Thoughts on covid vaccines?

What is everyones thoughts on the covid vaccine? I’m Interested to see what people think. Herd mentality? Ignorance? Conspiracy theory? Aluminum helmet?
What was your experience if you have been vaccinated?

Pro vaccine 21
Anti vaccine 10
Anti vaxxer 1
Kat Von D 2
Common sense 11
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Comments ( 63 )
  • KholatKhult

    I got the good ole’ Russia vaccine and my wife got the good ole’ China vaccine so our offspring will come out with wings

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  • Softlips123

    What do you mean by Pro vaccine?
    And do you mean someone who’s Pro vaccine with all vaccines or the covid vaccine specifically?

    And what do you mean by common sense?
    Are you meaning someone should choose that option if they have the common sense to get the vaccine? Or if they have the common sense not to get the vaccine?

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    • Gandalf?

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    You accidentally listed one option twice. You said "common sense" but the pro vaccine option was already there.

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    • mouldiwarp

      I’m pro-vaccine myself, but obviously it isn’t COMMON sense if such a startling number of people in the world are anti-vax. Even smart people can be manipulated into following pseudoscience.

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        Late, but valid point.

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      • GaelicPotato

        Common sense is rare.

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    • charli.m


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    • LloydAsher

      I put common sense because I dont need the vaccine since I already got my immune system used to covid.

      I'm not pro vaccine though. Not in this case because it's not FDA approved and it was a rushed process. It's not gonna kill you but I'll let people who are actually at risk of dying from covid go first and enjoy the vaccine.

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      • BleedingPain

        I dunno where you live, but my area is making us show proof of vaccination if we want to work without a mask on.. we have to sign a form confirming that we got the vaccine, and if they ask us for proof, and we lied. Termination.

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD


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          • BleedingPain

            Is that sarcastic?

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            • S0UNDS_WEIRD

              Not even a little bit. That's badass. If you can't be fucked to get the vaccine you can wear a mask. Problem solved. People safer.

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    • Somenormie


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  • mouldiwarp

    What’s the difference between “anti vaccine” and “anti vaxxer”?

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    • Meowypowers

      Anti vaxxer refers to people whom historically blame traditional vaccines for the increase in autism.

      Anti vaccine refers specifically to those who don't love the idea of taking the new covid vaccines because they: don't trust the new rushed technology, don't think they need them because they either aren't exposed to a mass of people, or they were already inoculated from previous exposure, don't think children should necessarily need covid vaccinations because of their low likelyhood of experiencing symptoms or spreading the disease etc.

      The anti vaxxers are obviously ignorant and anti science.

      Anti (covid) vaccine people question the need for mass vaccinations, and are waiting for the science; they are worried about undetermined long term effects
      of the vaccines while risking the potential consequences of such a drug being mass marketed and forces on giant poppulations of people without longterm studies.

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    • techpc

      I think anti vaccine is anti just the COVID one. Anti vaxxer is anti all vaccines, like MMR, HPV, etc.

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    • GaelicPotato

      Not sure. They're both equal levels of dangerously paranoid.

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  • No vaccine for me pls.

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    • LloydAsher

      Upvoted your down vote because No one should be judging for a conscious choice.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I'm with you!

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  • LornaMae

    48 comments and I've read none, tbh. I'm just waiting for a chance to get whichever vaccine is available whenever it's available to feel safe where I'm at.. :/

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  • RoyyRogers

    The people giving it said you can still get covid with the vaccine. Literally not even sure what the piont is than.

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    • Boojum

      I'm pretty sure that no vaccine is 100% effective. Just as people's reaction to infection with a particular pathogen varies quite a bit, so people's immune systems don't all respond in the same way to vaccination.

      What researchers are sure about is that all of the Covid vaccines drastically reduce the chance that contact with the virus will have serious consequences. If you've been vaccinated, your body may instantly attack and neutralise the virus before it can infect cells and reproduce, so you will have no symptoms at all. If your immune system doesn't respond that aggressively, you may feel shitty for a few days and recover. It's very unlikely (but not impossible) that a vaccinated person will end up requiring hospitalisation, and also unlikely that they will have lingering aftereffects.

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  • Pilum

    Not pro vaccine. Pro common sense. Rather not inject myself if I didn't have to. I did do it, but the whole effort to essentially brainwash people into just trusting the govt with the happy little cartoons and ads, I do not like. "Oh trust your government! Everything is 100% safe and we love You! Just don't think about MKultra.."

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Is it weird that I was a tiny bit disappointed when I got it? Everyone else that got it said that the next day they had a sore arm, were too tired to go to work, had a fever, or had cold like symptoms. I got none of that shit except for the sore arm. It felt like my arm went through an intense workout, but magnified.

    Idk I guess I was hoping I could call in sick from work and get some sleep. I wasn't feeling sick, so I came into work the next day(this happened with both doses).

    I should probably use those vacation hours I built up and do something fun. XD

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    • Got the pfizer. Nothing happened either time, except for the sore arm.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Mine was Moderna.

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      • Yeah i got my first dose of pfizer on tuesday and had a sore arm and felt a bit tired/headachey. Pfizer is supposed to have the least side effects.

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        • Thanks for sharing your experiences!

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  • Boojum

    I've had both doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, the first about three months ago, the second last month.

    When I got the phone call offering it, I didn't hesitate for a second before I accepted the appointment.

    The injection itself was no problem at all. The syringe needle is incredibly thin, and anyone who's ever looked at one should immediately understand that the cretins who rant about chips being injected along with the vaccine are total idiots who understand nothing about the current (and even near-future) state of electronics technology.

    I felt a little bit crap the day after the first vaccine, much better the following day and fine the day after that. I just felt mildly not-normal the day after the second vaccine, and normal after that.

    I don't feel like I'm invulnerable now, but I do feel much more relaxed than what developed into the norm for me starting in mid-March last year when things started to spiral out of control in Italy. (I don't live there now, but I did for several years, so me seeing the developing shit-storm there hit me a lot harder than it probably did most people outside the country.)

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    • Cool thanks for giving your experience :) i just got my first dose on tuesday.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm not a fan of Kat Von D., but from what I've heard her cosmetics brand does make some damn good liquid eyeliner!

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      i read this week that a-rod is comin out with a linea makeup for men

      and immediately thought of course he is

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    • Its cause shes an anti vaxxer so i put it there for some comic relief

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    • LloydAsher

      I have no idea who that is

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  • my_life_my_way

    I’m not getting it because I’m young/healthy and have a functioning immune system. It’s good for older people though. And I’m against mandatory vaccination and vaccination passports completely

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    • mouldiwarp

      Even young healthy individuals can experience longterm damage from coronavirus such as lung scarring, heart and blood vessel damage, and permanent loss of the sense of smell and/or taste. Pretty sure some young people with uncompromised immune systems still have had strokes or have ended up needing limb amputations due to complications arising from coronavirus.

      If not for your own good, get it for the good of others- even if you think it won’t affect you much, you could contract the virus, carry it around in your body, and transmit it to people who are more vulnerable if you are unvaccinated. Inoculation is free, so why not?

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      • my_life_my_way

        Young healthy people can die of blood clots from the vaccine as well, but both there’s a very small chance of both that and dying of COVID. And if everyone else’s vaccines work then it shouldn’t matter to them if I don’t get one. And it’s a matter of personal liberty that they can’t force it on me

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  • GeekyGold

    I just got my second vaccine yesterday, boy did it fuck me up. I went to sleep for an hour and woke up to migraine and a fever. Later I puked two times. And I didn’t know that the vaccine has metal in it, my cousin told me and stuck a refrigerator magnet to my arm. IT WORKED!!! I didn’t know that at all!

    Plus almost everyone in my family is against the vaccine. One aunt said you’ll turn into a zombie in the future. Dead serious, she said it. Then another aunt said no one will know the true affects of the vaccine util years later. A cousin said covid is just an advance version of the flu.

    I don’t really care about it the only thing that worried me was how rushed the vaccines were to be made. But still got it anyways

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I think waiting for side effects before taking it is best especially since the johnson and johnson caused pretty horrific ones is the best option

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  • Tinybird

    I find it terrifying

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  • megadriver

    It's common sense to get vaccinated! Even the antivax crowd has to be sick of the coronavirus by now.

    I want my vaccine! Sadly, I haven't gotten it yet... still on the waiting list... waiting. Stupid politicians!

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    • Billy24

      No it's fucking common sense to not get vaccinated you shithead ignorant dumb fuck. I have seen videos of people that got the vaccine and their experience was a whole ass mess. One where a nurses whole entire left part of their face was swollen as hell, in another where a nurse passed the fuck out after getting the vaccine, and one where a mother was interviewed and said her daughter was good and damn well normal and healthy before getting that stupidass vaccine and now her daughter has health issues. I haven't gotten the vaccine and my ass is doing just fine.

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    • LloydAsher

      For normal things yes. All those vaccines are fda approved. The covid 19 shots arent.

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  • greekfish

    I am not anti vaccine but I am not exactly on board with this one. Vaccines take years to create this one took a few months. There is no concrete evidence that shows these vaccines are safe. They were incredibly rushed. If you would like to get the vaccine, be my guest. I respect people and their own personal choices. This is my own personal choice and I don’t think people should be disrespected for being hesitant about something like this. I have also already gotten covid, and am in one of the most low risk groups for covid. I can’t stand all of the propaganda around the vaccine, and the fact that people who refuse it are looked down upon. Let people make their own choices.

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  • LloydAsher

    I'm waiting for as long as possible. Not because I think the vaccine is poison or anything. I perfer to inject things that are at least FDA approved. I'm 23, already got covid. Dont see a compelling reason to get a vaccine that doesnt even prevent you from getting covid.

    It's just like the flu shots every year. If it's free and I'm already at the place to get it and I have a free 15 minutes sure... if I get a cookie at the end

    It's like in the 40s place on my priority list.

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