Threatened to punch my mom

My mom was verbally abusing me, and I was arguing against her verbal abuse. Then, she said she was going to slap me across the face. I told her that if she slapped me across the face, then I would punch her in her face.

So then she came at me, and I put my fists up and said "I know how to punch people, I'll do it."

Then she left me alone. And it felt awesome.

BTW, I'm a girl, I'm not some guy who enjoys threatening women.

I think that I'll threaten to fight my dad the next time that he threatens to hit me.

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Comments ( 70 )
  • mtnw

    i don't know what you mean by your mother verbally abusing you, so if you were just being scolded for doing something wrong, you are unjustified in your arguing back and threats.

    if your parents are stupid loosers, then they will tolerate you. if not, don't think because you are a minor that there isn't any recourse to your actions, because there is.

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    • mtnw and Ollieo, what did you guys not understand about being threatened with physical abuse by both of my parents?

      There's nothing wrong with fighting back. You guys are trying to shame me and make me feel guilty for something that I don't deserve to feel guilty about.

      Ollieo, you're not a psychologist, so stop pretending to be. I find it offensive that you assume my future parenting skills will be bad.

      I also find it offensive that you assume I'll have kids just because I am a woman.

      Ollieo and mtnw, your opinions make me sick. Why don't you go take your shame and guilt and try to force them upon someone else who's getting threatened with violence?

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      • mtnw

        i'm going to try again.

        if you are being scolded by your mom, it is in your best interest to just sit and let her rant, and don't argue back so that she threatens you. same with your dad. you might as well realize now that they are the ones in control. it is for your sake, and in your best interest, if you learn how to fly under their radar.

        if you get into a physical fight with your mother, you might be able to take her, but i can't imagine you can beat up an adult man.

        your mother backed off because she probably didn't want to hit you to start with. she was only trying to get you to stop arguing.

        if they hit you, or you hit them, and the authorities are called, the end result will be the same: you are the one who will be removed from the home.

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        • mtnw, you're wrong again. perhaps you should quit while you're ahead?

          anyway, do you know what it's like to receive verbal abuse over and over and over again? do you know what it's like to live with people who degrades you so that they feel better about themselves? Also, do YOU know anyone who purposefully stays in the kitchen just so when you have to get food, you get a verbal attack?

          why do you think you have any criticism that you can lob at me? Please, get a life, and stop trying to tell people not to defend themselves.

          By the way, shame on you for assuming that I am any way in the wrong. Why are you trying to blame me for the abuse I have gotten? Shame on you.

          Also, why would you assume to know someone's motivations? Clearly, people who heap verbal abuse on others are not the type of people who think rationally. So why would you purport to know what my mother thinks?

          Go take your asinine advice and stick it where the sun doesn't shine, OK?

          And by the way, I will hit anyone who tries to hit me. Period. If someone calls the police, then I'll leave it for the police to decide why a young girl would hit her father.

          BTW, you should stop trying to pretend like you are wise and learned. It's not fooling anyone. You clearly don't have respect for people.

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        • God, I can't tell you how many times women are blamed for domestic violence.

          Go read a book already.

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  • Alpha_Tester

    Ive been reading this for the last few days...

    The OP feels weak in her own home, so she comes on here and attacks everyones (claiming defense). She is continuing the cycle of what is going on in her home. It is only on here that she feels powerful.

    Of note: NO ONE CALLED HER A COMMUNIST. They asked her to join the communist party.

    Furthermore her direct quote: I put my fists up and said "I know how to punch people, I'll do it." Is just hilarious. Reminds me of the cowardly lion: "Put em up, put em up, put em up!" Where I'm from people don't give you a warning that you are about to get stomped. They just hit you. Point blank.

    She sounds like a spoiled brat. If there is verbal abused, its still abuse, and children's services can be called. SHE DOESN'T WANT HELP or she would have exhausted all her options. She just wants to get on here and moan. And when she doesn't get the response she feels she deserve then she lashes out.

    I hope your parents beat the stink out of you so that you can get the help you claim you need. And also because you deserve to have the shit beat out of you, you ungrateful lil bitch!

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  • Flumeghost

    eat a banana.

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  • U need to contact the police if ur mom slaps u for no god dang reason it's called CHILD ABUSE

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  • Drawgood

    I think the feelings of desire to hit anyone, including parents, are normal. That doesn't mean we should hit them and there is a lot that depedns on the situation.

    I have fought with my dad before. In my case its because he was extremeley heavy into drinking and I was pushing him and he pushed back . he also stole my money.

    So you should make sure you read yourself and analyze why you want to hit them.

    If you want to assert yourself then its most likely wrong.

    If its to defend yourself then its ok.

    But make sure you're not wrong when the verbal argument starts because if you're wrong then you are wrong to hit as well.

    Also if you're under 18 then you're definitely wrong.

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  • Sorry, but you both lose. You write paragraphs to prove a point that you could write in a sentence, and you keep firing random insults that make no sence. Just shut up.

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  • cheetos123

    you go glenn coco

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  • rat_pak24

    i think you have no right to do that, your mother has all the right to say anything she wants, after all she's the one that held you in her stomach for 9 whole months!!! i think you should apologize to her.

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  • Jen118584

    There's no cure for crazy.

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  • NopeNotNormal

    lmao @ alpha_tester

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  • mtnw

    like i said before kid, you do not argue productively. you take everything out of context and twist it.

    you aren't logical and the only thing you have proven is that i was right, you aren't abused, you just like to argue and think you are right all the time.

    i don't believe that you are abused at all. in fact, you are the abuser if anything. i think you fancy yourself as a victim and that you are pushing and pushing your parents to "prove you right" by giving you the slap you are way overdue for. you are boring also. same shit, every post, over and over.

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  • Gee - if you are so smart, how come you live at home?

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    • I already mentioned it in one of my posts.

      look like you forgot to read it.

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  • What are you going to do? Punch out the world when you are done with your parents cause everyone has it in for you?

    Get help.

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    • What in hell's name are you talking about?

      Punch the world? Aren't you the poet! Why don't you write something that has actual meaning, instead of lamely trying to make others feel bad by blindly accusing them.

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  • mtnw

    you mentioned it twice, so i thought maybe something was up with that. you posted:

    "anyone who purposefully stays in the kitchen just so when you have to get food"


    "many people I know aren't willing to let you sleep in their house and eat their food."

    but, if it's nothing, just forget i asked.

    the communist and breast size responses are the same responses those two give everyone. i am not actually "amazed" at your intelligence, but it evident that you are a pretty good writer.

    i think because your original story was based on your own conclusions only, and that your original question was based on how "awesome" it feels to threaten your parents, the original responses were just based on that.

    only later, when you replied to comments, did you give anyone a sense of what's going on, but by then you had transferred your anger to here.

    if you want posters to "change", then it is up to you to change us. you can do that by the way you write and respond. if you are here for compassion or whatever, then you must post accordingly.

    post after post, you are more intent on getting revenge and proving yourself "right" and everyone else "wrong" than of self preservation. in fact, you belittle me for even suggesting it.

    you reap what you sow, you get what you give.

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    • Belittle you for suggesting what? This whole time, you've been saying that i should take what crap people give out to me.

      That is defeatist, fatalist crap. You seem to peddle in crap.

      This has nothing to do wtih who I am, and everything to do with what you think I should be doing. Mind you B!

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    • Frankly, the fact that I've been blamed for

      a. causing the abuse
      b. starting the threats (instead of reacting to them)
      c. starting the verbal beration on this post

      just shows that you are interested in blaming me. Frankly, I don't put up with that behavior.

      If you have personal problems, you need to go see someone instead of dumping them on someone else. I know that you had a bad childhood, now why are you trying to blame someone who is successfully pulling themselves out of theirs?

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    • I didn't say that you were amazed by my intelligence. Please don't twist what I say. I said that you were amazed that I wasn't stupid. You should never make assumptions about people.

      Also, maybe you shouldn't be nitpicking everything that I say. the fact that you're quoting me, that you're literally going back into what I've said and drawing quotes from it, is weird and stalker-ish. The main purpose of this post has nothing to do with food, so mind your business.

      And as far as that "reap what you sow" message, you are just copying the thing that I JUST wrote to Ollieo about being able to take what you give. Good for you, you can copy someone's ideas!

      Next, these posts have been nothing but an attack and overanalysis of something that I said. The fact that you're asking me "explain more about your eating" shows that you are just trying to be nosy.

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    • HarshbutTrue

      btw mtnw I am a very rational person and i believe you are correct in the advice you are giving her, but as my previous post proves, people who are WRONG but still try to justify themselves as right just(for lack of better word to show emotion) piss me the hell off.

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      • You can run by my exactly how you think I'm wrong.

        Go ahead.

        Try to show how defending yourself against nasty attacks is wrong.

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        • You're just nuts!

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          • I won't believe the criticism from someone I've repeatedly proved to be wrong.

            And I used better logic than you... I guess that would technically make YOU the nuts one, right? Because you're the one who never makes any sense.

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            • The only thing you've proven is what has been stated above, and is so obvious: you are a miserable and verbose whiner and blamer - all of it a smoke screen for what you aren't doing.

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          • I'm nuts?

            Being able to argue against you is nuts?

            Then you must think that the whole WORLD is nuts, because plenty of people aren't going to agree with your opinions!

            Just because you're not as smart as a girl, doesn't mean you have to get nasty and angry about it.

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      • Harshbuttrue, your post at mtnw didn't make any sense. It was unreadable.

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      • OK, so your ranting is basically,

        a. I'm wrong
        b. you're right.

        how innovative! And i'm glad to see that you can't do it without agreeing with someone who's resorted to name-calling. Though you pretend to have the moral high ground, who is the one that doesn't mind that people call me "bitch?" You seemed to let that one slip past you! That is so. moral. of. you.

        Also, the fact that I can write well shows that I have a lot going for me in the logic department.

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      • mtnw

        thing is, i agree with you.

        she claims she can't be brought out, but she comes back, and with a little encouragement, can start towards being somewhat civil.

        in her replys to anyone, she "rewrites" what you say into her own words. that's the thing that's hanging her up.

        we can all see that she's not capable to have a productive arguement, maybe someday that will come to her. her hurt, or imagined hurt has turned to anger, which is a common thing, and actually easier to deal with for her.

        i am wondering if the parents are getting a break since she's got the folks here to be angry with now.

        makes me wonder, though, that without finding anyone to be on her side, she still doesn't get what anyone is saying to her.

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        • Oh, and you don't think people should ever get mad about receiving domestic abuse?

          WOW. I'm sure that all those times you were hiding in your bedroom, scared shitless, you were not even a slight bit angry.

          you must be JESUS. Why don't you come down and save some people, Jesus?

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          • mtnw

            you are fucking crazy jesus freek

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            • oh, and who used the F WORD!

              Wow, you are the worst sore loser I've seen in a while.

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            • Looks like I won the argument ;)

              Not because I'm crazy, but because you ran out of steam. It looks like you're a SORE LOSER.

              And no, I'm not a Jesus freak. I just wanted to point out that you act like people should follow a morally pure regimen, and you hold them by ultra-high standards. I don't literally think you're Jesus. Jesus would probably argue better than you.

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        • Wow, and it looks like you're getting off on the praise that you get. Why would you even feel you deserve a pat on the back by THAT guy? You think that you love the praise by a guy who spews like a sewer hole. Nice.

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        • And "rewriting of people's words?"

          That's how you sustain an intellectual ARGUMENT. YOU REASON AGAINST WHAT THE OTHER PERSON SAYS.

          Welcome to a sustained conversation.

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        • I'm extemely capable of productive argument. I've been able to respond capably to all of your uneccesary, uncalled for attacks.

          I'd also like to respond on your comment that "those 2 guys say that on everyone's wall." Frankly, domestic abuse is something that women have had to struggle through, and the sexualization of violence has helped to maintain the presence of domestic abuse. That means that a post on domestic violence should never be met with sexualization of the poster. However, you don't know that. You don't seem to know anything about domestic abuse, though you have lived through it yourself. You seem to know even less about women, tryinig to justify the sexualized verbal posts that have shown up on this site.

          Maybe if you knew more about what you are talking about, you wouldn't have to submit to the "she doens't know what she's talking about" argument in EVERY post that you make.

          just a thought. You need education. You also need to learn to quit while you're ahead.

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        • BTW, I can feel the way I want towards people offering their false, poisonous pop-psychology babble in my direction? that includes you.

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        • By the way, you just sided with physical and verbal abusers.

          YOU JUST SIDED WITH PHYSICAL AND VERBAL ABUSERS when you said my parents finally get a break from me.

          My guess is, you're the same. You believe that parents should abuse their children.

          That's a horrible, horrible way of thinking. Your thoughts are poisonous.

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        • And frankly, just because some random trolls who like to call people names are posting, that doesn't mean that they're right.

          You said that everyone thinks I'm wrong. So you're sayinig that the guy who asked my breast size is right?

          so, you're saying that the guy who called me a communist is right?

          What about the guy that called me a bitch. Wow, he MUST be right!

          The people "on your side" are mysogynist losers who enjoy insulting strangers. Why would you want to be on the same side as those guys?

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  • marsbar109

    get help dont turn into sico killer

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  • zii

    If i was your mom I would punch you in the face if you said that to me. I punched my mother once and I regret it to this day. Sometimes we just need to control ourselves. If your parents abuse you, don't abuse them back. Call the cops on their asses.

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    • you're a man.

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  • mtnw

    read it again and try to remember what "if" means.

    i'm telling you to protect yourself, because i have lived it. but you do whatever you want.

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    • mtnw, stop being condescending. I know what "if" means, but i simply do not understand what YOU are trying to prove.

      I doubt you've lived it. YOU may have made a mistake and hit someone because YOU weren't able to control yourself. That doesn't have anything to do with my situation.

      We'd all like to live in a world where we didn't have to resort to physical violence. this isn't always the case.

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      • mtnw

        i was raised in a physically and verbally abusive household with an alcholic parent. i do know what it's like. maybe that's why i have no tolerance for violence. fighting back never worked for me, maybe it will work for you.

        i've never raised my hand to anyone.

        if you feel you are in danger, maybe it's time for you to contact social services to get you moved out of there right away.

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        • mtnw, maybe constantly getting battered was your style.

          It's not everyone's.

          I'm not young enough to get moved away. Battered women's shelters don't accept anyone until you've actually been physically assaulted--and I suppose that they might wait until you've been physically assaulted by a man as opposed to a woman.

          There is no way for me to move out. NO. WAY. Do you think I would have written this post and received all this badmouthing online if moving away was an option? I'm not stupid, though you may assume that.

          I've moved out of this house before when things got really bad. But, believe it or not, many people I know aren't willing to let you sleep in their house and eat their food. I have a job, but it is a measly part time job, and I can't make enough money to feed a cat. Besides this, public transportation doesn't exist here. I looked for jobs for a month and a half before discovering this one, and it doesn't look like the economy is picking up any time soon.

          I chip away at finding a new place to live, but that takes time--it also takes a roommate, another job, a way to transport myself, reasonable health insurance... you get the picture.

          Meanwhile, I get people who threaten, threaten, threaten. As a young woman, it's pretty frightening to live around a grown man who gets into a rage. I think that there are some fighting styles that favor the quick, agile person over the slow and powerful. Frankly, I will fight to defend myself.

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          • mtnw

            i'm glad you came back, because last night when i checked, you hadn't yet.

            your original post was so very vague, that none of us knew what you were getting at. please don't take any negative comments to heart, esp. from oli and me, because we really didn't understand what you were going through. also, only until you replied did we get a sence of your intelligence. your original post (i don't think anyway) didn't described you the way we're seeing you now. plus, you sound a little less angry, which is good.

            you are doing some smart things by at least planning your escape, finding your job, etc. i know that people can't just take you in, there's more involved than just the food they supply, depending on your age (aiding and abetting a minor).

            constantly getting battered wasn't my style. i tried, just like you are thinking of trying. it only enrages them more. my dad punched me in the face so hard (in the kitchen), that i was knocked out and woke up in the hallway! that's when i decided to try making myself as invisible as i could. it really cut down on the fighting. i spent alot of time in my room (claiming to do homework) it didn't make it go away, but it gave me some relief. it was how i managed to survive. i finally left home just as i turned 17.

            maybe you are right, get into a physical thing with your father and then you will have the evidence you need.

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            • mtnw

              note to original poster: if you are as argumentative with your parents as you are with me, then you are lucky a threat is all you've gotten so far. sometimes it is smart to just shut the hell up!

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            • Sorry, speak for yourself. She's nasty. Period. Blame, blame, blame ...

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  • Juche1

    This is very typical of a capitalist society were people treat each over badly in a communist society people treat each other well.

    You should join you local Marxist-Leninist party and fight for a better tomorrow.

    You should also read the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh , Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

    The life and works of comrade Stalin I think you could relate well with. Stalin came from a abusive background but still managed to become one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century.

    Let both Juche and Marxist-Leninism be you guide to freedom.


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    • Who said ANYTHING about communism? BTW, Juche1, you don't exactly sound like the kind of person who has read any books, much less 7 of them. You're just another offensive, rude person spewing garbage at people.

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      • Juche1

        You have no idea what your talking about do you.

        First of all I mentioned communism because people have better standards of living in communist countries such as the DPRK, GDR, USSR and the PRC.

        Class system, sexism and racism have been eliminated in communist countries giving the people true equality.

        I was trying to encourage you to join a communist party to fight for a better world.

        Second how do I sound like someone who hasn't read any books. I have read and studied the works of all the great communist writers

        You also show your ignorance when you only attribute 7 works between Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh , Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.


        Marx has written many works including

        The Communist Manifesto


        Das Kapital


        Lenin has written hundreds of great works most notably

        Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism

        Left-Wing Communism: an Infantile Disorder

        The State and Revolution

        and many others


        Stalin wrote many works most famously

        Anarchism or Socialism?

        Marxism and the National Question

        The Foundations of Leninism

        The Right Deviation in the C.P.S.U

        and many more


        Mao Zedong has written hundreds of inspiration works these most famously include

        On Guerilla Warfare

        Combat Liberalism

        Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong
        Some of the works written by Ho Chi Minh

        Down with Colonialism

        On Revolution

        On Lenin and Leninism


        Kim Il Sung has written over 4,000 great works these include

        On juche in our revolution

        For the Independent, Peaceful Reunification of the Country


        Kim Il Sung on the Juche Idea: Excerpts


        Kim Jong Il has written almost as many which include

        On the Art of the Cinema

        Our Socialism Centered On the Masses Shall Not Perish

        On Establishing the Juche outlook on the revolution

        Socialism is a science

        There are many more that I haven't mentioned as it would take a long time.

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  • You have grown up in a family of hitters (smackers, spankers). Now you are threatening the same. Typical. You'll probably hit your kids, if you have any. And on & on it goes. When will your kind realize that hitting only teaches kids to hit.

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