To have a fear of dirty dishes?
Before anyone labels it as ”laziness”, I will admit that I am quite lazy. I wouldn't want to do the dishes anyways. But, when I was younger, I was somewhat okay with washing dishes. But when I got older, the thought of dirty dishes and dish water freaked me out!
I am absolutely fine with trying and putting away dishes, but 100% can't wash them. I can't even put other people's dishes in the dishwasher.
My family thinks I'm making up excuses and get mad at me. But I literally start having a full-on panic attack when I have to or come close to touching someone else's dirty dish or even my own dish that's been sitting on the counter for a while.
Is this normal? If so, can someone tell me the name of this phobia?
I looked it up and sound of there is that share the same phobia, but I can't find the name of it.