To enjoy over powering muscular guys

I am abit of a fitness nut. I really enjoy the gym. I like looking at guys muscular physiques, especially chests, arms and shoulders. Years ago I noticed that many guys did little or no leg training. I do ton of leg training so I noticed that I could out squat and leg press many of these guys in the gym. Not the serious lifters that actually trained their legs but the others guys.

When I see a muscular upper body under developed legs guy step out of their comfort zone and spend some time on the leg press or whatever I zone in on them. I am always tempted to trade sets with them and give them a surprise by out lifting them. It actually gets my heart rate up and is kind of a drug to me. If the guy is skinny or normal up top it does not work for me. It only works for me on the muscular upper body guys with normal or skinny legs. They have to be much stronger than me up top.

My club has a whirl pool/hot tub. It is small so you can do leg press wars in it. I often start a leg press match with one of these guys (I talk them into it). I love pushing their weaker legs into their big muscular chests. I can't help it. Some that know me don't go in the hot tub with me anymore while others come back for a beating. I am attracted to this body type.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • ladymantoloveyoulongtime

    its not hard now to overpower a guy because they are all fruity homo wannabes.

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  • Technicolor_Irons

    Yes, because power is sexy.

    And you have it.

    The power, that is.


    It would make sense to desire to want to subdue guys with that body type- because a strong upper body is typical of the manly-man. So to subdue them, and not some 'regular' guy, would impart a sense of real achievement.

    I would love to come strong (and wisdened) enough to overpower a reasonably muscular guy. That would be a real achievement and give myself worth a serious boost beyond my goal of simply toning up and building muscle.

    Sure, deriving a sense of accomplishment from being able to overpower someone else may be considered a masculine idea in itself and is arguably a basis for the idea of being the ideal man (you know, competition and what not).

    One could even argue that such desires are actually an expression of a desire to "resolve" a deep-seated inferiority complex, and may not be a real achievement or proof of self-worth at all.

    But I do know one thing.

    It's that to be able do that, is pretty damn good.

    Congrats on your success. :D

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  • ccjigsaw

    Big turn on :3

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    • FitGirl

      Glad you think so too. Try it. Its fun.

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  • agregg

    it's the adrennalin and competitiveness. I'd say pretty normal.

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  • Yes! I once beat a really muscular guy at arm wrestling. It made me feel so good. Even tho I don't care for working out, I like to be stronger than guys. It's weird.

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  • FitGirl

    Some guys can't handle being beat by a girl while most seem to be cool with it. I can't come close to any of them in upper body strength so they have no reason to feel humiliated. I have helped some of them get started on squats so I feel I did them a favour by showing them their weakness. I have become good friends with a few and one is now by boyfriend. No harm done.

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  • sierrasiss

    I think this is pretty normal. Not necessarily muscular upper and weak lower but the 'high' that you get when you face a challenge that you're not expected to win.

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  • NJDevils10

    No it's not normal to get off to out squatting guys and quite honestly it's fucked up

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