To feel really bad for dead animals?

ok, im really confused. I love my friends and family a LOT. but, it seems i love my animals more. Like when my grandpa died, i cryed some, felt depressed and all for a while, but when my dog died, i was extreamly sad for longer. Also, when i hear on tv about someone i dont knows death, im like, "ok, well that sucks." But when i see a dead deer, or dog or cat, or any other road kill, i feel way sad. And while im on topic, when i try to tell my parents about it, they call me a animal actovist hippy. I just dont see why ppl can kill a deer like its a sport, but when they kill a person, its the evilest thing ever. I mean, they have lives too, hearts, brains, feelings, but ppl can kill an animal on a wim. Its like "oh hey, bob, wanna go shoot that bird with a bebe gun, it doesent matter if it dies, its just an animal."

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Comments ( 12 )
  • MilkHoneyTea

    thats normal. i feel awful whenever a see a dead animal on the road whether or not i know it personally. i have had pets all my life, and i probably got it from my mum. whenever she see's an animal on the road she takes a blanket and puts it on the side of the road. some people dont have hearts, but we do. ur normal.

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  • NickNick

    it's normal. i do that too :)

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  • mtnw

    you are normal, so don't worry about that. for one thing, between animal death and people death: maybe you didn't live with grandpa, but you lived with your pooch, therefore you felt the loss first hand, up front. maybe you only saw grandpa once in awhile, but saw and played with your dog daily. see the difference? secondly, people love and animal love are truely different things, though, you can have stronger feelings about the loss of a beloved pet than a relative that you aren't all that close to.

    as far as hearing about people dying on tv, such as the news, well, because it's tv, and so much of it is rammed in our faces, daily if you watch the news daily, that you get sort of, well, not really feeling it, as opposed to coming across road kill, or the kids who shoot birds with a bb gun. you see what i'm saying?

    very rarely will an animal attack if unprovoked. yet people kill animals, and for that matter, other people and think nothing of it.

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  • sontarha

    It is normal, I feel the same. I think it's worse for me because animals are innocent and when trophy hunting is involved, all the animal is doing is trying to protect itself. Of course, I hate it when innocent people die too, but I always feel worse for animals.

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  • NavsegdaVashi

    I cried for 2months straight when my two cats fell out the building windows... it's normal. i close my eyes when i see animals suffer and/or being killed. My family roasted a live pig and i couldn't eat food since. When I eat food (animals) It takes me an hour to finally put the first spoon into my mouth.

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  • neopythagorean

    It's normal. I'm a vegan due to similar thinking. I hate that anything should suffer, whether human or nonhuman. Remember, we're just animals too. Not long ago in human history, we were just a link in the food chain too.

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  • bouncingoffclouds

    That's why I'm a vegetarian! Sometimes animals can be a lot more loving than humans, so it makes sense that you might grieve over your pet longer than your grandfather. Also, you are directly responsible for the health and safety of your pet. When your pet passes away you have a different kind of loss......

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  • capcrunch6

    Its BB not bebe

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  • aluradankk

    This is so normal for me. Today, as I was walking with my Mate, I saw a bird, whom had been injured for quite a few days, and today he must have wandered into the busy street, and He was being pummeled by cars :'( I pulled him out of the street and I can only hope he won't try to go back. It hurts me so much to see such a helpless animal being killed by these horrible, uncaring and awful people with their big ugly cars! It is very normal to be a compassionate person, and I understand exactly how you feel. Your family just doesn't understand that animals mean so much to you. They think "Oh, it's just a dog, why do you care?" Well, my answer is every life is precious. Animals were here long before we were, and they will be here long after we leave. They are what is life, and If we don't care about them, We destroy all that our ancestors worked to provide.
    Have you ever thought of maybe going to into something for animal care? I have always had that on the back of my mind. I love animals. I am so compassionate about them, I can't hold myself back when I see a hurting animal, I have to help. Maybe your parents would understand you better if you had the proper education to tell them the reason you care and how to solve the problem.

    Don't ever let anyone tell you you're not normal. You rock, and Animals everywhere should be happy you are alive.

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  • ziggie33

    When I see an animal die on a movie it bothers me more than a human dying on a movie.

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  • purplemonkeys

    Hey bob, lets go shoot that bird with a bb? No a shotgun would work better

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  • jeffandamy3

    It's normal to feel that way. Death is a part of life. I have killed animals since I was a kid and didn't have any empathy. That has changed. I feel sorrow for the animals I have killed mindlessly. What a waste. Now I make a very conscious decision before I decide to kill. Being next to an animal that is sucking it's last few breaths of air a few seconds after you pulled the trigger, you feel the same way. All you can do is apologize, be with it while it passes, and then try your best not to let the animal go to waste. Every animal I shoot nowadays, that has lived freely and died quickly, is one less animal that will have to live in a slaughterhouse all it's life. I am an omnivore, and I respect that death is a part of life. Someday it will find me as well.

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