, theft, extortion, sexual assault, death and so much more. Does that really need to be? Do these people deserve all that, including hate?

    If certain people were forcing you to do the same or to become sick too (as in becoming a drug addict, getting HIV or Hepatitis or any other problem) because it is the "right decision for everybody" or just "good" then you had reasons to dislike them - and I mean only disliking them.

    But what are these termed people doing? Most of them just try to survive a harmful life. I've been in contact with some of them. They don't seek any attention. In fact, if they would have had the chance to not be "trans" then they would choose to life a "normal" life as a "normal" guy or girl. Remember "normality" does only exist in dictionaries and minds. Nature doesn't know the words "normal" and "abnormal" because everything on earth is normal. As the original author of this "question" said, it is not funny to live like that and to suppress a signal of freedom and peace of sorts isn't doing any better than waving flags and walking half naked around the town. Btw kids these days watch porn in young age already so what is it you are concerned about?

    What I despise most is that lot of LGBTI+-negatives haven't even good objective reasons to hate or even dislike them. Religion isn't a good reason, stamping it a fashion wave or whatever isn't either.

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    • I agree with a ton of your points. And to be honest I feel like maybe anti lgbt+ people are just that dense.

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  • CDmale4fem

    "Be What You Is, Not What You Aint,
    Cuz if you ain't what you is, you is what you aint."
    Now myself I interpret this to say " just be yourself".

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  • Read my comment up top please and I'd like to emphasize that NOT EVERYONE DOES THESE THINGS. Even a wonderful person down in these comments lives in a city where no one acts like that at their pride.

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  • Tealights

    The world is just fucked up like that, and you must learn to survive it as well as accept things you can't control. Life isn't always good, it's bad sometimes too; wanting people to be good all the time is childish.

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    • Trust me I know the world isn't butterflies and rainbows and it probably will never be. But if each person could make it just a little tiny bit better why wouldn't we.

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      • nikkiclaire

        Better for who? If two people have opposing views it can't possibly be better for all.

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        • Better for anyone. Even if it's better for only a section of people. Not like we are making life worst for people who disagree.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i havent noticed this any more than any other typea trollin on here

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    • I know it's just angry people trolling. But still. It's pretty bad here. The trolling itself and the topic of this post. As someone in the lgbt+ community you could see why I would be upset by this specifically. I have faced these types of things in real life and a lot of the time people actually believe these things. Ignorant things. So I just decided to call out the thing I know most about. The thing that has to do with me. So that if they have the guts to confess to someone who will fight back, I might be able to open someone's eyes.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        yall kinda had me till the last sentence

        besides bein too sensitive bout what yalls own special particular thang might be im not really gettin what confessions and battles yallre referrin to

        could yall point me towards some posts where yall or yalls pride oriented ilk mightve suffered abuse?

        again color me ignoranta all the opression yallre dealin with

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        • The last sentence was referring to people who like to hide behind keyboards. Talk shit thinking they can get away with it because they are on the internet. If you have the guts to come up to me it shows you aren't hiding behind the screen. I will argue back and maybe instead of throwing insults like a lot of times these come up to be, we could actually have a discussion in which if the other is just ignorant I could change their mind on a topic. Maybe they can give me a good point I might be able to change my mind a little too (like the topic of people being half dressed at pride parades).

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  • bigbudchonga

    What do you think a troll is?

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  • IceRed

    It's more about what they're doing

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    From what I understand it's because they are procreation nuts if it dosent pop out a Baby they don't like it.

    I could care less who is fucking who.

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    • Yeah but what about infertile people I haven't heard of them talking shit to them. And tbh why do we need more babies this world is overpopulated af.

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      • TheBlindInquisitor

        When it comes to infertile people it's a bit complicated in the past they thought it was some kind of omen or the devil but now most would offer prayer in hopes said person can reproduce.

        They get this idea of popping out babies from the verse be fruitful and multiply which is a direct order from God to bring life into this world no matter the numbers.

        I agree that overpopulation is bad and at best the world could hold about 15 to 20 billion but even that then issues would start happening unless we send half that population to Mars or something.

        But I doubt that huge number would even want to leave.

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        • SmokeEverything

          They can't even go to the moon and they're going to mars? Ha. The whole reason there's so much bad chemicals in food and water is the world leaders are trying to thin the herd because they fear overpopulation. Babies are bad.

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          • TheBlindInquisitor

            Like I said I'm very skeptical that a massive colony project to Mars would be even possible.

            Those who go will mainly be the wealthy anyone else that gose will basically end up as slaves human rights would become a bit of a issue off world.

            So I don't see it happening anytime soon.

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            • SmokeEverything

              The space program is a tax scam, they're nowhere near being able to go to the moon for real let alone mars. So this is all we got right now.

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  • raisinbran

    In the 80s when I grew up, there was a pretty bad stigma against gays. I was given the impression they were weird people that you wanted to stay far away from... complete nonsense.

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    • Meatballsandwich

      Kinda ironic, considering how damn gay the 80s were.

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    • It is nonsense and I'm glad that you see that. They are people like everyone else. Love is love. :)

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  • Jinko

    I dislike LGBTq12369zxv people, and I like getting a reaction every now and then. It's simple

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    • Depression_Frustration

      Well at least you’re being honest about it but I still find that pretty disturbing and sad.

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      • nikkiclaire

        Why, I hate attention seekers, and labeling yourself as lgbt or q is just that, seeking attention. No one cares who you fuck. Keep it in the bedroom or be prepared for people's reactions. Simple.

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        • _thequeenofpans_

          so then you hate people who label themselves as straight then

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          • nikkiclaire

            There is no "straight" community group that I know of, but if they had one, yeah I would hate that too.

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        • Labels can be empowering. There is nothing wrong with being proud of who you are. And here you are just talking about sexuality. What about Trans* people? It might be a thing they *have* to say.

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          • nikkiclaire

            People who are proud of who they are wouldn't care what others had to say. Regardless, you asked why people hate it, I hate it because it annoys me that someone is throwing their sexuality in my face when I dont give a fuck about it.

            I would generally dislike any group that made it a point to shove something in my face.

            Another reason to dislike lgbt groups is that they are mostly bigoted, hate groups who bash straight people. Their main goal IS to annoy people into accepting them.

            As stated in my original response, if you want to do that, be prepared for others responses. If you can't handle others responses then stop.

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            • I don't know where you are going to be seeing those things. But in my experience I haven't seen anything like that. You shouldn't generalize. I don't hate Christians because some hate gays and push their religion on others. I just think hate shouldn't be so general.

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      • I agree.

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    • Why do you hate LGBT+ people? And don't you stop to think that the "reaction" you are getting from someone could be serious damage? Isn't that sort of sick that you get happy by that?

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      • Jinko

        I hate them because it is natural to be repulsed by something that is not natural. I dont make my decisions based on the feelings of some unstable man who cut off his penis, or any mentally ill person.

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        • Sexuality being not hetrosexual is found in nature if you didn't know. And trans people aren't hurting anyone so why are you butt hurt. Even if they were mentally ill who gave you the right to shit on them when no harm is being done to you. Just ignore them if you want. And if you want to talk more technically there are animals who "change gender" like clownfish.

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          • nikkiclaire

            You are being pretty hypocritical. If others should just ignore lgbt, then lgbt should just ignore the haters and not be butt hurt too. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

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            • You are entitled to a opinion but the least you could do is be respectful.

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          • Jinko

            Homosexuality and the thought of being a tranny is being pushed on and celebrated by youth around the world. My problem isn't that they exist, it's that they are forcing it upon others. And we're humans not clownfish

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            • Lgbt+ is not pushed. It's being made aware of. And I don't know where you get your statistics from but a shit ton of people hate lgbt+ people. Also point on the clownfish- We all came from the same water what makes you think we are so different.

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  • Vvaas

    big gay

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  • a)again in this day and age I'm not sure if it matter. and if their parents are okay with it why not. b) yeah it is a shame people give a bad name to many but they can do as they please. I'm sure the only way a kid can learn at a parade is if they ask the right questions and the right people answer them. but mostly parades are about fun for kids. not the topic. and a lot of pride parades have fun that can be appropriate for kids. hell even the bright and fun colors alone would be fun for a kid. maybe an older kid could learn something. some kid from 8-11 maybe could learn a thing or two. but again its about what the question is and how people could answer them.

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  • hungDaddy

    They're just dense people. Like, that's literally it.

    I'm seeing comments saying this and that about parades being inappropriate and gays grinding against each other and being attention seeking....

    like sis, have you seen how some of these people treat sports; how obnoxious and loud and hateful they can be?

    The only times I see people acting out in gay bars (for the most part TBH) are when straight people get in and think they're vogue for being in a gay space.

    Or how my city had pride about two weeks ago and it was a very respectful event, with our different political parties, illness/disorder groups, even stuff as mundane as supermarkets showing love and respect. No grinding, nothing disgusting, and the closest thing that there was in comparison to what some of these people are commenting was a float representing a cannabis dispensary and three men were dancing separately and showing off the "standard" queer dancing (death drops, high kicks etc.). Nothing dirty at all.

    These people are no different than those who still rep the Confederate flag because "it represents history". Its racist, sis. Just dense people who won't just let themselves feel happy; who choose to close up to a huge majority of the world. Sadly, e.g., America, y'all got a monkey in office who supports it and shows globally that its okay to be doing this. Thus, IMO, it will never go away.

    As if these queers can actually hurt our feelings lmao. Allow them to yell at us in a comment, or maybe say we look stupid in public. I'm going to go home to my wonderful trans girlfriend, enjoy some bubble tea and a good sex sesh and call it day.

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    • I see your point here. Personally I think anti lgbt+ persists because society allows it to in some places. And parents don't correct their children when they pick up hateful language at school or online.

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      • hungDaddy

        That's exactly how it is. People get it in their heads that certain groups are "wrong", and then those sentiments are passed on.

        In the future, I can only hope for those feelings to be grandfathered out in lieu of, at least, basic human acceptance.

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        • It's sad that the hate is passed on really. Daily I heard unthinkable things like "faggot" "gay" "what are you gay" "tranie" "lesbo" all sorts of things when on the bus for school. Not very good for the self esteem of a young lgbt+ kid like me. Let alone someone that might be more sensitive then I am as well as the physical things happening to others on the bus. If anything I can ignorantly hope my new school will be better. And people wonder why we still have parades? haha.

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          • hungDaddy

            Honestly, the people who bitch about the parades must be the most dull, insensitive people there are. I don't even care if they're queer as well; just stop shitting on what is a pinnacle moment to others. Just because you can't sit down and let some marginalized people be happy for a day isn't anyone's problem but yours.

            But I hope things get better for you. I'm not sure how old you are but I'll assume high school if people are using language like that. I used to be terrified of being queer in high school and I covered it up by playing sleazy and sleeping around with guys. It wasn't until I graduated that I became a loud and proud lesbian because I finally broke free from oppressing people. If you haven't already, you'll definitely find your way someday, just let the monkeys go at it.

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            • Yeah idk what their problem is ig sometimes people can be provocative but in this day and age I don't think it really matters. With kids on phones as babies and 5 year olds stumbling across kinky porn sites on their tablets and cell phones: It's all about what their parents want them to see or care to sensor.

              And yeah I do hope it gets better at my new school. And yes I am in high school. (But a lot of language like that not the worst stuff but pretty bad stuff for kids like using "gay" and "lesbo" I've heard since elementary school. They learn by example and it's sad.) I did go to my orientation yesterday for my new school and it seems way more friendly to lgbt+ people. They briefly mentioned an lgbt+ and gender identity club.

              PS I'm sorry you had a highschool experience like that. But I'm glad you are happy now.

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  • LornaMae

    I don't hate at all, sorry. I have no questions but would love to hear what you have to say.

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    • What do you need me to comment upon

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  • I understand now. Your argument isn't too bad. but it's a thing some people do and not all people at the parades. I personally wouldn't be going out there like that. That's just me. Maybe it's about tradition and being over the top. But idk. I do know that if people don't want their kids to see that don't let them. I think just in this day and age with preteens and kids watching 13 reasons why and babies growing up watching mtv and late night shows that it's not much different. Again I do see your point though.

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