To the people that have had covid; what were your symptoms?

Im worried i have covid and wanted to ask what your guys symptoms were. Im getting tested on thursday. Thanks for your help!

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Comments ( 27 )
  • PurpleHoneycomb

    I went from biking 10 miles every day to hardly being able to get onto my bike for more than a minute. The fever wasn't terrible, but every breath was a struggle. I was congested, struggled to breath, and had no stamina.

    It drained me of my energy for a little over a month. I never lost my sense of taste or smell. I am, however, seen to be a "long haul" patient. My lungs aren't at all what they used to be and I still can't make it the 10 miles I was able to get last year.

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    • Thanks for sharing! Im sorry to hear that.

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  • pasta_father

    fuck u

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  • Ummitsstillme

    I lost my sense of taste and smell for 3 months

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i got sick as fuck mid february 2020 a week and a half after i flew in from gibraltar

    i dont know if it was covid cause it was prior to covid runnin rampant in the states and there werent available tests like now

    it was akin to havin flu for a couple weeks and i coughed so much my chest muscles hurt

    all in my head & chest no gut issues except that i didnt eat mucha anythin for days which is outta character cause im a bottomless food dumpster normally

    i got stoned on nyquill once i dragged my ass down to the drugstore but that took a tona effort

    never lost taste or smell though

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    • Thanks for sharing! :)

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  • BlobCow123

    This isn’t really something you post on a website, if you think you are sick, get tested or talk to your doctor. I’ve been tested, and it’s not all what it’s worked up to be. The test is pretty mundane, just burns a bit.

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    • Ive been tested about 5 times and have an appointment for tomorrow. I was just curious to hear a variety of peoples symptoms to see if i could relate.
      Thank you!

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  • Dream_Killer

    Mine started off slow. I thought it was my allergies kicking in. I had drippage down the back of my throat and every now and then I'd get a tickle. Typical for allergies. It went on for 4 days and the tickle got stronger to the point where I had to coughe every now and again. I could suppress the cough but the urge to cough got worse. I eventually got like a scratchy throat and after 3 days it didnt go away and the urge to cough got stronger. I decided then I should stop going to work because I legit thought I had a cold or something. The same day I realized something was wrong I walked back home and felt heaviness in my chest. Like an odd pressure. At that point I knew I couldnt go to work until I got tested. Called in got tested. Came back negative but I still had heaviness in my chest and slight pain. After that I was a high fever for 4 days straight.Then Nausouness and apparently covid gave me pneumonia. So I couldnt breath for 6 days. Turning over in bed had me panting like a dog. Simply sitting up I felt like I was gonna pass out. The not being able to breath and the fever was definitly the worst.

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    • That sounds terrible im so sorry to hear that. Thank you for your help!!

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  • hidden.hands

    My co worker lost her taste and smell and she had headaches

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    • Thanks for sharing!

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  • Meowypowers

    Zero symptoms

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  • olderdude-xx

    I felt like a bad case of the flu where you could not function and had to stay home. I never lost taste or smell... but it went on for about 2 months and left me extremely week and with no stamina. It took another month just to build my strength and stamina up.

    That was the short term effects.

    Long term it really messed up my immune system and I became allergic to virtually all the foods and oral medications I was taking. I also seem to quickly develop allergies to new things as well.

    I've known for decades that I'm one of the about 1% of people who have extreme exhaustion and mental confusion as a side effect of allergies. So, its not uncommon for me to be largely unable to work much at all, or do much of anything, when I have allergy issues.

    I'm getting to the point that I'm considering going to an Allergist and asking if there are any drugs that suppress my immune system to the kind of allergies I have to stop the allergy reactions (of course enough prednisone, which I have on hand for emergency use, will turn off my immune system - but is a dangerous drug to use at that level longer than about a week - and ideally should only be used for a few days).

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    • Thanks for sharing!

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  • sweetone89

    I think I had COVID over a year ago in March, 2020. In February 2020 I visited my mom in a nursing home all the time. Eventually they had over 50 cases and 7 deaths.

    But my symptoms when sick- I had a mild fever, sore throat, hoarsness, a badly runny nose, thick snot, I had problems breathing a little because of the I mucus, I think. It took over a month for me to get better. But, and here's the day, I'd be sick as a dog, and the next, feel totally fine. I was sick it seemed on alternating days!! When I started getting congestion in my lungs, I immediately started taking the antibiotic Levaquin. It really helped.
    And I know I was contagious. I lived in a dormitory at that time (and everyone near me started getting sick and coughing). Whatever I had was very contagious, and back then, there was no test available.

    But just tovlet you know, I got a COIVD antibody test twice and both were negative, but I think those tests are so unreliable.

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    • Fair, thanks for your help!

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  • pasta_father

    i honestly dont even believe in that bullshit. U just go in with skmethi else & they say its corona

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  • litelander8

    None. ☺️☺️

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    • Oh really? :o so a full recovery?

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      • litelander8

        I can say, my then 3 year old, was sick for a month. And I won’t go into it, Bc it was terribly. But he was ill for a month until his body fixed itself.

        My sister and her daughter had the same Issues for a month too.

        The problem is that the “tests” tested for HIGH BLOOD CELL COUNT. That means, the body could’ve been tested for any illness and made the bill, Bc the body was trying to fight it. Not necessarily “COVID”

        My comment will probably get deleted. But best of luck.

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        • Thanks!! And im so sorry to hear that.

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        • pasta_father

          lol its not even real

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          • litelander8

            Oh it’s real. The facility in wuhan was openly working with it. Whether it was released on purpose or an accident, idk. But I think it’s strange that no one had the actual flu this year. LOL. I think it’s super crazy that people are so happy to line up for an experimental vaccine. There’s so many reports of terrible after effects. Did you know that peoples life insurance won’t cover them if they’ve gotten the shot Bc if experimental. That fact alone should keep people from getting. But nope.

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            • BlackPeople

              As a black man trying to make it in this world, I think it's rather obvious that the decrease in flu cases corresponds with everyone wearing masks and social distancing. Of course there were less cases. It just goes to show how well the measures we've taken work and how badly COVID-19 would have spread had we not taken them given how bad it still was.

              Also there are far too many misconceptions about the nature of the vaccine's development simply because it was developed more quickly than most vaccines. People fail to understand it passed all the standard tests for vaccines and that's what matters, not how long it required to get there. It was developed more quickly than most vaccines because obviously it was wrecking the world and received more effort than usual.

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