To possibly believe in god, but not the human interpretation?

I'm not a religious person, but I'm not Athiest either. I think it's very possible that a Divine Being may exist, but I just don't believe in the human interpretation of god. The Bible was not written by god, it was written by man and during that time our understanding of things in general was still primitive and so many times things we're exaggerated.

What about you guys?

I'm the same way too 70
I believe in god 28
I don't believe in god at all 34
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Comments ( 32 )
  • taciturn

    Makes sense. I'm not religious, but I always appreciate it when someone has a more rational, contemporary idea on god and the universe.

    It always surprises me how many people here are staunchly atheist, though. Wonder why that is.

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    • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

      Atheism by definition is the rejection of belief in any type of God, because there is no evidence to suggest one exists.

      Narrow-minded atheists may say "there is definitely no God", which is stupid - because they don't know for sure.

      Open-minded atheists like I say "I have no reason to believe in God but it is possible one exists".

      Also you see now how the term 'agnostic' is rendered useless when used on its own. 'Atheist' or ' agnostic atheist' if you will, makes a lot more sense.

      Just thought I'd mention that.

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      • taciturn

        That's kind of an unnecessary distinction to me (I'm also not entirely sure why you made it). Atheism is the claim that no god exists, agnosticism is the claim that such a thing is unknowable. An agnostic atheist, which I am, is someone who doesn't fully subscribe to any religion or rejection thereof, but tends to lean towards atheism. Agnosticism isn't a useless term because it's different from both.

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        • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

          No. Like I said, atheism by definition is the rejection of BELIEF in any God, only a narrow version of atheism claims "there definitely is no God".

          I don't think 'agnostic' is a useless term when used together with 'atheist', but alone it serves little or no purpose.

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          • taciturn

            But that's like saying the term "table" is useless, because technically any table could be called a chair. Or a counter, or a desk, or a dancefloor for that matter. That doesn't invalidate the use of the term. Different things come to mind when someone uses the term "atheist" or "agnostic".

            I get what you're saying, but you're making an unnecessary semantic distinction - when people describe themselves as atheist, you know they mean they "don't believe in god". Are you telling me you'd reply "but you don't NOT believe in a god!" No, everyone uses this term to refer to a rejection of deities.

            I'm not entirely sure why you're trying to make a distinction or why you made it in response to my comment specifically. :/
            Especially since the people I'm referring to are the people who enter every religious story or poll and chime in with "GOD ISN'T REAL" and run away.

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            • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

              I just mean a lot of those who say they're agnostic should just do away with it and admit their atheism...

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  • disthing

    I'm agnostic, so I follow rationality and logic, and as such it wouldn't make sense to say something doesn't exist, if there is no proof for or against it. It's an impossible question to answer, so I don't waste my time trying.

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  • bananaface

    The label which suits me is atheist, although I couldn't care less. I hope there is a god, mainly because the thought of dying terrifies me, I want to be immortal. But it's very hard to believe in something like that, when everything in my mind is telling me I'm deluding myself. Siiiiiiiigh.

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    • Avant-Garde

      I want to be immortal too. The thought of dying scares me, but it must be excepted, because death is inevitable... and unfortunately humans (mortals) have a somewhat short life expectancy...

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      • bananaface

        I know, sometimes I really wish I could believe in religion.

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        • Avant-Garde

          It's understandable, the closest I could get with religion was a cross between Buddhism/Atheist...

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          • bananaface

            Buddhism interests me a lot, well what I've read about it. I plan on reading more about it, it seems like a lovely thing to believe in:)

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            • Avant-Garde

              It's great... and very peaceful. I honestly haven't read allot on it, but I have a pretty good concept of it compared to some other religions. The only thing I don't really agree with is not smoking or drinking. I figure that since I'm part Buddhist, that I could still have the occasional smoke and drink:)

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  • randomguy111

    This is theism I think. That is what I believe anyway - that there is a god but not what other people think of it and I don't believe in worshipping the god. He put us here to live not to spend all day worshipping god.

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    • disthing

      Theism is a broad term, it includes monotheism and polytheism, so whether you follow an organised religion or hold a unique personal belief in a deity, you're a theist.

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    • VulpesFidelis

      I think you mean Deism... that's sort of that detached view of God. The American Founding Fathers often had such a view.

      Theism, on the other hand, is simply believing in a god or gods, regardless of how they believe, or how (or if) they practice any sacred rituals.

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  • I've been considering this lately.

    I think god may be atoms.

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    • purplegirl22

      So god created Adam out of atoms?

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      • you know how they say god is everywhere and in everything? what else is? Atoms.

        Atoms weren't conceived 3 thousand years ago. Maybe atoms should be called god.

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        • purplegirl22

          Logical but still I have to believe something greater is out there. So here is a link on atheists I just thought you might like it, a little atheist humor:

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    • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

      Atoms are atoms. Why call them God?

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      • you know how they say god is everywhere and in everything? what else is? Atoms.

        Atoms weren't conceived 3 thousand years ago. Maybe atoms should be called god.

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        • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

          Meh, no need. :P

          Atoms is fine. Sounds cooler too.

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      • dalmationUntoyourSoul

        why call them atoms?

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        • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

          Because that is a name we have chosen to give them. It is a completely random word that isn't used for anything other than for describing that stuff which we are all made of (atoms).

          Calling atoms God implies that atoms have some sort of mystical power.

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          • I can relate this to a thought I had today. If somebody we're to travel back in time during the period the Bible was made, or even hundreds of years later and bring a piece of technology back with them, I can bet that almost everybody would see that piece of technology as the work of someone of a higher power.

            It's not that people we're naive back then, it's just that our understanding of things in general wasn't well-developed and many things that couldn't be explained would usually be labeled as " Mystical ", " Divine ", " Godlike ", and etc.

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            • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

              I agree. There are many mysterious things out there, and they are beautiful, but let us not pretend they are something which they are not, just for our own convenience.

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  • Godschild

    I beleive in God because I see him everyday in the streets

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  • Corleone

    You can believe in whatever you want. You have as much chance to be wrong as the other religions do.
    Even when someone isn't believed by a majority of people, it still doesn't mean it isn't true. :)

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  • zchristian

    Most of the bible makes god seem like a evil kind of person/being so i dont really belive most of it even though i actually am Christian also scientists have said that it is possible that a sort of divine being exsist so why not belive in some sort of god...

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    • Avant-Garde

      God is mean and scary in the "bible". He kills people that don't believe in him, seems to hate women, hates the gays, the lists goes on.

      Who wants to believe in someone who's mean? Benevolence is best:)

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  • Avant-Garde

    I'm a curious thing.

    I have atheistic leanings, but I'm also a buddhist. All this even though I had a near-death experience and met whole I thought was god....

    I don't believe in the "christian god", but I do believe in other deities.

    There was a special on History Channel about the origin of the deities and that they came from outer space. The curious advancements of the Egyptians and so on. If that is the case, the only "human" god people would believe in is "christian god" and all the other deities we believe in are of "alien" origins.

    So, what you described is true.

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