To know that it's a dream while you're dreaming

whenever i dream in the night,i am completely aware that its a dream
then i get so scared and wake up
is it normal?

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85% Normal
Based on 27 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • Boojum

    If you really know you're dreaming while in the middle of one, why are you frightened?

    Many people who want to experience lucid dreaming and deliberate control of their dreams have great difficulty reaching the stage of being conscious that they are dreaming. It sounds like you're already there, so it seems to me that the logical thing for you to do would be to investigate lucid dreaming and start to have some fun.

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    • Alichael

      I love some of the lucid dreams that I've had. They feel like I am in like a whole another dimension. They're exciting and interesting, and bizarre. Very bizarre. They don't all make logical sense. I read that some of the reason for that is during lucid dreaming, the part of your brain which controls logic and reason is shut down, but the part of your brain that sees, feels, and experiences is very active. We're not usually able to operate our brains that way while awake.

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  • lordofopinions

    I hate the dreams where it seems like reality that you are there for real. I had one dream that was SO realistic that when I woke up I was surprised to find myself in my own bed.

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    • Alichael

      I've had that too. While lucid dreaming, your mind starts making you believe that you are wherever your dream is taking place.

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  • matthewtheking

    I've had a ton of lucid dreams, that shit can be so fucking fun. You can literally do anything you imagine. Next time you enter a lucid dream (on purpose or accidently) don't be afraid, just let it happen, maybe try flying(flying is sick). I recently had a lucid dream where I woke up in my bed (yes I was still dreaming) and all my surroundings looked like it was under a microscope like the ones at highschool. I then walked into my living room and said "Let there be clarity" I read somewhere that it made dreams super clear and detailed and it did, it worked! It was so graphic, it felt like REAL LIFE, unlike other lucid dreams I've had where they were kind of hazy. Next time you lucid dream, try to say "let there be clarity" (it makes the lucid dream so much cooler, unless everything is already real as fuck) then go fly, have sex, go fight evil beings etc. It's all so fun.

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    • matthewtheking

      I personally want to experience an OBE/Astral projection some day. I've been trying for weeks... I hope one day I can achieve that as well.

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  • megadriver

    Those are the best dreams. I love those. Once you are aware you are dreaming, you can control your dream. You are God in that dream and can do whatever you want.

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  • SmokeEverything

    Count your fingers. You won't have 5 fingers on your hand in a dream because your brain doesn't put that level of detail into it.

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    • Alichael

      Yes, some parts of your brain shut down when you dream, that's why some of them are so bizarre, don't make sense, and also feel very real while happening.

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      • SmokeEverything

        That's my normal lucid dream trick. Look at a reflection or your hand or something that's going to need a level of detail put into it that isn't there.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Lucid dreaming is awesome. Have you ever tried changing the dream? I've done some fun and bizzare stuff in my dreams whenever I noticed it's a nightmare.

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  • IrishPotato

    That's called lucid dreaming. It's pretty fun.

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    • Alichael

      I've had some very bizarre dreams which really don't make logical sense. The laws of physics don't always apply in dreams.

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      • IrishPotato

        They sure don't.

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        • Alichael

          Yes, it's all a make believe world manufactered by our brains while we're getting our zzzzs.

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          • IrishPotato

            We're all in a simulation.

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  • jack_shephard

    Do you understand the concept of "LUCID DREAMING"?

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