To have a phobia of dog poop?

I suffer from mild OCD when it comes to cleanliness, and have a particular fear of contamination from dog poop. When I was young my mom told me you can go blind from accidentally ingesting it or getting it in your eyes. This is due to the eggs of the roundworm parasite, Toxocara Canis which can live in the intestines of dogs are are subsequently pooped out.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Somenormie

    I personally hate dog shit.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Welp, it is poop, and poop is gross by its very nature.

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  • Not normal, its just poop.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Seems normal. Just keep your dogs trained and you'll be fine.

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  • CountessDouche

    No normal people like dogshit, not a one. Even the weirdos here, except maybe curious bunny, who probably ate one at some juncture (gross).

    If you have diagnosed OCD, it's difficult to logic your way out of phobias and compulsive behaviors, but you should be aware of a few things.

    It's a completely normal human impulse to be disgusted by feces. It's biologically programmed into humans to be revolted by shit as a mechanism to avoid harmful bacteria and parasites. It is not OCD to be revolted by dog poop. I have animals and I recoil at their disgusting turds.

    As for parasites, almost ALL domesticated animals (aside from the ones who are abused or neglected) are treated for parasites. It is standard vet care whenever you take your animal in for them to make SURE they are on a monthly antiparasitic, especially for dogs because they are susceptible to heart worm, which is deadly. Almost all pet dogs have been routinely treated for parasites.

    So, yes, it's normal to be icked out by dog shit. But you should know that the chances of catching a parasite from your neighborhood dog turds is.. like...pretty much non existent.

    Your mom probably told you that lie as a kid so you wouldn't go grabbing up turds like easter eggs

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  • snazzylarry


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  • ellnell

    It must suck going outside for you then.

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  • RoseIsabella

    All the animals in my family live indoors, and don't have parasites.

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  • Sanara

    Normal to find it gross but I never heard about a phobia of it. Consider that most people probably at least walk past dog shit on a daily basis

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Even if you ate dog shit daily your chances of going blind are around .0

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  • a-curious-bunny

    Ingesting dog poop huh? Someone's been watching to much Japanese porn. Gross my man gross. But na for realzies don't stress it mate. Just an old wives tale

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