To have a fear of dirty dishes?

Before anyone labels it as ”laziness”, I will admit that I am quite lazy. I wouldn't want to do the dishes anyways. But, when I was younger, I was somewhat okay with washing dishes. But when I got older, the thought of dirty dishes and dish water freaked me out!
I am absolutely fine with trying and putting away dishes, but 100% can't wash them. I can't even put other people's dishes in the dishwasher.
My family thinks I'm making up excuses and get mad at me. But I literally start having a full-on panic attack when I have to or come close to touching someone else's dirty dish or even my own dish that's been sitting on the counter for a while.
Is this normal? If so, can someone tell me the name of this phobia?
I looked it up and sound of there is that share the same phobia, but I can't find the name of it.

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81% Normal
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Faceless

    I fear moldy dishes more so I fuckin do em.

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  • Shrunk

    i was like that too, now i do it for work and it's the best part of the day. i get to wear huge azz gloves for it, though. it's probably just a type of germaphobia..?

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  • Aliceee93

    Caaaaaaalm! They will not bite you. Just put them in sir dishwasher and they will come out lovely ;)

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    • nya_hansen22

      Yes you're right but me and a lot others don't want to get the wet food on our skin, its disgusting!

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  • Ollyy

    I have exactly the same problem:( I cry every time my mum makes me do them :(

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  • squirrelgirl

    You probably have germaphobia.

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    • OtherSide

      Being a germophobe is like running away from random encounters in an RPG.
      You'll be under-leveled when you get to a boss fight.

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  • thegypsysailor

    You are a very wise person. Those dirty dishes left by other people are just crawling with germs and infections that your own dishes do not! Even just thinking about touching someone else's dishes can cause an illness that may be life threatening.
    If I were you, I'd not even allow dishes in my home; I'd eat right off the floor, it's so much cleaner, even after the cat has just puked there and the dog had a little no, no.
    Dish soap is a government conspiracy to lull you into a false sense of security that your dishes are actually clean, which I'm sure you are aware of.
    You are on the right track; stay strong and stay away from those dirty dishes.

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    • green_boogers

      And, use paper plates on top of a clean dish so those tiny germ monsters don't devour your body.

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