To hate perverted men!!

I have uncontrollable rage against men who still need to look at other women althought they have a smart attractive girlfriend at home!! Why do they need to look at porn or go to strip clubs when they have their own real girl!!! That only makes us girls feel insecue like am I not enough!! Why can't men ever be satisfied and why are all men immature, perverted, desperate, and cheaters. Why can't they think with their brain instead of their penis!!!

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Comments ( 86 )
  • anon7

    lol, half the people voted "No" because they are perverted men.
    I know how you're feeling. one time i visited with a bf and was feeling frisky, i asked him to come to bed with me but he didn't, i ended up falling asleep, and when i did he started watching porn. How do you think i felt when he left for the bathroom and woke me up on the way out, just in time for me to see that smut on right in front of me.
    I expected that he would watch porn on days that we didn't see eachother, but he had a horny 20 year old chick in his bed and opted to jerk off instead?
    I'm sorry but no matter how you try to justify that kind of treatment, it's plain humiliating. You feel inadequate and it takes a huge blow to your self esteem.
    Really you can't blame yourself, its their own problem and a growing addiction. One day you will find a real man who knows how to treat you right. There's a ton of assholes but they're not ALL pathetic douche bags who can't pleasure a real woman. Some know the difference between actual sex and fantasy land porn actors, or should i say "fake titted loose vagina std whores".

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    • chewy

      you make an excelllent point

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  • roxco

    Finally someone understands me:) thank you anon7 for backing me up because men will never understand how much this ruins our self esteem which is selfish!!! They have to respect our boundaries and if I want to be the only girl he looks at then he should do it or leave me alone to find a mature gentlemen because there are some out there who will make me the only one

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    • Babychicken0184

      I don't care if a boyfriends looks at a cute girl walking by I mean we're all human! Or to watch porn...I do! But the only issue I have is when your man looks at a cute girl and say durogatory comments like I'd love to fuck her or she can join in a threesome with us or nice tits or pussy..things like's just wrong to say in front of your girlfriend... it's hard sometimes to watch a movie or TV shows with a boyfriends who does the same thing about fucking that girls titties and cum on them..that's so wrong and disrespectful. My issue is when he provokes me in this way and has been doing it since the first month of knowing him..I now lash out by yelling and not shutting up then he says I'm sick in the I controlling or is he in the wrong? I find his behavior mental I right or wrong?

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  • & I hate annoying sluts who need attetion all the time

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  • chewy

    besides what about the test for stds goes wrong then they could probably die ever though of logical jew?

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  • chewy

    i was trying to be nice but you are being mean to me for no reason at all

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  • roxco

    Thanks for posting that now I understand and I'm not so angry towards my boyfriend anymore. If he had put in this way I would of understood thank you. And maybe I should start dating women cus I have no idea why I think so low of men.

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    • BoredGuy

      nah you wont, you supposedly born that way(not sure if this totally true tho). I just think you got hurt, you will get over it.

      I'm glad, if i helped.

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  • BoredGuy

    This is being often posted around here. In short.

    "You should never say no to sex, in fact provoke for more and you should also stop masturbating"

    Failure to do so, denies you the right to complain about it.

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  • i would rather a man seek pleasure from sex than seeking it from cruelty. dont spose that helps but that is my comment

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  • All men? It's nice being stereo typed because I has a penis. It's not my fault if your boyfriend does it to you. I don't do it so don't say we males all are.

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  • bigguy2010

    Uh-oh! Looks like someone caught someone doing something.

    Writing about it on IIN isn't going to help address your problem. If anything, you will probably be inundated with smart-alec remarks.

    Men are visual creatures, and we crave visual stimulation of various kinds. Whether it be art, an action movie with lots of special effects, or, in some cases, lots of different women presenting themselves in different fashions, different men will seek out different ways to fulfill such stimulation.

    Many women share your feelings, and many women enjoy checking others out just the way you described.

    I'm not saying it's right or wrong... It's not my job to judge others.

    You two need to establish an understanding... a common ground of mutual acceptance, appreciation, and respect, and there is only one way to do that.

    Talk with him.

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    • housewifey

      I love men say they are "visual creatures" which helps them to justify their porn use. But a funny fact pops into my mind when I hear this said by a man...."Tell me then, why is it that if you are such a visual creature you still masturbate in the shower without a visual aid?" Men don't need a visual aid, they just want to see other women doing dirty things with other people (or to themselves) and they can't give an honest answer as to why....because it would make them look like douchebags.

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  • BoredGuy

    So, in order to make this a bit more clear: Higher sex drive + need of visual aid for masturbation= Men watch porn.
    If you really don't want your guy to watch porn, he shouldn't be left with uncovered needs(usually the amount of this "needs" will sound absurd for a woman) else he will wanna masturbate to cover his needs. And how he can do that? Same way you use a dildo he needs to watch porn to get his dick erected.

    There is more to this cause of the differences between males and females(gene vessels etc etc) but i wont get more into that, but i will address some other of your points. We don't care if they have fake boobs cause we don't touch them. We don't care if they have streched vaginas cause we don't fuck them. We don't care if she is acting, moaning, cause we don't look to satisfy them. If the whore in that movie have a boyfriend thats THEIR problem. NOONE forced them to do porn.(well if they did its illegal and they should be hunted down, but they didn't). They want some easy money? Well news flash nothing comes easy in life.

    As i said earlier sex is what bonds this society together. We need each other physically else we all be roaming alone. Men and probly women, wouldn't talk to eachother at all without sex, their luck of common interests make sure of that. If you really hate sex, then natural choice is the one to blame. We could be "cloning" ourselves like some organisms and live a lonely life, instead we accidentally tried this method(which requires sex) and is working... so far.

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    • BlakKat9

      I hear this alot too...but I was married to a guy that ate, breathed, and sleeped SEX. He watched porn on his phone, he watched movies with nude sex scenes, all the comedians he liked told sex jokes, and he listened to rap music "SEX. SEX. SEX!!" ( The lyrics went something like that. Lol) He always wanted sex and I would give it to him. Anytime of day or night. Sexual favors and in the car. I did all he wanted and more and Im a sexy woman, but he still chose to brainwash himself with sexual media. He was lazy, sat around watching movies all day long. Drank, wanted sex. Never wanted to spend time with the kids. He just wanted sex. He cheated on me, left me alone while I was pregnant to go sleep around. Then had the nerve to compare me with strippers basically saying they can do tricks that I cant ( totally forgetting that I offered him lap dances, while I wasnt prego, but he refused!). So yes, I believe the media is distorting man's view of reality. Men like this are selfish and dont think about anyone else but mr. Penis. Forsaking wife and children in the creeps divorce.

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    • housewifey

      I think you need to read the comment I left to bigguy2010....I hate the excuse of men are visual creatures because men don't need porn in order to masturbate. It is just a want - not a need.

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      • BoredGuy

        women don't need dildos to masturbate either.

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    • that is the biggest fucking lie i have ever read i hate sex (cut my dick off even) and almost all my friends are women and we talk all the time 2nd fuck society burn it all to hell

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      • BoredGuy

        I have no reason to lie. That's how i "work".

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        • yet you just did

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  • chewy

    ok.... well how can you say men are perverts? in fact they are not thats there nature thats the way they were designed perversion goes down another road

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  • TheLogicalJew

    wow, a whole lot of comments on this seem to be deleted.

    One thing I have to say right now: all guys, to one extent or another, are perverts. I am sorry, but you are just going to have to learn to deal with that and get over it.

    Anyways, you said some shit that is not necessarily true. I'm fairly certain that most guys know that porn (btw, stds are quite uncommon in the official porn industry, and the actors get tested every two to three weeks) is acting, and most guys probably don't care to much about that. Most guys watch porn quite frequently, and enjoy it. It is a stimulus that we enjoy when we masturbate. And really, you shouldn't feel insecure about your man masturbating, though I can see where you are coming from.

    Men are... practically unfathomably horny. Don't hate us for it, we are programed to want to fuck just about every woman we see. Spread our genes. You shouldn't feel inadequate because you cannot subdue every single urge your man has. That would be just about impossible.

    You argue that all guys want women similar to those in porn. Well, I could quite easily argue that women only want muscular assholes with power and money (the power and money thing is actually supported by science). I could argue that women really don't care much about personality. They always seem to go for the douchebags. Always.

    Anyways, not all men want loose floozies. I don't. I like the concept of an easy woman (if that makes any sense), but I would never want to try to be in a relationship with a whore. I look for women who are smart, gentle, caring... I don't want to take to much room with adjectives. And sure, I care a lot about how a woman looks, but, believe it or not, I value personality more than physical appearance.

    I am by no means a muscular individual. I am not rich, I have little power. I have been told that I have mesmerizing eyes, besides that, I am probably and average to below average individual, from a physical (easily visible) standpoint. But... I have been told that I am a smart, nice (in some cases, nicest person that that particular individual has met), wonderful guy. And you know what? My personality counts for nothing. I respect women, I want smart girls, for all purposes, I'm a nice guy... Meh, it doesn't really count for much, in my experience.

    So yeah, thats what I have to say. Read it if you want. Or ignore me, after all, I'm just a worthless virgin.

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    • chewy

      well those are the men that dont wanna settle down and stick with one girl men who actually love there girl wouldnt do that shit besides its better to love a girl and her body instead of having sex with every girl in sight

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  • chewy

    you are no better if you are still with him knowing that and im not like that i want a nice girl big boobs would be nice too and a beautiful face and if i would get treated like crap it wouldnt be worth it and boobs are not just for babies it comes back to guys boobs because they saw them as babies dont you ever happen to think that? its natural

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  • rooster30991

    that is something that you will never understand. my further comment will more than likely upset you. men have dicks. end of story. it is a natural instinct to stare at women. just like a lion has the instinct to chase after running prey. we work off of visual images. you run on emotion. get use to it because thats just how it goes.

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  • no offence but if you seperate movies from reality you would understand that this doesnt happen alot

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  • roxco

    I POSTED THIS: yeah I'm fucken angry because why can't a guy be loyal and just want one girl. And I do please him whenever I can so I don't understand why he needs other girls!!! What if most women watched porn everyday instead of having a guy!! The guy would start thinking oh maybe I'm not big enough or maybe I'm doing something wrong or maybe I'm lame in bed and weak and can't last long enough. This would severly damage his self esteem just like what guys do to us!! And all guys have immature 13 year minds that's why they can't get over looking at boobs. They're for babies jerks!!! Ps sex maybe fun for most men like they make it seem in porn but guess what!! Sex for girls isn't that fun unless he's huge and fast and strong and knows many positions if your not this then trust me your girl is faking orgasms. If a guy is fantazising about other women stop living a lie with ur partner and get the balls to actually get with ur dream girl instead of being lame and just watching them over the Internet!! Lame losers!

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    • Losen up in bed and get a little more freaky and maybe you will like sex much more. Trouble is you sound like you are very missionary. get your freak on, explore, watch porn with him, try toys, get in on in public places ect.... Come out of the freak closet and make both of you happy

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  • shogun

    Wee are not perverts it's just that so may chick think it's all about looking good. Hay !!surprise!! It's not you have got to be good at fucking, shagging, screwing,love making and that a fact. If the sex is good we won't have the time, energy, or inclination to look at anyone else. Your all up for it until you got your man AND the cold shoulder once a week sex.

    Well girls wake up and smell the other woman on your man.

    Get your acts together or put up & shut up

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  • ThousandPoundsOfGanja

    Women are quite superficial too, you pick the "hot" egotistical bastards that could two shits about you or your feelings over the guys who would actually care for you and love you and treat you like you deserve but oh well, you can continue to date douchebags and complain when they break your heart while the guy who would care for you sits alone.

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  • agentchaos

    i hate shallow constantly pissed off women

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  • housewifey

    I love how men say..."get freaker in bed, watch porn with him, try new things, etc." Guess what, I was the one in the relationship to bring home videos, I was the one who said let's try this new thing together, I was the one who bought outfits, took pictures of myself, and made videos of myself....This way he had NO use for porn. He had everything sextual he could ask for. (he also declined to watch porn with me, but still looked at it when I wasn't around). I was at a loss because I had literally tried everything. It made me feel like I wasn't good enough, and I even asked him if he would stop looking at because it was really making me feel uncomfortable that he would do it behind my back but not with me. Still he snuck it. So, in my opinion as a wife who has done everything (and I do mean everything) to satisfy her man sexually and yet he still has to have his porn....well, I just told him to enjoy his videos and until he respected my wishes and my self esteem he would get nothing from me. This statement didn't bother me because if he chose porn over me (or went to another woman) then it would show me where out relationship stood. He decided to finally let go of porn because he wanted to be with me. I am not saying all men will react this way, but as a woman you either have to stand up for yourself or put up with their crap. I would definitely try everything you can though to make your sexual life together a good one before going to an extreme like the one I had to do. Hope this helps. :)

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    • howisitgoingtoend

      But how do you know he really let go of porn? not to be cynical but isnt there a damn good possibility he has continued to fantasize and 'get off' to the idea or visions of other women? is there any sure way of knowinG? i mean I'm currently in the same boat with a boyfriend of mine who is a pathological liar and has watched porn throughout our entire relationshiop no matter how much i fucking cried and begged.. he still found a way to do it just covered his tracks a little better, for example, he discovered 'in cognito mode' which keeps NO track of any internet history. i dont know maybe im just a pessimistic but with todays day and age and technology combined with the sick twisted never ending spike in pervertedness amongst society (mainly male) and the oversexualization of females in every day life in the MEDIA in the commercials our CHILDREN are growing up watching.... I dont think its possible to really trust anything or anyone, especiallly those with male genitalia

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  • TravisBowman

    roxco just stop be for i get y mom on her btw say what u want to me idc and really she works for department of defense AKA military goverment dude if i have to i can track u down and have the military put u in military confinement

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  • tellmeimwrong

    I would cherish a smart girlfriend your boyfriend is an idiot

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Polygamy is in fact natural. It's all these social constructs such as marriage which aren't.

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  • assh0le

    LOLZ is there any other kind? Love 'em or leave 'em :)

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  • mateo

    im sorry

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  • Yeah, overly pervy guys are a pain (I'm a guy and I hate them) but remember that not all men are like that. Like, I can notice an attractive woman, but If I have a girlfriend than I'm not going to be looking, because I won't care.

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  • chewy


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    • TheLogicalJew

      Well, I'm sure that it is possible, but pretty unlikely. And yeah, I am sure that it may have happened before. And it is quite possible somebody died from that. All I was saying is that the system in place is fairly safe. And I guess when I watch porn, its a good thing to know that the people there are probably quite healthy individuals.

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  • chewy

    oh sorry

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  • roxco

    I said fuck off "quab" not you

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  • chewy


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  • chewy

    i dont do anything why are you getting all mad?

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  • chewy

    i already said i wasnt like that

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  • chewy

    who are you talking to?

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  • chewy


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  • roxco

    How old are you anyway?

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  • chewy

    yeah me too i like the texas chainsaw massacre the beginning

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  • roxco

    Yeah I do, mostly ones based on true events like the excrocism of Emily Rose lol. What about you?

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  • chewy

    do you like horror movies?

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  • roxco

    Alright take the lead with the conversation

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  • chewy

    anything really

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  • roxco

    Okay about what?

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  • chewy

    hey we could have a conversation here if you want

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  • roxco

    Okay I will

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  • chewy

    you should put it in the feedback to see if the site managers well do it

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  • roxco

    Yeah it would be

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  • chewy

    i really wish this site had a chat it would be awesome to talk to people

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  • roxco

    When pigs fly I will

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  • chewy

    dont worry yull find that guy out there it takes time.

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  • roxco

    Well I wish I could find a guy like you but it seems impossible now a days:(

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  • chewy

    btw my sexdrive isnt as high as it used to be in fact im not that horny all the time as i used i think me and my body are maturing and my mind and body want to feel love and be loved to have sex and thats the truth so stop bitching and believe me.

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  • chewy

    you sure do assume that all men are like that im not like that!!! not every guy is like that i want a girl with a good personality as well is that so hard to believe?

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  • Sounds like you either let yourself go real bad and became insecure or are nothing to look at in the first place?
    The same feelings you have are the same reasons why many women cheat on thier men. Looking is fine, touching is a problem if you are not in an open relationship.
    If you think men are scum, look at why women go to male strip clubs, and where the term MILF came from. Its really a womans world, learn to tap into it, and learn to like yourself. Even a woman that is not a 10 can be confident and go from a 7 to a 9 and be good enough for me. Cut nagging, give him great sex, and a reason to stop looking. Maybe you are the probelm, and not him! When is the last time you told him how handsome he is, and how much he turns you on versus bithcing at him? God you are so dam needy!@

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  • mluker

    Bigguy 2010. - well put

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  • mluker

    BTW. I have sex with my girlfriend just about everyday, and sometime multiple times a day, and I still love my porn. No im not a perv, and NO my girlfriend is not a whore or freak, we just enjoy "making love". But porn I'd just always so nice. Woman have sexy bodies, and we love looking at all the different ways god made them. So fuck off birch, get a real man, and stop feeling like your not good enough, bc you probably are without that mouth of yours. Being insecure bc we look at porn is just retarded. Find a real man who pleasures u in more than one way, and you'll see what all the hoopla is about. Ha

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  • BoredGuy

    you hate all men?!?

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  • paradoxinsoxs

    Boobs! And why does looking at other women make him perverted? Maybe he's an undercover cross dresser a like there pretty dresses- lol

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  • DannyKanes

    Totally agree with Bigguy2010 on everything he said and also things like this shouldn't be posted on IIN

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  • Lockets

    I know plenty of men who are NOT like that! They are more into happy family life...

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    • TravisBowman

      IM WITH YOU real men like a girl for them

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  • freebee

    Yes Sir I tip my hat to you

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  • chewy

    wtf? men arent perverted they are just very sexual people why the fuck do girls assume we are perverts? its not our fault that women have nice tits we wanna see and squeeze.

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  • roxco

    Why can't guys be intellectual human beings instead of always thinking about retarded ass shit like sex or cars!!! When will they start to make rational logistical decisions like caring about the enviroment or family or going to college to learn new things but no all they think about is sex like it's the fucken greatest thing in the world. News flash when your old and weak Sex won't even matter anymore because your bones will hurt too much to do anything so stop acting like it's the only that matters and start living for real!!! Stop thinking with the head of your penis and start thinking with your real head!!!!

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  • roxco

    To the guy above!! What if your girl was constanly going to gentelman clubs or looking at other guys through porn and you are right there!!! Wouldn't you star to doubt your self maybe like she settled to be with you but actually she dreams and fantizises about guys who look the total opposite of you!!! Maybe she's with you because she has a low self esteem and she thought she couldn't do better but really she's dreams and lusts to be with the tan muscular huge guy frm the movie!! How would you feel!! Exactly asshole!!! Guys need to get over immature shit and deal with real women not airbrushed fake boob bitches who will never give you a chance unless you have lots of money!!! Ps these whores vaginas are soo open and streched out frm fucking constantly that they can't feel a dick anymore all that moaning is called acting because they can't feel shit so gave fun watching Std streched out vaginas with fake ass actors!!! With ur Retarded little pubescent mind. How would you feel if your girl was doing porn too but a guy never cares that these are actual women with boyfriends who have to deal with perverted guys all over watching their girl!!!

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    • BoredGuy

      You sound you don't like men. Maybe give women a try?

      Btw not all men are perverted (i think i'm tho), and what you describe here is far from any sort of perversion. Your problem here relies on your limited understanding of men. We don't think as women. Men and women are NOT the same, therefor you can't compare the two without setting some guidelines at least.

      In both cases male and female there are exceptions but there is a general pattern that applies to the majority.

      First off, men don't get any emotional connection to something they are observing. Sexual connection sure, but nothing emotional. They won't even remember what they saw 5seconds after cumming. They wouldn't even recognize her if she walked right pass them.

      For men to have an emotional connection take time, usually much longer time than a woman need to emotionally connect, and usually is much harder on men any break up after wards cause of this reason. Women usually want something emotionally and not just what they are watching. Testament to this the male gigolos vs simple hookers. For women to even "buy" sex they want to have some sort of emotional connection, and they usually end up having the same gigolo for years while men would rather have a different hooker every time if possible. So as far as how would a man feel. Well yeah he would get upset pretty much cause he know he is being directly compared with any of those guy his gf is watching while, in guy's case, his gf and the random beautiful body are not even categorized at the same "location" in the brain. They are two totally different things.

      Now i'm not saying that for a guy is alright to spend all his free time in gentlemen's club as you named them, as with everyday physical contact some emotions maybe created (altho very unlikely), but its only natural for a guy to watch porn in order to masturbate. In fact he can't masturbate without a visual aid. Our brains is build up that way. In addition to that, men also have usually higher sex drive and for that they want more sex. What you really think bond and drive this society? Sex, always have been. Without it, men would just have their best buddies cruising through life.

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      • good post

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  • roxco

    Most guys will never mature like you!!! That's why boobs still amaze you because you have the mind of a twelve year old lil boy who just hit puberty. Grow up already, they're just boobs.

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    • chewy

      its natural for a guy to like tits im not gonna go around squezzing every girls tits i see i just like tits thats all dont get mad at me its also about the girl personality too because i wouldnt wanna date a mean girl with big boobs.

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  • roxco

    All guys care about is looks that's why they will go out of their way to have some kind of contact with a hot whore. Whether it's paying for sex, a lap dance, or just visual!! I bet if guys had chances with the girl they're fantazising about they wouldn't care if she's a bitch and beats you just as long as they get to fuck her!!! That's how men think they are all horny, pitifully desperate for hot whores, immature, and selfish that's why they will do stupid shit for hoes!!

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  • roxco

    Yeah you would because your penis would say "I'll let her treat me like crap as long as I get to play with her big boobs"!!! That's how my boyfriend is I treat him like crap bur he's still with me because I have amazing big perky boobs!!! It's sad how low a guy will go for a girls body!!!

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    • apparently you never met me im a sluts worst nightmare im the sexless man i hate sex i cut my dick off ween i was 15 i find nothing sexually arousing no matter how young cute or perky you got nothing on me bitch so as you said FUCK OFF

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  • roxco

    Fuck off quad. I never let myself go you don't fucken know me if you saw me you would think I'm a good looking girl!!! I'm pretty, in college in the honor society with a 3.7 GPA and two degrees and still the perfect girl can't satisfy a guy!!! Why because they desperate, needy, and all they think about is their own fucken pleasure. They are selfish,immature,overly horny, oversexed pigs who only care about sex!!! Some women maybe sexual and cheat like men but even then we are still better because we actually use our head unlike men who only use their penis head to make rational, moral and ethical fuck off!!!!

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