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To have been fully nude at the doctors/hospital. How many others have?
Stop lying, steve.
I was nude when I was born and that was in a hospital.
Didn't mean then!
I have and my wife has been totally nude when getting a physical exam. So?
I had no problem with it dick. Was just wondering wat others thought.
Yeah, with the exception of flip flops. I was showering.
When did the cheesy porn music start?
Would be no point otherwise. Hate liars etc.
What? I can assure u everything I say is most certainly genuine.
Doctors? Hell I get nude at the dentists.
Really? Iv had little on at the dentists but been dressed tho.
That's cause you're a prude. ;)
Me and the word prude simply don't go together. It's a simply that it's not necessary for me to take my clothes off at the dentists.
Why not?
As they want to see my teeth!
Me after a surgery
Unless you're being examined then no...
Medical examinations don't count.