To the trucker from north dakota

Hey I can't remember your name but a couple years back we were talking about truck driving in north dakota. If I recall right you worked with my dad at one point and suggested a company to me should I ever get my cdl.

Well I've been driving finally and my comfort level has risen alot I work weekends and have 4 days to kill each week so I was thinking of going for it. and if your still around these parts I was wondering if you'd be interested in talking about this.


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Comments ( 7 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i backed up a logsplitter across a parkin lot that the homies were laughin about unttil i did it

    does that count?

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I know I told you many times about trucking in north dakota. but I never said I worked with your dad?????

    Ive probably recruited so many fuckin ppl on the internet to be truckers by now 😂

    From my understanding theres jobs out there that pay ridiculous wages in the trucking field in North Dakota. Like doctor level pay.

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    • LloydAsher

      Well you didnt inspire me. Yet here I am as a certified bulk driver.

      In a week I'll be driving thousands of gallons of god knows what types of liquids to places unknown. Returning hopefully between their expected range of 60-48 hour weekly home time and not the minimum 34 hours.

      I'm fucking terrified 😅

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        You'll be happier being alone on the road. If you get tired the discord voice chat app is a lifesaver. Theres a server called politics I sit in all eay at work

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        • LloydAsher

          I got a bunch of audio books lined up for me to chew through.

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    • Different person than you man lol. Yea there's alot if jobs for it. Im thinking in finally gonna pursue it. I think it'll be worth the investment

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Its worth it! Theres alot of good companies out there in that area. Just make sure you choose a good one that pays alot. Dont settle for a shitty company.

        Youtube "I wish I had known before trucking" and watch some of those videos. There's alot of clever tricks some of those smaller companies play on drivers. Like for example charging you out of your check for parts or not really paying you your starting bonus. It probably wont happen to you dont worry but doesnt hurt to know about it.

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