To what extent of child discipline is considered child abuse?

I'm in a psychology class and child discipline/abuse was one of our more recent subjects. It really raised a question, and I've spoken to a few friends of mine about it.

Some didn't view beatings as a problem at all as long as it didn't seriously injure the child. Others said that physical contact was outright abuse, as the action of humiliating your child is wrong.

There's also the more recent form of discipline, which is publicly shaming your child on social media. I haven't delved deep into the subject enough to really form an opinion, so I'd like to know what the INN community thinks. Cheers.

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Comments ( 93 )
  • JellyBeanBandit

    If you have to resort to harming your child, then it's because you don't know how to parent properly. Plus publicly humiliating your kids when there's a very good chance it could lead to them being bullied in school is just irresponsible and heartless.

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    • Ellenna

      Surely any form of humiliation, public or otherwise, is abusive

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      • nikkiclaire

        No it's not. I like to be humiliated sexually.

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        • Ellenna

          But that's consensual and therefore not abusive, big difference, ditto spanking if it's consensual between adults

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  • astroblackheart

    See this is really difficult because I want to major in psychology and one of the things I know they will teach you in child development is that hitting your child will never work. At least, not in the sense of what parents will think. Will it make them stop doing it? Perhaps. But will it be a constant reminder in their minds? Yes. Physical and verbal punishment are nearly the same- they will traumatize them. Because children learn to fear it. It's humiliating, and children haven't entered the developmental age where they can put themselves into other people's shoes. They WON'T understand why mom seems to hit them whenever he grows a bit too loud. They just know it's whats going to happen if they do. So yes, its a sure enough way to cause trauma. I mean, would you hit your dog the way some parents hit their children? Probably not, and it's something to think about

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    • Ummitsstillme

      It comes down to how to modify your childs behavior. We all agree it is necessary to correct a childs misbehavior, the means are what we argue about.

      My older brother caught the belt from my dad more than I did and my younger brother never did. It worked like a charm.

      My older brother went to MIT, has a PH.D and has a family and an amazing career. We grew up in the 80's-90's

      I caught the belt less, more so parent hands beating my ass. I have a graduate degree, I earn a great living but I am a bit of a mess.

      Our younger brother never got physically disciplened. He is 35, a drug adict confused about his sexuality. Constantly in and out of rehab. Never ending problems.

      Men need to be made into men. A bit of an ass beating will 100% get them right. As far as publicly shaming? No way. That isn't healthy for anyone.

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  • IrishPotato

    Anything with the intention of harming your child, wether it be a disciplinary action or not, is abuse.

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  • charli.m

    We were taught, when I did my classes about ten years ago now, that the legal definition in NSW of allowable physical discipline of a child to be anywhere below the shoulders that did not leave a "significant mark" for a "significant period of time". Which sounds fairly meaningless to me.

    I do not condone spanking. But of course I wouldn't report a parent who tapped their child on the butt for misbehaviour. I *would* suggest other methods of discipline. Particularly the ones where you head off trouble before it starts. Seems a lot of parents don't do that. Not saying you can see it coming every time, but a fair amount of attentiveness goes a long way.

    There are so many studies indicating the harm physical punishment causes. And everyone will now jump on that say, "My parents hit me and I turned out fine." Yeah. Right. Whatever. My mother and grandmother hit me, too. Do I consider it abuse? No. They never beat me severely. But I certainly didn't learn shit from it, other than they lost control of themselves. How is that a good lesson?

    I see physical discipline as laziness. It doesn't do shit for anything except erroding your relationship with your child, and putting them at risk of all the psychological and physiological shit they've found to be linked with it.

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    • nikkiclaire

      Why do you think it's your business how others raise their kids? Honestly do you think you're enlighten. Put everything between us aside. I'd like to know.

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    • nikkiclaire

      It's not your business to suggest anything unless they break the law. Then it's your duty to report it as a trained professional. Otherwise it's none of your business.

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      • charli.m

        Uh, yeah it is. As a trained professional, who looks after their children as a stand in parent for up to 12 hrs a day, and has a vested interest in child welfare.

        You claim to be a dog trainer. If one of your clients hit their dogs, would it be your business to give them advice on proper training technique?

        "Everything between us aside" my arse.

        Do I think I'm "enlighten"?, I do not think I'm enlightened. I think I'm educated and well read in the matter. It is literally a part of my job. I'm paid to have knowledge and an informed opinion on a lot of things. I'm sorry that offends you.

        I've been ignoring the vastly ignorant shite you've been spouting, I'll thank you not to shit it in my face.

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        • nikkiclaire

          I'm blocking you.

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  • BleedingPain

    Any parent who knows how to raise a kid shouldnt have to resort to physical contact or public shaming.

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  • SwickDinging

    I was smacked as a child.

    Now it's a huge turn on for me, my husband bends me over his knee and goes for it. Then we fuck like rabbits. It drives me wild. This is very common for children who were smacked.

    I am unable to disassociate the two things now. I can't smack my children because I don't want to play any part in their future kinks, they can figure those out on their own. Ugh. I feel sick just typing this.

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  • chuy

    No thing is abusive unless you leave welts bruises or permanent marks then that is abuse. Public shaming on social media I don't think so.

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    • Ellenna

      Oh really? You do realise sexual abuse, including rape, doesn't always leave any permanent physical marks? So that's OK then, is it? You are a moron

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      • chuy

        I never said abuse way ok, i said public shaming wan't abuse.

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    • charli.m

      Emotional abuse leaves a permanent mark. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there.

      Just because you can't see bruises, doesn't mean damage isn't done.

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      • chuy

        If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

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        • charli.m

          ...the fuck?

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          • chuy

            That's what my gandpa used to say to us when we did something wrong. If the child don't want to be publicly humiliated in public be it online or not then simple behave.

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        • Ellenna

          Meaningless comment

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  • leggs91200

    It is a good question. Probably no one knows for sure. What looks good on paper may not work in the real world.

    I believe this much though -
    Praise in public, reprimand in private. Kind of like at work. In other words, shaming your kids on social media is horse shit. When kids fuck up, it reflects worse on the parents than the kid, assuming the kid is under 18'ish.

    It is kind of sad that so many talks about kids revolve around discipline. what a dreary subject.

    One time though when my son was 11 or 12, we were at some buffet and got to talking about paddling in schools. My son and I have some morbid ass conversations. We thought it was hilarious to joke about what if a kid got paddled in front of the whole school. CPS would have been angered to the point they would have queefed menstrual chunks just hearing the conversation.

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    • sissycakes

      do you and your son say that last part. lol

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  • Apparently you can't lock the little shits in a closet anymore, an I think choking them out is banned... I think these days you can only cuddle them and rub there belly when that toy gets thrown through the new plasma tv after you already told them to cut it out. Yea ya gotta love the little barsteds to death, as they laugh at you cause you broke that wooden spoon on there ass an it doesn't hurt them, actually the angrier you get, the harder they laugh. oh but how they cry when the internet is gone an now there is no more FN youtube.

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  • sissycakes

    please stop saying people are liars about horrible sh... just ignorre it and move on or try to help in some way. basically i have literally wanted to die because of embarrassing things that have happened to me, so please no embarrassing sweet children.

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  • curious-bunny

    I'm not afraid to admit how i would raise a kid would be considered abusive by most, but im not ashamed to admit u would be a bad parent. I'm glad i cant ever have the little basterds. Hormones sterilized me. Don't even produce any swimmers

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  • BlindSpot

    Public shaming on social media? That should be a crime :-( I think the most scarring punishments are ones you get from your parents in public. I've never been repremanded by my parents in public, very conservative folk. If I went out of hand, they would give a slap or two. Threaten me with chillies in the mouth or threaten to take away some sort of thing I enjoyed. That said, I think people make a greater deal of corporal punishment than of emotional abuse. Personally, I think the damage and trauma emotional abuse can do lasts much longer than a momentary sting from being whacked by the belt. I also don't see the point to hitting a child. It doesn't teach the reasons why they shouldn't do something, just that they shouldn't do it. And sooner or later, when they are too old to be beaten, they will resume that behaviour because they never understood why it was wrong in the first place. It only builds resentment between parent and child. I do condone, however, that if the child is totally out of control, throwing a real tantrum and won't listen at all, a shake or smack to get their attention would be appropriate.

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  • nikkiclaire

    I didn't talk to you as it's not allowed and you know that. So never respond or comment on my life

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    • charli.m


      Do you want to try that again in coherent sentences?

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      • nikkiclaire

        No. I'm banned from engaging with you.

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  • nikkiclaire

    I don't have kids but here is how I raise Kelpies. Some respond to clicks. Some raise there paw and look to affection. Some play up.

    Soo i click. I look at them fierce. I scold verbally. 'Naughty'. Then I say I love u.

    I won't stop tho till they do what I ask. They have to do it. I'll push their hips I'll talk to them. I will have a cross voice. But they have to do it.

    Red dog is a dog for everyone

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  • brutus

    Children in india get beaten up daily in their homes and schools. Its the norm here.

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    • RoseIsabella

      That is fucked up!

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      • brutus

        Yeah, I was beaten up by a lot of my teachers in my childhood. Its one of the many reasons for my twisted personality.

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        • RoseIsabella

          That is sad, and messed up.

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  • TerriAngel

    I don't know.
    But, a swat on the rear as a toddler is one thing.
    Beatings, etc. Are something else.
    What troubles me is the nails on a chalkboard yelling and cursing I see from so many walmart moms.
    If you interact, work with, and pay attention to your kids.
    They behave just fine.
    On the occasions they dont.
    You take away access to the toys they like the best.
    That said, you have to provide something they care about.
    If not, they'll just do as they please.
    It's not easy trying to raise a child.
    There's no easy answers.

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    • leggs91200

      I do not believe taking away things they enjoy is a good idea.
      I never had to deal with that but it still taught me to not love anyone nor anything. If some asshole is wanting to strip us of things that are important, why put any value in it?

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      • TerriAngel

        Do have a better idea.
        I'd be lost as a parent.
        I readily admit that.
        My mom gave us freedom.
        Maybe to much.

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        • leggs91200

          It is not easy, that is for sure. The other problem with taking away stuff though is it just decreases their morale even more. some do not believe in spanking but I do. To me, taking away peoples' loved things is worse. I am not materialistic but we all have things we love and enjoy, things that get us through.

          And for you, you turned out ok. No I do not know you but you are not dead nor locked up so you have to be doing alright at least.

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          • TerriAngel

            You don't have a clue who I am.
            What I've been through.
            Or who I am today.
            You assume.
            I'd rather my mom had had an abortion then to have had the life I've had.
            I've learned to survive and make the best of it.
            But I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

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            • leggs91200

              You know, you are a pain in the ass most of the time.
              But I thought, "alright, say something nice and civil", and you STILL get offended.
              You are a drama queen. maybe you are a pimple on the ass of society, I do not know.

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  • raisinbran

    I like the shaming idea. Put up embarrassing baby pictures of them, post stupid things they did or said as a toddler.

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    • sissycakes

      that would not be so bad.

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      • sissycakes

        is it normal posted this comment at the exact wrong time. horrible. not the above comment, but the one where someone said to post baby pictures. i am not intend p shaving by my mom/

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    • BleedingPain

      I think the OP (or maybe I am) is refering to the videos on social media of moms shaving their girls hair off as a form of punnishment.

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      • That's actually exactly the type of video I was thinking of.

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        • charli.m

          100% abuse.

          Both the act and posting it.

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          • BleedingPain

            100% agree

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            • charli.m

              Glad there's some sane people left on this shitheap.

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      • CozmoWank

        Isn't that a sub-category of porn, mothers shaving their daughters pubes?

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  • nikkiclaire

    Only the parents of a given child know what's appropriate.

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    • CozmoWank

      Oh must let your child run amok or it could damage their delicate physical or mental makeup and cause them to think they aren't the center of the universe.

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      • charli.m

        People who do that are clearly idiots.

        You do not need to physically discipline your child to discipline them.

        I've worked with kids for 15 years, and never had the need to resort to physical discipline.

        The only children who misbehaved did it for their parents, not me. They knew that shit wouldn't fly.

        Please don't dismiss all people who are opposed to physical discipline as airy fairy morons who allow kids to get away with murder. Most of us aren't even remotely like that.

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        • CozmoWank

          I know people who say they don't need to physically discipline their kids but are completely oblivious as their little angels are terrorizing anyone around them in stores or restaurants or other peoples homes. The parents think the kid's behavior is just so cute & precious while everyone else is ready to drown the little hellspawn.

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          • charli.m

            Yes. That's a good example of someone who doesn't discipline their children at all, ie shitty parents.

            It's not at all an example of parents who discipline their children with methods other than physical.

            Many people on both sides of the argument don't seem to understand that "discipline" is not synonymous with "spanking". Spanking is one form of punishment, which is a method of discipline.

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      • Ellenna

        Nobody is saying children should be allowed to run amok, only that physical abuse isn't the way to deal with it. For one thing, it teaches a child that it's ok for a bigger person to hurt a smaller one.

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        • CozmoWank

          So you consider spanking to be abuse?

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      • nikkiclaire

        This has nothing to do with my response.

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        • CozmoWank

          I'm in agreement with your response. Some kids benefit from reasoning while others benefit from a good swat on the ass. The parents are the best ones to make decisions about what is appropriate.

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    • Ellenna

      Don't be ridiculous: some parents believe starving their children, threatening them with hell, locking them up for hours or days or weeks is appropriate. Some parents even believe sexual abuse is appropriate

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      • nikkiclaire

        And yeah also good job pointing out my father. Whose proper punishment for me was having me gang raped by his buddies.

        You're a peach 🍑

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        • And... Did you learn your lesson?

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          • nikkiclaire

            I did. I disowned my family, ran away, got into AA and bought a farm. Now stain, have you learned any lessons.

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            • I have learned over the years how to spot a compulsive liar and attention seeker.

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        • Ellenna

          I'm sorry if you felt my comment was directed at your personal circumstances and I understand why feeling that would've triggered you, but that definitely wasn't my intention.

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          • charli.m

            Don't be. Her fabrications have had layer upon layer added to her bs claims. Story never stays the same for long.

            I'm hesitant to accuse anyone of lying about such an awful thing...but this user has not stopped with the lies about several such serious topics. And the story gets more extravagant and "dramatic" each time.

            Not to mention, I was the one who mentioned its backstory claim, not you, but the idiot has gone and leveled a bizarre accusation at you as it tantrums.

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            • Ellenna

              Hmmm ..... I'm reluctant to disbelieve people with stories about abuse. Thanks for clarification about her response because I couldn't work out how it related to my comment.

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            • mauzi

              Good to know I'm not the only who noticed. It sucks that the only reason the user hasn't been banned is simply because they pay 5$ to the site owner every month. I'm waiting for the next fake suicide ploy because at least then they will go away, even if for only a couple days.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Holy fucking shit!😱

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          • mauzi

            Yeah, pretty sick what people with Munchausen's disorder will lie about for attention, isn't it?

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            • charli.m

              To my knowledge, people with Munchausen's lie about illnesses, not situations.

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          • nikkiclaire

            You didn't know that?

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