Too anxious to use chat

I feel like I really want to use the chat feature but I'm too anxious to, I have no problem personal messaging people or talking to people on comments but I went in chat before and joined halfway through a conversation and just left, but I'm also thinking what if I have nothing to say, I do but when I get a little anxious I don't.
Also I get a little paranoid that people ilike and talk to on is it normal will think im being snobbish by never going on chat. IIN?

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63% Normal
Based on 57 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • I'm seeing too much of this lately. It's not like we're going to pounce on newcomers. Hell, most of the time people on the chat don't chat in between times, so even if you have nothing to say, just stay in until something is said that you feel comfortable talking about.

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    • I'm not new, I'm pretty old

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  • Shackleford96

    Don't be silly, just drop on by. THEN you can act silly if you want. Just not too silly though...

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  • Didn't you already ask this?

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    • No been thinking about it for a while but never asked

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      • Oh, someone else asked the same thing a couple weeks ago.

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        • Haha that was me XD I still haven't worked up the courage to use it yet.

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          • I get that

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        • Oh my bad

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  • Aliceee93

    Just come on :)

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  • thegypsysailor

    As one who can't type with more than one finger, I've never been comfortable chatting. At times, like to purchase gear, airline tickets, or even customer service, I have to, but I always preface the conversation with "I don't type very fast, so be patient" but often I'm just too slow and (do those people have quotas?) and they dump me and I go back to email.I think it might be fun to chat, but I guess the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

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  • Yeah...I don't do chat.

    I popped in there a couple of times and watched the conversation scroll...and scroll...and scroll.

    I can't understand how anyone can figure out who's talking to whom. I'm just not into that much chaos :b

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