Those doctors won't take my eating seriously
Are these doctors so bloody blind they can't see the problem isn't physical, it's an eating problem! I don't need a bloody dietician, I need a diagnosis for why all my life I've been eating sweetener. It's a mental problem and the doctors are confused and it's the middle of the night and won't send me to the mental ward, I need a GP and it's very serious, the doctors are treating me the wrong way, I don't have a diet problem, I have an eating problem. It's not a question of a better diet, it's a question on what happens mentally about food. I called the emergency and the only help I get is seeing my GP and I was told to see a dietician. No, I don't have to see a dietician, I need treatment for my condition. And because of this my mind is getting worse and the doctors won't treat it, whatever abnormal problems I have, why is no one taking it seriously? Why is it undiagnosed, and why don't I get to wear glasses? It's discrimination, I have the right to have treatment, I have the right to have a diagnosis even if the problem is different!