Tiktok lesbians dating straight men for fun?

There's a new emerging trend I notice on TikTok. Many lesbians not bisexual but fully women into women are dating men openly saying they know they'll never stay together because they're not attracted to them but they want it for fun but they never tell the man. They just ghost them or say it's not working after a few dates but some go months doing this

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Comments ( 29 )
  • ospry

    Honestly, Gen Z is such a cancer generation. I'm supposed to believe that kids who fuggin' eat tide pods and do shitty TikTok videos are right when they claim that not having a job should be a human right and that communism will save western civilization

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    • KholatKhult

      “Not having a job should be a human right”
      “Communism will save western civilization”

      The math isn’t adding up, did they skip the “From each according to his ability” part ?

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      • bigbudchonger

        I doubt most of them have even read the communist manifesto

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      • dabadedabadie

        Apparently they don't realize that someone still has to grow vegetables and shit. A country won't work if no one does anything. They aren't arguing for communism or capitalism they are arguing for us all to become sloths who do nothing more than eat and rest. Work is not slavery you think meat and vegetables come out of thin air?

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        • RoyyRogers

          This is true. Even in Communism EVERYBODY works. Its not like capitalism where someone decides not to work and mooch off others or go and start a business and pay others to work. Its that everyone is assigned a task and often forced into military service at 18 with or without consent.

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      • Clunk42


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        • KholatKhult

          “Workers of the world unite” “Proletarian revolution” “Seize the means of production” “Work is life’s most want” “Communism is the liberation of the proletariat” “For the love of the worker bee” do they think the hammers and sickles are to scratch your back with ?

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          • Clunk42

            It's a combination of laziness with communism: everyone shares everything and doesn't have to work for it, because the government does everything itself. Of course, that entirely ignores the fact that governments are made up of people doing jobs, so....

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      • ospry

        I have a nephew who's really big into that stupidity. He had me check out r/antiwork on Reddit and hooooooly shit, the world is gonna be so fucked when lawmakers and politicians are all Gen Z-ers

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        • KholatKhult

          Too many people misinterpret socialism as free things and services being pulled out of midair, these free things and services being newly created for them.
          No, it’s capital you already now have created, these gains already exist they’ve just been kept from you. Wage theft that has been taken from you, labor that has been taxed and stolen from you.

          Socialism is gaining access to the capital and material you’re owed, you’ve created it already. You aren’t gaining anything extra under socialism, you’re removing the exploitation that’s been robbing you. You’re becoming whole again

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        • hauntedbysandwiches

          Actually tbh some of what they post on antiwork is about quality of jobs it's not like it's all about not working at all, some who post there are just not into abuse from government or their boss.

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          • ospry

            And I saw those types of posts and appreciated them because it's realistic--workplaces should all be required to meet certain standards and ensure a good work-life balance. I think my nephew kind of purposefully showed me the posts specifically about not having to work because he pulled it up on a bookmark. I haven't been back to the subreddit since then, so a lot of what I was complaining about might not even be the norm

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    • Meatballsandwich

      I'm a gen z. Never eaten a tide-pod in my entire life, and I don't use tiktok, and I'm capitalist.

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      • ospry

        Sorry if I offended you with that overgeneralization. If it helps, I'm a millennial and millennials are probably the generation I hate the most. Adamantly anti-free speech, incapable of thinking for themselves and instead only parrot whatever their favorite blue-checked Tweeter shits out on their account, constantly accusing everyone of being anti-science despite the fact that they openly reject the fact that XX = female and XY = male. Probably the biggest collection of fucking lobomites you'll ever see

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        • Meatballsandwich

          I hate both too tbh. Buncha SJW morons

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          • hauntedbysandwiches

            All generations have their bads and goods

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        • Jem_Shadow

          They also don't think abortion is killing a human life.

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          • ospry

            Oh geez, I was facepalming so hard when people were defending the assassination attempt on Kavanaugh. Attempting to kill someone for taking away the ability to easily kill unborn babies. And they always love to whip out the whole "what kind of fucked up monster would want to force a woman to give birth if it kills her or if she was raped?" Literally no conservative that I've ever heard of has advocated for no abortion under any circumstances. Aside from which, cases of rape and incest have to account for like, what? 0.8% of all abortions?

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  • Tinybird

    Wtf is fun about dating someone you're not attracted to??? Sounds more like hell on earth to me.

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  • Yaidin

    The outliers always get mass attention. Don't worry your head about this being or becoming the norm.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      NYC invested millions into drag queen story hour for them to come to schools.
      California made it illegal to seperate kids clothes and toys by gender in stores. Theres alot of these people out there and alot of them hold power.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I don't use Tik Tok, so I know nothing of the videos on them, but the ones you're describing sound stupid. Catfishing is such a pointless thing to do. XD

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    • Somenormie

      If this is happening then all I can say is that they're kinda scummy because they're playing the feelings of other people.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Yep, they're definitely scummy for doing pointless crap like that.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    "Ewww he said he wants to kiss me. I hate men. So grosssss. Why would he say these things?"


    Thats how I imagine the video

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  • Luv2sukdick

    Maybe they wanna what a Dick feels/taste like

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  • Tommythecaty

    Errrrr so they’re having sex with men while not wanting to as a joke?

    Call me crazy but that seems like the jokes actually on them 🤔

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  • RoyyRogers

    This is honestly kind of fucked up. They are basically just using the men at this point but like this also kind of happens with sugars but in that case the Daddy/Mommy at least knows they are being used for their money.

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  • kikilizzo

    Never heard that though I think i'm a lesbian myself probably as I am disgusted by male bodies. I have dated men but not for fun to lead them on, that's kinda psycho, but rather out of confusion though mostly we were just hanging out because of the disgusted-by-mens-bodies-thing.
    Tiktok is full of teens and todays teenagers are absolutely nuts, I think many of them have narcissistic traits due being raised by the internet and they probably think they're doing those men a favour by dating them, and I would assume they hate men hence wants to lead them on to hurt them.

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