To like to skin random dead animals

Ok, everytime I see a dead animal on the street of elsewhere, all I can think about is how awesome it would be to take it's fur. I was raised in a city and I am of a mixed ethnicity so I'm not a hillbilly. I get really excited over the fact that I could have a cool skin even though I have no real use for it. I have already skinned and brain tanned about 2 mice and a squirrel. Am I normal.

Voting Results
21% Normal
Based on 24 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • VsegdaTemnata

    I don't see why everyone thinks this is horrible. OP didn't say he wants to drink their blood and rape their poor little skeletons. He isn't killing the animal. The animal is already dead, and since the beginning of mankind, people have utilized all parts of animals' bodies for clothing, shelter, food, weapons, or just decoration. Animals have exquisite fur, and after the animal is dead, the second best thing to do is to clean it up or bury it, first best thing to do is to use it for something. Why ever not? People wear fur coats and articles of clothing made of the hide or skin of animals. Why is OP a freak for doing this? He's not the first.

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  • Faceless

    Yep, serial killer in the making. Or a hillbilly with internet access. Or both. Either or, this is not normal.

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  • Bone1999

    Freak! How could you! I mean a poor little dead animal! He/she deserves some respect!

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  • Wow.

    It sounds like a great hobby to me. It's not something I'd spend my spare time doing but the world is always in need of taxidermists.

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  • DefinitelyNotNormal89

    Two words;
    Ed Gein.

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