To feel this trapped in life
I feel so trapped in life right now. Let me explain...
2 months ago, a family situation happened, and is still happening. I can't go into details, but all of us are paying for it.
First, my brother is taking meds for his depression. My niece is more cranky and has more temper tantrums than usual. My dad is still the same, but he's getting less sleep and is less motivated. My mom is the complete opposite. She has more breakdowns, snaps easily, and cannot focus on her work.
That just leaves me then. How am I dealing with this situation that just keeps getting worse? I'm dealing with this horribly. I'm getting less sleep, impatient with my niece, but there's more to my struggles than that.
I feel like I'm in a bubble of which cannot pop. I get the babysitter role, in which I have to stay just in case my mom and dad go somewhere. I get the most freedom out of everyone in my family. However, that freedom is taken away when my fiance is in a grumpy mood. He thinks my parents are trapping me on purpose. I have to explain to him that no one asked for this situation to happen, but he seems convinced.
It really gets to my parents and I when my niece can't find anything to talk about with her dad on video chat. We give her suggestions, but her response is "we already did that".
What's worse is that my mom warned me this situation could last up to four years! Like what?! My fiance and I want to get married, and now I have to postpone it because I'm the babysitter?! I don't mind looking after my niece once in awhile, but not everyday?! Additionally, if it'll last that long, my mother said she would leave cause it's not healthy. I understood that, but that means I'll have to stay with my dad to make sure he isn't stressed out or doesn't have a heart attack.
As a result in all of this, I can't find the energy to do many things, or do the things I used to enjoy. I often think of suicide, but won't do it because my family will suffer more. I can't express my emotions in fear I'll get shut out. I keep them bottled up and try my best to get through the day. This results in me not being as happy as I was and getting into more arguments with my fiance.
I know this is definitely not normal, but how can my family and I continue to live?