To be very reluctant to become opinionated about people?

On this website I see people saying "That person stooped so low what a predator" or "She is evil for cheating she never respected you" and I know I would be very questioning of feeling this way and would feel like they are also human and I just don't understand their perspective. I feel like ender from ender's game,like I understand that if me and my loved ones were threatened I would end anyone threatening us but even up to that point I feel they and their perspective are worthy of love?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Ellenna

    Are you suggesting we should be nicey nicey about predators?

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  • RoseIsabella

    I hate predators!

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  • CountessDouche

    This is a good philosophy; it's a good thing. This, in my opinion, is the best perspective you could ever have in life, because most people have a reason to be whom they are, and empathy and understanding can allow you to see things that you otherwise couldn't, and provide the kind of enlightenment and awesomeness you can only achieve from seeing the world through someone else's perspective.

    HAVING SAID THAT, this website is in no way a representation of the real world. This website attracts the type of extremes that illicit a visceral reaction from the most open minded of people, as it should. On this site, you talk to pedophiles, cheaters, racists, religious nuts, liberal nuts, people who rape their dogs, eat their own poop, and rape their own mothers whilst they are passed out drunk, people who hate women, men, gay people, black people, religious people, and old people. People who slowly crush kittens with their feet whilst jacking off.

    I bet somewhere along there you drew the line, so did we all. It's called having boundaries like a normal human being. And, whilst I do agree that being open to other perspectives is a beautiful asset, I draw the fucking line somewhere.

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    • Ellenna

      Hey my friend, are you seriously suggesting we should be giving empathy and understanding to predators? I will continue to name them for what they are and if people stopped making excuses for them the world would be a safer place.

      I agree there's far too much knee jerk judmentalism around, both on IIN and everywhere else, but that doesn't mean we have to suspend judgment about people who harm others.

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      • CountessDouche

        I think you misread my comment. I was saying exactly the opposite : )

        I think empathy and the ability to have an open mind are great qualities, but I draw the line at certain subjects (violence, animal abuse, child abuse, etc), and I don't think having firm boundaries makes a person "judgemental." A lot of those subjects illicit a visceral reaction from people, and that's normal, in my opinion.

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