To hate it when people say they want a relationship like joker and harley?

I just hate it when people say that overall and here's why:

- Joker is a sociopathic narcissist
- He doesn't actually care about Harley
- Joker is seen as very abusive, evidence to show this is when Joker pushes Harley out of a window in the animated series of Batman.
- Joker treats Harley like a dog too as well as manipulating Harley.

And a lot worse.

In short you probably don't want a relationship like that.

Is it normal?

Voting Results
77% Normal
Based on 22 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 25 )
  • RoseIsabella

    These people are morons.

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    • Somenormie

      Original poster here and I totally agree on that.

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    • SwickDinging


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      • Somenormie

        if anything I would rather have a relationship like Terry and Dana from Batman Beyond at least that sounds better than wanting to have a relationship like Joker and Harley.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Wish I had a psycho bitch like harly quinn. Not to settle down with just to have fun with. Harly quinn is the good kind of crazy bitch

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  • Rocketrain

    People always fancy about stories, or fantasies. But no one honestly does at least one, as soon as they do something they'll be like
    Oh shit. That did not go well.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      Sometimes people need a big old dose of what they think they want in order for the bubble to burst. I remember back in 2012 when the “overly attached girlfriend” meme was popular I saw some guy moping about how he wished a girl would get overly attached to him- be careful what you wish for son...

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      • Rocketrain

        Oh yeah, like in that movie called "obsessed" , Idris Elba was in it.
        When I saw that I was also like, would be cool to have a girl like that. Thinking all about you. Owwww !
        And then it hits me. Not that good as we think tho lol

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  • my_life_my_way

    I want a guy who will slit my throat during sex

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      This makes me think maybe ur boyfriend slit the baby deers throat to impress u

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      • my_life_my_way

        He was trying to look like a cool tough guy (by killing a small defenceless animal?) because he got ass raped as a child (allegedly) and had some weird complex about it

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          "Allegedly" u definitely studyin law

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          • my_life_my_way

            He told me he was brutally ass raped as a child but I have reason to believe it never happened and he was just making it up

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    The people who say it think they have a good relationship. They don't actually keep up with anything and the likes.

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  • RoyyRogers

    Most people to realize that there are people like "Harley Quinn" and people like "The Joker". The people like this romantisize it for that reason. Since they are in some way dysfuctional.

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  • idolomantis

    I completely agree…these two have a horrible relationship and it’s sad how some people are blind to it.

    I haven’t seen most of the recent movies personally, but I’ve always been kind of a Batman fan lol. He’s like the only super hero I’m a fan of. :P Joker and Harley are pretty cool as characters and I can appreciate how disturbingly unhealthy their relationship is (in a morbid fascination kinda way), I just wish this wasn’t something that was romanticized. Some young people actually do genuinely consider it romantic and I find that pretty worrisome. 😣

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  • Only dumb teens say this because it's "edgy", alt and emo.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I thought suicide squad was stupid. I thought i was the only one that thought she was hot also. I admired her when I was like 6 years old.

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