To not be able to drive in late 30s and have children

I don't myself, heavens no, but my mum told me that one of her work colleagues is in her late 30s and has 3 kids and no driver's licence. She says she failed the test 3 times as a teen and gave up.

How the hell does she manage that? I can understand that public transport is super-ample where I live, but surely a point would come in those 15+ years where she would think of trying again?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • "To not be able to drive and have 30 children"

    Damn my selective dyslexia.

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  • Aub

    I'm 18 and I feel bad for not having a drivers license. It's not that I don't know how to drive I just don't have a license but I definitely will before I'm in my 30s. We don't really have a public transport system where I live.

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  • devil-in-skirt

    :// u r weird where is the problem if she is stupid at driving and have kids ...

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  • RoseIsabella

    I think it's really weird. That lady sounds like my paternal grandmother except that my dad didn't haven't any brothers or sisters and this chick has three kids.

    Maybe this woman is kinda dumb or scared or something? My grandmother also never learned to swim which always freaked me out.

    In my opinion this kinda stuff is all sad really.

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  • VioletTrees

    Yeah, it's fine. There might be reasons she hasn't tried again that you don't know about.

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  • willyma

    For the older generation maybe not as normal. But with young peoples insurance, over-population, high traffic, oil prices i suspect that in the future allot less people will be driving

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