To hate society

I know everyone is kind appart of society, but I still hate it in general, I found their concept of existence annoying and jugmeltal. Also this make my life fell meanless and stressful

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Comments ( 4 )

    Life is meaningless. Not just human life, but all life. We're born, live meaningless lives, then we die. Sure, we may make some good memories, and have fun, maybe even love someone/something. But once you're in the ground,in a urn, or the killer dumps your body somewhere it will not be found for a few more generations, do you really think that new Iphone, or the fact that you saved another meaningless life mattered? No. People are selfish creatures. But nothing you do, or anyone else will matter when the last Nuke is dropped.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Oh how truly misanthropic of you lol.

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    Feel exactly the same way. Misanthrope and proud. Give me animals every time.

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  • sweetone89

    Welcome to the club. Ihate everyone, too. Nothing impresses me anymore. Oh, you're a lawyer? A doctor? I still hate you. You cured cancer? You walked on the moon? Good, leave me alone. I probably hate you, too, LOL. I started having these feelings when I was in my early 30s.

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