Thoughts on guys wearing girls bikinis.

I am a straight male and I am considering wearing girls bikini bottoms to the beach/pool. I was just wondering what others thought about it. If you leave a comment expanding on your vote, please let me know what choice you selected.

Perfectly fine 659
Acceptable, but weird 159
Completely weird 26
Unacceptable by any guy, but I don't think it's disgusting. 18
Eww...eww...disgusting 24
Who am I to judge? It's his body. 112
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Comments ( 21 )
  • handsignals

    they want fit properly they are not designed to carry your 'meat and two veg'

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    • thunderh89

      I don't know, you'd be surprised how stretchy some can be. And well, I tend to be a bit of a "grower" in that I typically am somewhat smaller in a flaccid state.

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  • dybex

    Why is it so important that we should think you're straight?

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    • thunderh89

      I just want people to know that I'm straight so they don't ask "Are you gay?" I feel that some people have this backwards idea that just because a guy might want to wear girls clothing, he's automatically gay or automatically seeking a way to "acceptably" sleep with a guy. I'm not.

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      • MZZ

        I would wear the too

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      • whynot?

        I know the feeling. I am straight, but love sexy underwear and prefer some nice frilly coloured undies to the boring stuff that you get in men's underwear on the High Street.

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  • chevy88

    i wear them and my wife loves them on me

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  • dezlin

    There is no problem for a boy to wear bikini. Even my bf somethime wears bikini

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    A couple guys did this at my high school on opposite day (we had the option to dress as the opposite gender. It was an end of the year thing). It was normal, straight, popular guys who did this. I'm not saying you won't get some weird looks, but be confident and people will get used to it.

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  • GreyWulfen

    If it fits, nothing wrong with that. It could be pretty tight and make the shape of your private parts visible, but I consider this as a plus.

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    • thunderh89

      Yeah, this type is the type I am going after if I do wear a bikini.

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  • Bailey_Rose

    I identify as a non op / non HRT MtF transgender. So, by all accounts I look 100% male But I dress feminine outside of work. I have a membership to 24 hour fitness, I primarily use the pool. I wear women's swim suits. There is a big natural outdoor spring fed pool where I live. there are hundreds of people there on any given weekend. I will usually wear a bikini so I can lay out and tan. I have been out there many times and nobody has ever said ANYTHING to me about it being gross, disgusting, inappropriate or anything else. I was questioned once in the ladies locker room at the gym. But that was it. In the gym I have had plenty of women come up to me and compliment me and say they support me 100% and that if I have any problems they will have my back. The group of people I associate with in the gym have all supported me as well and happily welcomed me into the group. I say just be you and you will achieve your happiness. Don't let others take away your sunshine! As far as hiding the beans and franks......I would say learn how to tuck. It only takes a little practice and a little getting used to. I would also say either shave or wax, the "bikini" area, ESPECIALLY if you are going to wear a bikini. Tucking is not really mandatory unless you are self conscious about it. I tuck because I like the smoother appearance in the front.

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  • whynot?

    I've always envied girls their ability to wear and display pretty underwear. Before I got married, my wife to be said that she did not like being bought underwear, and she has never gone for sexy panties. I have started wearing male g strings and indeed frillies, which these days seem less gross and more available online.

    They make me feel much more light hearted.

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  • downunderthunder

    I love wearing my bikini bottoms to the water park, beach or pool. Ive been wearing bikini bottoms for years. A gf at the time got me started wearing them. I like the Jelly brand best, since they look like a guys speedo. Even though Im above average, they fit great. The thinner material stretches more. I get guy colors and no one knows the difference. I love the compliments from the girls and ladies.

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    • thunderh89

      I think if I was to go out in a bikini, I would wear something like this:


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  • lknfrsx9072

    womens swimwear actually flatten out a guys junk,and suppres they have less or no bulge.the bulge seems to be everyone issue with speedos.

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  • Wuggums47

    You might get a serious case of moose knuckle, but other than that I don't see the problem. If you wore the top too, it would just be weird, but even then I don't see any reason why you shouldn't.

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    • thunderh89

      Ooh...I'd definitely take measures to avoid moose knuckle. But I hadn't thought about wearing a top (maybe one piece suits, but not a two piece with the top).

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  • nkwacky

    Be a man, dude

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  • GuessWho

    They were designed for girls, not guys.
    That would just look terrible.

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    • thunderh89

      You don't think one designed like this:

      isn't almost the same as:

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