To not have any motivation on studying and doing homework?
I know it's a boring topic but I have always dreamed of going to a UC I get home and just can not get to do academic work. I can't make myself. Is it normal?
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I know it's a boring topic but I have always dreamed of going to a UC I get home and just can not get to do academic work. I can't make myself. Is it normal?
I feel ya. School is so damn tedious, even college I think, so I dropped out halfway thru and starting working--way happier now. It just isn't for everyone, but our society crushes us with this requisite to be a professional rolling in $$$s, and to go to college for decades on end. Uh, no thanks, I'd rather have a life!
I can do homework. But I can't study. It doesn't really mater because all my daily grades make up for the low test grades.
I am like this as well x3 I am a fast learner though, and I rarely need homework (except for in maths) I am a great tester, but horrible at doing my homework xD I also never study. It just bores me to no end :3
Should get paid for getting good grades then I would finally be bothered to revise. Ffs i got 2A*'s and 2A's rest C's in GCSE now first exam in college i got B in chemistry, and rest D's in Biology,physics and maths. fml! btw im from uk and 17
I can barely get through the day, and half the time i don't even do my homework.
It's just tedious "Practice" that i don't even need. I've never studied, and i always get at least a B on tests even in my worst class.
i always say to myself, "i will revise. i will get a better attitude to work" but i dont. i think im one of the naturally lazy people
it is all about getting into a good routine that includes studying and HW!! I am a graduate who felt like I had so many things to juggle all at once like I was frozen and could not do any of it then I try anyway and now I am super glad I went through with it! I considered learning a trade as an alternative to college. I am not sure if one is better than the other. I would do something either way.
I do all my homework. But I f*ck up on most test. Because mentally and physically I CANNOT study.