To have too much self awareness?
So basically for the last two years I have been a total recluse in university. I used to be the urgh 'life of the party' as people say, the brightest, bubbliest, wildest and rebellious creature.
Then I turned into a crazy introvert. So being the inquisitive person that I am, I was so desperate to find out what was wrong with me and psychology/psychiatry offered me the answers. Plus some Christian references (demons etc). But in these past two years I have been OBSESSED with it, it affects my work, daily functioning, everything. That and pot.
So obviously now I'm quite knowledgeable and alert to every thought and action I make. I am my own case study. I study myself night and day. But inevitably it creates even more inner conflict when I start to doubt. People tell you one thing, yet you think another.
You plan to do one thing, but when the time comes you act another way. You think you know so much and are rationally analysing the situation yet you could actually be delusional?
I've been reading up on all the early schizophrenia signs and I have them all, yet again I wonder if I'm a hypochondriac.
Your body tells you when something is wrong, you yourself know something is wrong, is it wrong to want to so badly find out what IS wrong?