To change as a person like that

Back then my self-esteem was so high that I was a bit egocentric and selfish, a lot actually. But then, I realized that I was not this much, and that I was just being a terrible person, which is good, however I felt so bad for my past self being so bad that I started hating myself and I was not able to convince myself other wise, now my self-esteem is terrible and my self deprecing actions makes people worried.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Tommythecaty

    Don’t feel bad, past is past, get over it.

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  • RoseIsabella

    What are you doing to deal with, and recover from your past?

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    • I apologized everyone for my actions, and now I try to get a decente self-esteem by doing thinghs that makes me fell good, like origami, going to a small church on my city, and spending with my friend. Also I write random compliments that I recived to charge my confidence, taking care to don't become like my past self ofcourse .

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      • RoseIsabella

        That sounds great! Have you sought out any additional help like therapy?

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        • yeah, my change is relatively recent, so this help is really needed to me

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          • RoseIsabella

            I think we all go through different stages in life.

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  • olderdude-xx

    We all have a past, and have done things that on retrospect we wished we didn't do. That in itself does not make you a bad person; and its very normal and very human to regret things we did in the past.

    The key is to learn the lessons from those mistakes, make better decisions in the future, and continue building on the things you did right.

    There are two beasts within you. One who will build you up and allow you to create a lot of goodness in the world and in your life, and the other which will tear you down.

    The one that wins is the one you feed.

    May I suggest a book: "Winning The War In Your Mind" (Subtitled: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life" by: Craig Broeschel.

    After you read that; I would suggest that you get a copy of "Think & Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill (I believe the text can be downloaded free now). First read Chapter 15 on "The Six Ghosts Of Fear." That will explain a lot.

    A reality is that many people do not understand many of the other concepts in "Think & Grow Rich"; and while I would hope that the rest of the book would assist you. The Chapter on The Six Ghosts Of Fear" applies to everyone in every situation.

    I wish you well with your recovery to a better balanced life and a positive attitude again.

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    • thank you for the recommendations, I really appreciate it

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  • Get therapy

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