To be so hurt

my wife and i went to a wedding and my wife who doesnt normaly drink got very drunk and to be honest made a show of me and mostly of herself . she is 53 a grandmother and she flirted with every young handsome guy at 1st it was a laugh but it went over board and got annoyed when i told her to stop . to be honest it wasnt like she normaly behave but it went from bad to worse . she was kissing another drunken kid . now no fault of the guy and i didnt make a scene i was just disgusted and annoyed .next day told me couldnt remember a thing

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Vvaas

    bruh at this point you should just write a book and publish it how many times have you written about this

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  • olderdude-xx

    People who get drunk often do stupid stuff. That is quite normal.

    Not a problem if its a very rare situation.

    Major problem if they get drunk more than once in a very great while.

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    • Ihidabody

      How do you NOT realize that this is just a troll post?

      Weird how you have talked about people being stupid in the past, yet it hasn't crossed your mind that this person is trolling.

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      • Somenormie

        I also have my suspicions on this post.

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  • Orphan

    Sucks that she doesnt remember. Anyone could of taken advantage of her.

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  • RoseIsabella

    She sounds like an alcoholic.

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