This person wont stop harassing me online?

This person didn't like my answer on another forum that I use.So he told me not to answer any of his threads in the future.I responded to him and told him that it was a public forum and I will answer any thread I want.

He made another thread few later and I answered it.He sent me a private messages demanding I stay off my threads etc.i told him to stop messaging me.He wouldn't stop so I reported him to the mod that he is sending me unwanted pms.He was given a warning.He didn't message me after that.

Then he made another thread and I commented on it again. He sent me another message to leave him alone. The thing is there is no block option to stop anyone from messaging you or answering your questions etc.I reported him again for sending me a private message after receiving a warning and his account was banned.

Now he has been making new accounts for the sole intent to harass me.He thinks I was the reason why he got banned .I reported him and they block his accounts but he keeps making new ones.

What should I do?Would you blame me for him getting banned?

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Comments ( 11 )
  • jethro

    Just ignore him and don't reply to his PM's. Like you said it is a public forum.

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  • G(d

    ...Why are you taking this so seriously? Do his actions actually hurt you in some way?
    Are you so weak and fragile that he's capable of so easily bringing you down?
    Ignore him!
    This entire situation is silly.
    Just ignore messages from his email address.
    Why would you waste so much mental energy over this?

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    All I read was "blah blah blah Im always right blah blah blah". Get a life.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    If you can't block him for his childish behavior, ignore him and continue to use the site. There's no point in leaving a website over one lifeless coward.

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    • cocknballs

      It was you.

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  • CodenameDuchess

    Ignore him. He clearly has no life.

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  • Steve2.0

    Or get over it.

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  • Steve2.0

    Find out where he lives, go to his house, press your face against his bedroom window and say: "could you please stop harassing me online?"

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  • Net_Neutrality

    I really believe you are so childish. I strongly believe you are the only responsible person for getting him blocked. But I don't blame you because your average thinking is like a Kid and you can't help it out and Moderators are losing neutrality nowadays. Sad Fact.

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  • GodofWisdom

    Ignore him, and continue threading.

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  • Carlygrl

    It's normal for someone to do that once in a while but just block 'em and you'll be ok

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