This people over the internet annoyed me so much
It's exasperating to see people post something innocents and friendly over the internet but then there will be people made up of scumbags comment shit on you. I'm aware this happened to a lot of people already. I'm not sure if they were braved enough to say those mean things in front of your face.
Then, if that website had a voting system such as this one, there will be people who will upvote that mean person's comment as a sign of approval. The bad thing is that this kind of person is targeting innocent user. Some people love to see others getting bullied on the internets as entertainment. Don't they think how would they feel if they were being irritated on the internet? I'm sick of this people.
If there's a new technology where my hand can penetrate the computer screen, I would punch them on the face to protect others that are being bullied on the internet. I'm aware that this thing is impossible to stop. Do you hate this kind of people?