This is annoying...but flattering.
Okay, so everytime I walk into the mall...guys are all up on me...and brave,too. Then, like all these like foreign weird dudes come up to me and they are like," Excuse-ah, Miss, please-ah tell-ah me-ah that-ah you-ah are-ah not-ah taken-ah in-ah marriage-ah by-ah another-ah man-ah." And I'm like," Dude, back up...I can't even understand a word you are saying." And also I have these "incidents" where like 30 year old dudes are like totally hitting on me. Like my dad's friend is a car mechanic...and so like I went with my dad to his garage...and like, everyone who knows him calls him Puerto-Rican Johnny...and so like I got out of the car...and I was walking away to my car, and he was like totally mesmerized...staring at my butt dude!!! and my dad was like," Johnny, keep your eyes where they need to be." Haha I was laughing when I got in my car...and by the way...he is like 39!!!!!! How gross is that?!? But anyway, like I get about 14 hits a that normal???