This is annoying...but flattering.

Okay, so everytime I walk into the mall...guys are all up on me...and brave,too. Then, like all these like foreign weird dudes come up to me and they are like," Excuse-ah, Miss, please-ah tell-ah me-ah that-ah you-ah are-ah not-ah taken-ah in-ah marriage-ah by-ah another-ah man-ah." And I'm like," Dude, back up...I can't even understand a word you are saying." And also I have these "incidents" where like 30 year old dudes are like totally hitting on me. Like my dad's friend is a car mechanic...and so like I went with my dad to his garage...and like, everyone who knows him calls him Puerto-Rican Johnny...and so like I got out of the car...and I was walking away to my car, and he was like totally mesmerized...staring at my butt dude!!! and my dad was like," Johnny, keep your eyes where they need to be." Haha I was laughing when I got in my car...and by the way...he is like 39!!!!!! How gross is that?!? But anyway, like I get about 14 hits a that normal???

Voting Results
44% Normal
Based on 91 votes (40 yes)
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Comments ( 88 )
  • hunnybunny

    Oh. My. God. I sincerely hope your looks make up for your complete and utter lack of intelligence (which I highly doubt they do). Get over yourself! It seems you have the intellectual capacity of a pea.

    Do us all a favor, and learn to use grammar and punctuation. And one last thing; for the sake of the human race, don't procreate. Please and thank you.

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  • Alaskaraven

    Very normal when you dress like a whore.

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    • hunnybunny

      My sentiments exactly

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    • TheatreGirl

      That's rude

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  • i stare at hot girls butts too

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    • TheatreGirl

      You're a creep

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  • TheatreGirl

    Don't let anyone tell you you're lucky. This shouldn't happen to anyone.

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  • Steve238


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  • MrsEdGein

    You should consider yourself lucky. I never get hit on by guys
    Life sucks when you're a plain Jane.

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  • Oh my God...
    I officially hate the word 'like' now...

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  • craveX

    jesus, girls who brag about themself WAY to much is such a turn offfffffff

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  • same with me!!

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  • so_damn_unpretty

    just consider yourself lucky to know what its like to be pretty.

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  • CountryRoads

    Good for you. Just stay safe, and don't let men get too close if you don't want them to. Men can be very forward, like that "I find rape erotic" post. It's great to love your looks, and know others do too. Just stay safe!

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  • munchie420

    Thanks to American movies and shit a lot of foreign guys think American girls are whores. A foreign guy once just came up and said "will you go with me?" and I said "what are you talking about?" and he said that I was American so I should just go back to his hotel with him. It's insane. But ya you need to stop being so stuck up. Some guys may look at you, but your not perfectand not everyone in the universe wants you that badly

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  • Shannondoaha

    let me amend "how you talk"
    by changing what I meant. Your choice of diction.

    Plus, I don't like the way that you represent foreign people in this.

    Your entry was talking about how hot you are, and racist remarks filled with "like"s and "dude"s in between.

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  • Shannondoaha

    You might be really attractive or just take people glancing at you as checking you out. You definitely sound like you believe your fucking hot.
    but when it comes down to it, I am sure the guys worth the time would turn in the opposite direction because of
    a) how you talk
    b) what your decisions to talk about are
    c) I rarely get annoyed by anything on the Internet, but you have succeeded in doing so.

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  • 46horses

    One day you will be old and alone, with nothing to offer in terms of a personality. I take comfort in this.

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  • Kai'Layah

    What was the point of even posting this? To get attention i suppose? So, why would the attention you receive from guys be a bother to you? And I'm sorry, nobody is THAT attractive that they are hit on, what did you say "14" times a day?(UNLESS YOU'RE BEYONCE!) It seems to me that you are either on an ego trip, or you are so vain that you perceive normal small-talk as an attempt to flirt. I have no doubt in my mind that you are pretty, but the ego think gotta go, like totally because its like so not attractive dude.

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  • carelessbitch

    Probably you're really hot

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  • HarshbutTrue

    wow you need to get the fuck over yourself.

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  • mieoux

    You're young and attractive you are going to get a lot of attention. Try to ignore it and don't make any eye contact with any guys you are not interested in. By the way, laughing when the 39 year old was staring at your butt, you were probably trying to be nice in an awkward situation, but that could be interpreted as encouragement. You will have to say a lot of "no's" so stop being nice, you don't have to be mean, but you must be firm, don't smile when you don't mean to actually smile and don't acknowledge or make eye contact with men you are not interested in - there is a trick where you can just stare through the guys as if you are looking at something behind them. Pretend they are not there. If they pointedly introduce themselves and you are not interested then either ignore them act as if they are not there or tell them you are not interested in them. Often it's just easier to act as if they are not there, especially when you are tired. With the more aggressive guys, you want to avoid getting into any kind of conversation with them, so just act like they are not there. If the guy is normal, just tell them you're flattered but you are not interested. Don't giggle or smile at them, unless you find them attractive and you intend to flirt with them. Avoid any direct eye contact as much as you can.

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  • loviex102

    Even ugly girls get hit on by 300 year olds.

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  • bewmbox


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  • UnderTheBridge

    Maybe you have an abnormal lump on your buttox.

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  • thatoneguyagain

    you could ether
    A. be hot
    B. they could pity you
    C. you look like a prostitute
    im guessing B or C

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  • crimson_mamba

    you're too full of yourself. you sound prepubescent. how old are you?

    seriously, i bet you expected hits of people telling you that you must be hot, and all this stuff to flatter your big head full of ego.

    get over yourself.

    oh and dont let those foreign extra terrestials with the brown faces stain you, those freaks *sarcasm*

    to all you guys who commented on her hotness, you just fell trap to a common manipulative trick girls do to get your attention, trust me.

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    sounds like your hot!!! let peurto rican johnny have some it would make his day

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  • xRiceBunnyy

    Haha u must be pretty smexi eh? xD
    Lol its pretty wrong that even old men hit on u >>
    I would be like O_O and screaming -> scared that theyre gonna rape me. actually i would be scared that any random dude came up to me and starts doing that...

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  • simonmoto

    you hafta realise men of all ages love young attractive women... its in our nature!

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  • dandee82


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  • alexthelionhearted

    Hahaha, i didn't realise that this site edited itself. That's kinda lame.

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  • alexthelionhearted

    Was Encino like, so bitchin'?
    Okay, fine, fer sure, fer sure.

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  • rjjolly

    u must be hot
    i stare at girls butts all the time
    by the way im a girl

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  • Zombie_girl08

    to the haters:
    STOP HATIN'!!!
    it's normal to be a little annoyed when you get hit on a lot. Enjoy it! :D

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  • adityais28

    do you want to be my girlfriend? I live in Indonesia...and I kind of cute.....he he he he ..I'm 28 btw.

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  • wazup132



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  • Crebel34

    Am i the only one you noticed she made a racist remark there?.. and tried to make a joke out foreign people, mabye he was nervous how do you know he didn't just get here. Just because you lived hear all your young life, dosent give you the right to degrade other people.

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  • on_the_rocks

    the same thing happened to my sister while she was in Israel, she said like 10 arabs came up to her asking to marry her, like seriously. She's only 19 and there were 30 year olds.

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  • wannarocktheworld

    what are you? a 14 yr old girl?

    get over with this crazy happy-me-with-ass-gazers thing

    its normal being a beautiful piece of ass among guys who just never won't or probably haven't so far had one.

    don't overreact,but thats the way weird guys hit on girls

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  • dollpartz

    Here a solution to your problem. Wanna scare the men off or at least out of wanting to marry you? Simple. Just open your mouth and speak! You are ridiculous.

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  • richielarry

    I don't know if you wrote this to show off or what. But if you get all this attention and you don't like it then you must you must be one dumb girl. Just don't put your make up on in the morning, wear some baggy clothes and a hat. No woman is so beautiful that she cannot make herself look average if she wishes to.

    However when you want attention do your hair up nice, wear some clothes that you like and make you feel sexy and go with it :-)

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    • Phoenix

      On the more serious side: Why the fuck would a girl want to look average? No man, beauty is to be shown, romance to be made, and FUCK to FUCK.


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  • gateboy6

    lol no

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  • stjimmy

    If you don't like this, get fat. Otherwise, you'll have to deal with it and probably carry around pepper spray.

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  • russellnb

    14 hits a day is not many but they are all low lifes, do you live in a trailer

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  • M0J00

    Stop dressing like a slut.

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  • MisterMo

    If you don't like it to be attractive, here's the solution:

    (By the way it's a joke).

    Just look trashy by not shaving armpits and legs, it will repulse a lot of men.

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  • Catinthehat

    It has been my observation that some hot girls go almost unnoticed while other hot girls (and even not so hot girls) get a lot more attention. I attribute this to attitude and attire. If you flirt with men, wave at them, wink at them, lick your lips, and wiggle your junk when you walk, you will get attention. Therefore, walk in a no-nonsense manner and don't dress like a little tramp, and that will reduce 90 percent of the unwanted attention.

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  • Ringleader92

    Okay, like since you use like, after like every other word, like, I'm guessing you're like one of those like bulimic like bleach blond like prissy girls, and like the only reason they're staring, is because like they can see that like you're like a prime candidate for like playboy or some like sleazy porno.

    Live it up bitch, because not only does every average-looking girl your age hate your guts, but when you start aging, all that shit you use to make you look "pretty" is going to come back and bite you in the ass.

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  • gitface

    Enjoy it while you can, kid. It ain't gonna last forever. This kind of thing may seem annoying now, but when you get older, you'll find that you actually miss this stupid shit.

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  • JaiHo_YouAreMyDestiny

    Boys can be such retards and pigs!
    Anyways, it's normal, because it's not something you can help. But like, you know what you can like, help!? Like..!!
    You're grammar dumbass.
    You can at least prettend you're not stupid.

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    • Fireflies_girl

      Can I use the "you can at least pretend your not stupid?" Line on girls at my school? Because that is genius. Just saying :).

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  • Lambent

    If you are as beautiful as you imply you are, then you're going to have to deal with such treatment for a while before you get all old and pruny.
    Get over it. Get over yourself.
    Don't let attention get to your head.
    Arrogance mars one's beauty.

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  • Wear a burka.

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  • PissDrinkerRimmingGiver

    Hey yeah this is normal you must be stunning so its by no means un-normal but if it annoys you - you could just like say to anyone who was about to hit on you (if you weren't into them obviously) "i'm sorry but i just dont like you that way but thank you" or something like that - simple - job done quickly and inoffensively! :D

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  • lisha590

    omg i totally know what ur talking sometimes i feel like i have to ugly myself down to not get so much attention. its great but then annoying sometimes when u get it from the wrong people like perv old men and ugly people

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  • JoeyAnne

    its normal. I live in LA, and it happens to me a lot too. i've considered the problem to be because of clashing cultures. these immigrants may think its ok, and while thats flattering, its inappropriate. but dont make fun of them for it, because thats rude.

    i've learned to toughen up about it, instead of ignoring it. either way, they like it. own it, honey.

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  • Solimorphic

    Normal and natural.

    Nature has determined the girl chooses. Your post reveals you have a large selection and therefore the opportunity to find a man who is very desirable.

    But enjoy it while it lasts. Remember, the more beautiful the flower the faster it fades!

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  • TinMan

    Yeah thats normal. Im actually in the same situation as you are, but exept im a guy. Im pretty good looking I would say and i noticed that i get a lot of attention from all kinds of people and not necessarily my age or of the opposite sex. I actually now know the census of how many gay people are out there due to the fact i get hit by them a lot. Its scary how much are out there, i feel like Keanu Reeves in the movie Constantine, "You see them, they see you", lol.
    If im at a mall, i instantly know which girl is attracted to me, because they give me "that look". Thats how often i get attention from people. Any guys notice when in less of one minute that you see a girl, she give you that starring look, like as if shes trying to tell you something? anyways, also even my moms friends give that attention also. It sometimes bugs. Now I know how most women feel when they get hit on and even how Brittany Spears must feel with the paparazzi and all. I also hate cause it makes me kind of feel like im very vain or something, like im getting spoiled by some random people. I dont know its kind of weird.

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  • Teenageenglishandconfuzzled

    I would hate to be so amazingly beautiful.
    I wouldn't know if people liked me for my looks or what.

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  • MapleSyrup

    Like omg like that is like so normal like guys are pigs like omg like whatever girlfriend. Im assuming she's a teen as she said the word "like" 10 times in that little story.

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  • quaips

    You do not say how old you are but you are obviously nice to look at.
    It can be tiring to get so much attention but just think of those girls less fortunate than you in their looks and how they would secretly like to be in your shoes!
    It is rather sad to think that one day in the future you will be older and may not receive so much attention.
    My advice, if I may give it to you, is to enjoy the attention now but not to let it give you airs and graces. Make sure you always look nice and that you keep a pleasant manner, in this way you will always be admired.
    All the best for the future.

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  • Renly808

    I think, like, it like must be because like, you know, guys like gutter sluts.! Like yaaaayyy!

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  • luckyladymonroe

    you must have a hell of an ass on you... foreign guys particularly hispanic love a nice big ass... i get hit on alot in the same way you're talking about- just take it as a compliment and move on with your life.

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  • bighairFrank

    Wear some no-nonsense clothing. Men's pants are easier to fit and last longer, for example. Heavy, non-tight T-shirts work the same way. Even if you end up just looking like a hot lesbian, that cuts down the portion of the population that will hit on you by four fifths or so. That'll fix your problem, if 1. it is real, and 2. you aren't bragging. I doubt that either of those are true, but I don't like being completely destructive.

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  • pillman

    ur a loser this isnt a place to brag about how many guys hit on u.
    if ut hot then this happens dip shit. if ur ugly than it doesnt
    did u just suddenly wake up with tits n ass one day.

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  • thelittleone

    Firstly, you shouldn't complain. I can think of countless women who wish every day that a guy would pay attention to them.

    And second, check the vocabulary! Racist language, no. Ignorant language, NO. Immitating racial stereotypes, NO!

    Please, put some clothes on and go read a book.

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  • FingerTwitch

    Like, like like like like like. No it's not normal, maybe there was a blood stain on your ass? You seem like a conceited broad.

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  • Funkadelik89

    Like I first was like OMG like they did not totally like do that LOL. But like I thought it was like normal and like I would be like upset too. And like I knew like I shouldn't have like skipped class to like suck guys off like a tramp but like I was like totally dumb when I was in highschool. LOL Like that was like over like one year ago.

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    • valentine

      yh like i agree like like like like....yh we all know u like ok stop repeatin urself

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  • orange

    you walk around with a strap-on on with normal over it that will make guys go away.

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  • r u serious or just having an ego trip dumb little girl.

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  • I don't get hit on like that as much as I used to now people just stare at me, and it pisses me off. I smile, and most of them just stare at me like i'm crazy. I never get hit on by the right types of guys and when I do find a guy I like they never know what to talk about, and I try to desperately carry on a conversation. FUCK THAT! I wish I could live somewhere away from people, or have an escape route, I hate the pressures of life, and what people expect of you.

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    • I can just see you on those eHarmony commercials right now with the gay song playing in the back ground.

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      • nah man I wouldn't be interested in meeting somebody that I was matched up with, I would rather it come unexpectedly.

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        • A hopeless romantic? You might have many more nights alone in bed reading those supermarket love novels.

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  • sperminator

    This site is gay now (if your allowed to say that?) What happened to the fuck you! Your a cunt! Slut bag mother fucker etc? That was much more fun! Arrrr well guess im banned again! Might create a site that no matter what is said you wont get banned, this one is for churchies now. So long gaylords! Ha fuckin' ha!

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    • also a motherfucker. OK? now don't leave. we need you here

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    • fuck you. you're a cunt shitbag.

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  • michaelelif

    Hi Guys, its plastic nose, MJJACKSON :) Dont no how long ill last so hi Cab70, MoFo and every other lovely person on IIN. You r all beautiful people :) :) See you all as soon as i can recreate another true MichaelJJackson UN without being kicked off! No one believes me and im very worried! Great to see IIN back! Love you all, MJJ. MWAHHH

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    • Welcom back mate good to see you again. the site has changed a lot since you were last here but youll notice the changes soon enough

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      • michaelelif

        Hey Cab, all i want is peace and harmony! Its so good that you responded so efficiently and respectfully :) you ossie icon you, lol. Is crazy mofo, x.princess and lizzie still here? Great to see you are still here. Love and peace Michael XXX

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        • No Im the only 1 here sorry mate and be careful I now have an evil twin. But we do have some nice new members here and I will let crazy know your back

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  • pepper5

    you ask yourself that question.
    are you really that attractive?

    if soo yea of course its normal.

    and uhhhh foreign guys will try to get with american girls soo they can become us citizens

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  • You must be hot. mThis is normal so youll have to put up eith it and forien men are very forward

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  • Wow I thought the "Valley Girl" thing went out years ago. But like well I guess I was wrong.

    It sounds like you Have a huge career a as prostitute if you were so inclined. Just kidding you really should enjoy the attention while you can.

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    • HellAndHighWater

      @gizzie56 dead wrong, dude. The Valley Girl thing goes on, and it's annoying as ever.

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