To deal with a toxic family member
I wouldn't be honest if I said I didn't have anyone in my family who I'm scared of.
Without labeling: Everytime I go over to their house, they would make it a habbit to give me a 2 hour lecture. Basically guilt tripping me for not interacting with them. Literally judging me for anything I like, say, and do. What makes things worse is the fact I have anxiety and take things way too personally. Additionally, my fiance can't stand up for me without getting a huge mouthful from this person. It's gotten to the point where I believe this person gave me PTSD.
I talked to my mother about this problem. She gave me the advice of avoiding going to this family members house. However I still get bad dreams about them and even hearing the person's name scares me.
They say avoiding toxic people is easy, but what about a toxic family member?