To be afraid of not waking up
My blood pressure has been high lately and I am afraid to go to sleep. I am afraid am afraid of dying in my sleep. Eventually I do get tired and fall asleep late. Am I being paranoid?
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My blood pressure has been high lately and I am afraid to go to sleep. I am afraid am afraid of dying in my sleep. Eventually I do get tired and fall asleep late. Am I being paranoid?
What are you afraid of? Dying is the easy part, it's pain and suffering that suck. I'm probably quite a bit closer to dying, in my sleep or otherwise, than you and I can tell you, accepting it makes living a whole lot more fun.
Fear is a crippling emotion and honestly, pretty useless.
Get a good night's sleep and see how bright and wonderful the world looks in the morning.
Sweetie, you need to calm down. If your blood pressure is high, go see a doctor. And stop worrying! It isn't healthy to worry all the time. And you shouldn't be afraid of going to sleep. Sleep is very important for your body. But if your really serious and think this event might happen, like I said, see a doctor.