To encounter someone who wears a band shirt but does not know them?
I was casually walking to class and in my class was this girl wearing a Slipknot shirt and I asked her what her favorite Slipknot song was and she looked at me weirdly kinda like she didn't know what I was talking about then she asked what I was on about and I said to her your shirt tells me you're a fan of that band.
She told me that she thought Slipknot was a brand and only used it as an aesthetic because she liked the appearance. I didn't want to be an asshole e.g. bashing her just for one shirt, towards her.
Now I'm usually ok with people who wear band shirts that they don't listen to they do them and I do me but it was how I approached the situation, haven't got anything against people who do that.
Instead my response to her was that's ok if you haven't listened to that band I could show you some songs that will get 100% get you into it and to my surprise she liked it.
It was then that was the moment that I fully converted someone to metal and to someone who loves listening to something they didn't know was a band.
Who knows one day I'll be her friend.